Ed Spacer

Jan 16, 2012
FarsNewsAgency -

I had enough of this shit.
this is a direct threat to the US.
senior top iranian commander says the answer to the quran burning,is for them,and their army to burn down the white house,and kill the us commanders.

Time to assassinate ahmedinijad and the ayatollah.
eliminate these threats.
Not only are they supporting the elimination of jewish existance,but ours,too.
FarsNewsAgency -

I had enough of this shit.
this is a direct threat to the US.
senior top iranian commander says the answer to the quran burning,is for them,and their army to burn down the white house,and kill the us commanders.

Time to assassinate ahmedinijad and the ayatollah.
eliminate these threats.

Head over and take care of the job, Colonel Matrix

Guess you dont care now our country is threatened by this rogue terrorist nation,huh?
krist have mercy. the OP is shitin his pants!

I leave this place for a week and the right wing chicken hawks get nutty, again!

I spent 2 years in Iraq, one in Afghanistan and am now on Ascension Island. Let me assure you. we are going to be just fine.

Syria has had a competent military for a while now, this is not news. And trying to pawn off the Iraq blunder on WMDs and Bush as if Syria is the big bad evil hoarder of said WMDs is laughable.

you right wing weirdos need to take a walk, take a deep breath and enjoy life more. take it from a Trident missile engineer, k.
we will always have threats, its a fact of life. Its also best to not let these sort of stories get the best of you.

Iran does not like us. Have you heard of the US Navy's 5th fleet in Yemen??? I would say Iran can do as they please, they also know the 5th fleet is ready to react on a moments notice. DO you know what sort of fire power the 5th fleet has?

calm down turbo.

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not quite. If we would have not blown our load in Iraq, I think you would have a much better case. But Republicans wanted blood. And they got it. Now were in a tougher position in world relations because of Bush cowboy polices.

Iran knows the score. if they feel the need to get froggy, let them, it wont last for long. Remember they have a more traditional Military, one that we could dismantle quickly.

relax man, go fishing or something bud.
krist have mercy. the OP is shitin his pants!

I leave this place for a week and the right wing chicken hawks get nutty, again!

I spent 2 years in Iraq, one in Afghanistan and am now on Ascension Island. Let me assure you. we are going to be just fine.

Syria has had a competent military for a while now, this is not news. And trying to pawn off the Iraq blunder on WMDs and Bush as if Syria is the big bad evil hoarder of said WMDs is laughable.

you right wing weirdos need to take a walk, take a deep breath and enjoy life more. take it from a Trident missile engineer, k.

That right wing weirdo you are referring too is named Hillary Clinton, and she works for another right wing weirdo, Barack Obama.

This week, the State Department sent a diplomatic demarche to Syria's neighbors Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia, warning them about the possibility of Syria's WMDs crossing their borders and offering U.S. government help in dealing with the problem, three Obama administration officials confirmed to The Cable. For concerned parties both inside and outside the U.S. government, the demarche signifies that the United States is increasingly developing plans to deal with the dangers of a post-Assad Syria -- while simultaneously highlighting the lack of planning for how to directly bring about Assad's downfall.

Syria is believed to have a substantial chemical weapons program, which includes mustard gas and sophisticated nerve agents, such as sarin gas, as well as biological weapons. Syria has also refused IAEA requests to make available facilities that were part of its nuclear weapons program and may still be in operation.

Exclusive: State Department quietly warning region on Syrian WMDs | The Cable
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How do you plan on paying for this war based on SHIT TALKING?

Man this country deserves to fall apart, we need some kind of mass exodus of the useless low lives that have no clue on how to run a country.

Could you imagine if we attacked ever country that talks smack about us? I don’t think China has enough money to subsidize that war for us.
All the while Santorum, Mitt and Newt and this dumb ass OP advocte bombing Iran... Maybe they should attack us because of you dumb fuckers eh? See how stupid you sound?
Its called elite teams and precise weapons tech....elimination without fullscale war...do you want the us attacked?
Newt and Santorum want a war or cold war with Cuba, maybe Cuba should attack the US because some dumb fucks can't keep their yaps shut.
Its called elite teams and precise weapons tech....elimination without fullscale war...do you want the us attacked?

You're silly fucking stupid, thanks foe not announcing how you will pay for it and what happens to you if any civilians die in Iran... I suspect you stand behind the American flag like the coward. The only people that will agree with you on this are of course big government Neocons that love hating Big Government liberals.
Guess you dont care now our country is threatened by this rogue terrorist nation,huh?
You have claimed before that you were in the Army before.

Now that they have abolished DADT there is a chance they wil let you reenlist. :lol: :cuckoo:
I love the OP thinks wars work out just like he would scribble it down on some piece of paper.

What happens if you attack Iran and someone that hates America gives them a nuke just to see what would happen?

This is of course possible but you lack the ability to think more than 5 seconds into the future due to the fact that you flapping trap carries no accountability.
krist! you right wingers turn a mole hill into a Mountain. Tell you what, im a systems engineer on the Trident missile, I sleep well at night. If you want to get all worked up over a Iranian military that's 1/100,000,000 of what the US is capable of, have fun with that.

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