Fascinating, beautiful, deadly - Polar Vortex

Polar, why a graph that stops at 2011?



Tripling down on the Karl Et AL garbage tonight...? Love the correlation by graph sizing... Fits you and your lies really well...

And this, folks, is the tragic result of homeschooling in America.....
Polar, why a graph that stops at 2011?



Tripling down on the Karl Et AL garbage tonight...? Love the correlation by graph sizing... Fits you and your lies really well...

And this, folks, is the tragic result of homeschooling in America.....
And you are the result of no schooling in public schools... You will eat anything thrown at you from the master... And swallow it whole without thinking..
Polar, why a graph that stops at 2011?



Tripling down on the Karl Et AL garbage tonight...? Love the correlation by graph sizing... Fits you and your lies really well...

And this, folks, is the tragic result of homeschooling in America.....
And you are the result of no schooling in public schools... You will eat anything thrown at you from the master... And swallow it whole without thinking..

It is true, I am afraid. They taught me bogus chemistry, bogus physics, bogus trigonometry, bogus science, etc. But, I have to ask you, which one of us would the climate change deniers hire? Would Exxon hire me, with a public school education, or someone who was homeschooled?
Polar, why a graph that stops at 2011?



Tripling down on the Karl Et AL garbage tonight...? Love the correlation by graph sizing... Fits you and your lies really well...

And this, folks, is the tragic result of homeschooling in America.....
And you are the result of no schooling in public schools... You will eat anything thrown at you from the master... And swallow it whole without thinking..

It is true, I am afraid. They taught me bogus chemistry, bogus physics, bogus trigonometry, bogus science, etc. But, I have to ask you, which one of us would the climate change deniers hire? Would Exxon hire me, with a public school education, or someone who was homeschooled?

Still waiting on those links s0n!!!:bye1:
Polar, why a graph that stops at 2011?



Tripling down on the Karl Et AL garbage tonight...? Love the correlation by graph sizing... Fits you and your lies really well...

And this, folks, is the tragic result of homeschooling in America.....
And you are the result of no schooling in public schools... You will eat anything thrown at you from the master... And swallow it whole without thinking..

It is true, I am afraid. They taught me bogus chemistry, bogus physics, bogus trigonometry, bogus science, etc. But, I have to ask you, which one of us would the climate change deniers hire? Would Exxon hire me, with a public school education, or someone who was homeschooled?

Still waiting on those links s0n!!!:bye1:

Now, Skook, I am doing you a favor, and you don't even appreciate it. Surely, you are tired of responding to all evidence to the contrary of your belief that nothing man does can possibly cause harm to the planet, with, "That has been debunked over and over again".

In the meantime, take a break, and start advocating that the government is hiding UFO's in Area 51. Same book, different chapter. Though, frankly, I do not understand why you folks have not pinned down the obvious fact that Al Gore killed JFK.
Tripling down on the Karl Et AL garbage tonight...? Love the correlation by graph sizing... Fits you and your lies really well...

And this, folks, is the tragic result of homeschooling in America.....
And you are the result of no schooling in public schools... You will eat anything thrown at you from the master... And swallow it whole without thinking..

It is true, I am afraid. They taught me bogus chemistry, bogus physics, bogus trigonometry, bogus science, etc. But, I have to ask you, which one of us would the climate change deniers hire? Would Exxon hire me, with a public school education, or someone who was homeschooled?

Still waiting on those links s0n!!!:bye1:

Now, Skook, I am doing you a favor, and you don't even appreciate it. Surely, you are tired of responding to all evidence to the contrary of your belief that nothing man does can possibly cause harm to the planet, with, "That has been debunked over and over again".

In the meantime, take a break, and start advocating that the government is hiding UFO's in Area 51. Same book, different chapter. Though, frankly, I do not understand why you folks have not pinned down the obvious fact that Al Gore killed JFK.

And not one scientific, empirically observed and repeatable experiment to prove any assertion you have made...
Gonna be 11 degrees for the big celebration tonight in NYC. Be interesting to see how that affects the turnout.
New prediction map was updated. Appears to be closer to 0.0 with wind 17-23 mph... feels like -20..

Get out the nut sack warmers..

Yipes, there'll be exposure issues but I'm pretty sure they'll be prepared. Gonna take more than nut sack warmers. :)
We, too, are having a cold spell. Yesterday's high where I live was 82 degrees. Today, it won't get above 77. If it keeps dropping, I may have to start wearing a thermal top when I play water volleyball in the pool.
Polar, why a graph that stops at 2011?



Tripling down on the Karl Et AL garbage tonight...? Love the correlation by graph sizing... Fits you and your lies really well...
Yeah, he asks the stupid question why I chose that graph. But he won`t ask why NASA made it to begin with.
Libtards feel free to pick one exception to what somebody else says and apply it as a rule/&or "established" fact to the whole thing. No matter what it is.
Unless it is a fact that does not fit their agenda. In that case no exception is allowable and if none can be found then it`s on to character assassination and smear campaigns.
There are enough of these AGW CO2/T garbage graphs that don`t match to fill a library but no matter which one you pick they will call it "cherry picking" as if there were only a few such "cherries" and not dump-truck loads of it. And there will be even more because these fact fakers keep "correcting" the temperature base line, lowering it in order to get an ever steeper ΔT for more recent data. But that kills the CO2/T correlation for the "corrected" base line. Unless they let all these graphs disappear where that happened there will be no shortage of cherries. Something that is off by a whooping factor of 2x is a pretty juicy cherry and they get really hostile if you confront them with one of these.
The other CO2 freak which posted that youtube cartoon was as freaked out by it just like the author of this garbage intended. A flat earth disc turns intensely red filling out the whole screen. No matter that the data it was based on did not match up with many of the other NASA graphs published for the same time period.
And that does not even touch on the fact that ALL of these graphs are deliberately misleading using a massive scale expansion for the Y-axis to the point where a "normal pre-warming" temperature would be so far up the Y-axis that you would have to scroll your screen all day to get to it.
All these graphs are not showing actual temperature but just the "anomalies" the reason being that you don`t have to show a zero Y base line but get to blow a fraction of a Y increment all out of proportion.
Polar, why a graph that stops at 2011?



Tripling down on the Karl Et AL garbage tonight...? Love the correlation by graph sizing... Fits you and your lies really well...
Yeah, he asks the stupid question why I chose that graph. But he won`t ask why NASA made it to begin with.
Libtards feel free to pick one exception to what somebody else says and apply it as a rule/&or "established" fact to the whole thing. No matter what it is.
Unless it is a fact that does not fit their agenda. In that case no exception is allowable and if none can be found then it`s on to character assassination and smear campaigns.
There are enough of these AGW CO2/T garbage graphs that don`t match to fill a library but no matter which one you pick they will call it "cherry picking" as if there were only a few such "cherries" and not dump-truck loads of it. And there will be even more because these fact fakers keep "correcting" the temperature base line, lowering it in order to get an ever steeper ΔT for more recent data. But that kills the CO2/T correlation for the "corrected" base line. Unless they let all these graphs disappear where that happened there will be no shortage of cherries. Something that is off by a whooping factor of 2x is a pretty juicy cherry and they get really hostile if you confront them with one of these.
The other CO2 freak which posted that youtube cartoon was as freaked out by it just like the author of this garbage intended. A flat earth disc turns intensely red filling out the whole screen. No matter that the data it was based on did not match up with many of the other NASA graphs published for the same time period.
And that does not even touch on the fact that ALL of these graphs are deliberately misleading using a massive scale expansion for the Y-axis to the point where a "normal pre-warming" temperature would be so far up the Y-axis that you would have to scroll your screen all day to get to it.
All these graphs are not showing actual temperature but just the "anomalies" the reason being that you don`t have to show a zero Y base line but get to blow a fraction of a Y increment all out of proportion.

It is all a massive secret conspiracy, PB, involving 159 nations, 97% of US scientists, Al Gore, the Illuminati, and the outer space aliens who abducted Elvis; but, thankfully, you, Trump, and about 6 other scientists who work for Shell, and Exxon figured it out!
It is all a massive secret conspiracy, PB, involving 159 nations, 97% of US scientists, Al Gore, the Illuminati, and the outer space aliens who abducted Elvis; but, thankfully, you, Trump, and about 6 other scientists who work for Shell, and Exxon figured it out!

But he gave us graphs and shit from James Inhofe, Marc Morano, and TeeVee Weathermen! :D
It is all a massive secret conspiracy, PB, involving 159 nations, 97% of US scientists, Al Gore, the Illuminati, and the outer space aliens who abducted Elvis; but, thankfully, you, Trump, and about 6 other scientists who work for Shell, and Exxon figured it out!

But he gave us graphs and shit from James Inhofe, Marc Morano, and TeeVee Weathermen! :D

Unless they have documents supporting their side by Willard Scott, I'm not on board....

It is all a massive secret conspiracy, PB, involving 159 nations, 97% of US scientists, Al Gore, the Illuminati, and the outer space aliens who abducted Elvis; but, thankfully, you, Trump, and about 6 other scientists who work for Shell, and Exxon figured it out!

But he gave us graphs and shit from James Inhofe, Marc Morano, and TeeVee Weathermen! :D

Unless they have documents supporting their side by Willard Scott, I'm not on board....

Would it suffice if Al Roker weighed in to the debate? :)
It is all a massive secret conspiracy, PB, involving 159 nations, 97% of US scientists, Al Gore, the Illuminati, and the outer space aliens who abducted Elvis; but, thankfully, you, Trump, and about 6 other scientists who work for Shell, and Exxon figured it out!

But he gave us graphs and shit from James Inhofe, Marc Morano, and TeeVee Weathermen! :D

Unless they have documents supporting their side by Willard Scott, I'm not on board....


It is all a massive secret conspiracy, PB, involving 159 nations, 97% of US scientists, Al Gore, the Illuminati, and the outer space aliens who abducted Elvis; but, thankfully, you, Trump, and about 6 other scientists who work for Shell, and Exxon figured it out!

But he gave us graphs and shit from James Inhofe, Marc Morano, and TeeVee Weathermen! :D

Unless they have documents supporting their side by Willard Scott, I'm not on board....

Would it suffice if Al Roker weighed in to the debate? :)


So you all wont believe it unless it comes from one of your bought and paid for political whores...??

Polar, why a graph that stops at 2011?



Tripling down on the Karl Et AL garbage tonight...? Love the correlation by graph sizing... Fits you and your lies really well...

And this, folks, is the tragic result of homeschooling in America.....
And you are the result of no schooling in public schools... You will eat anything thrown at you from the master... And swallow it whole without thinking..

It is true, I am afraid. They taught me bogus chemistry, bogus physics, bogus trigonometry, bogus science, etc. But, I have to ask you, which one of us would the climate change deniers hire? Would Exxon hire me, with a public school education, or someone who was homeschooled?
They taught you what?
If you had any clue about any science and math you would know which one of the 2 graphs is a realistic representation and which one is considered as misleading.

Since you opted for the 2nd one where the last bar appears to be 4 times the size of the first one even though it is only 1.05 times larger that speaks volumes about the "science education" you had.
Your Chemistry "education" does not go beyond baking soda & vinegar "science experiments".
And the rest of your "Science education" is in that ball park:

So it`s no wonder you seek refuge with the 97% "consensus" fabrication of the Cartoonist John Cook who also posed as a "scientist". Nah I don`t think you would be able to find a job as a scientist in the real world.
Polar, why a graph that stops at 2011?



Tripling down on the Karl Et AL garbage tonight...? Love the correlation by graph sizing... Fits you and your lies really well...

And this, folks, is the tragic result of homeschooling in America.....
And you are the result of no schooling in public schools... You will eat anything thrown at you from the master... And swallow it whole without thinking..

It is true, I am afraid. They taught me bogus chemistry, bogus physics, bogus trigonometry, bogus science, etc. But, I have to ask you, which one of us would the climate change deniers hire? Would Exxon hire me, with a public school education, or someone who was homeschooled?
They taught you what?
If you had any clue about any science and math you would know which one of the 2 graphs is a realistic representation and which one is considered as misleading.

Since you opted for the 2nd one where the last bar appears to be 4 times the size of the first one even though it is only 1.05 times larger that speaks volumes about the "science education" you had.
Your Chemistry "education" does not go beyond baking soda & vinegar "science experiments".
And the rest of your "Science education" is in that ball park:

So it`s no wonder you seek refuge with the 97% "consensus" fabrication of the Cartoonist John Cook who also posed as a "scientist". Nah I don`t think you would be able to find a job as a scientist in the real world.

You may be right about all this, but something is wrong with my tin foil hat, and all the messages I get from planet Zork have been garbled lately. I suspect that Al Gore is responsible.
Tripling down on the Karl Et AL garbage tonight...? Love the correlation by graph sizing... Fits you and your lies really well...

And this, folks, is the tragic result of homeschooling in America.....
And you are the result of no schooling in public schools... You will eat anything thrown at you from the master... And swallow it whole without thinking..

It is true, I am afraid. They taught me bogus chemistry, bogus physics, bogus trigonometry, bogus science, etc. But, I have to ask you, which one of us would the climate change deniers hire? Would Exxon hire me, with a public school education, or someone who was homeschooled?
They taught you what?
If you had any clue about any science and math you would know which one of the 2 graphs is a realistic representation and which one is considered as misleading.

Since you opted for the 2nd one where the last bar appears to be 4 times the size of the first one even though it is only 1.05 times larger that speaks volumes about the "science education" you had.
Your Chemistry "education" does not go beyond baking soda & vinegar "science experiments".
And the rest of your "Science education" is in that ball park:

So it`s no wonder you seek refuge with the 97% "consensus" fabrication of the Cartoonist John Cook who also posed as a "scientist". Nah I don`t think you would be able to find a job as a scientist in the real world.

You may be right about all this, but something is wrong with my tin foil hat, and all the messages I get from planet Zork have been garbled lately. I suspect that Al Gore is responsible.
Yes it`s obvious. But Al Gore is not smart enough to make the tin foil hat which filters what gets into your brain.
There is a technical term for that tin foil. It`s cleverly called "LSO`s" (Locally Shared Objects).
Clever choice of name, because they are not confined locally to your PC but every web site you visit can read them using SQL (Searchable Query Language)....and know with pretty good accuracy what you fancy.
That is why when people who visit cooky web sites Google something, Google serves them the kind of stuff that pleased them in the past.....which Google can see from your LSO`s how long and how often you were on which web site and what you clicked on/were looking at on these web sites.
That is why you would find only messages from planet Zork, misleading graphs when you are Googling for AGW data and nothing but fake news if you surf the political web pages.
Hahaha and all the while you thought one of these cleaning programs that clears cookies and browser history conceals what you have been doing on-line...
Clinton`s crooks knew that that`s why they told her to smash her smart phones/SIM cards and other storage devices with a hammer.

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