Fascinating, beautiful, deadly - Polar Vortex

It is going to be 80 degrees, here South of Tucson, Thursday, 12/28/17. Does that make global warming real, or are you just parroting AM radio again?

lol...........so..............what? Like 439 people out of 320 million are NOT freezing their balls off today!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. What is it about these people that doesn't enable them to think on the margin?

You will have to forgive me. It is not easy for me to reach your level of comprehension. It is kind of like teaching a quantum physics lecture to the Flat Earth Society.

lol......but the "flat earthers" are winning s0n!!! Show us where the "science" is mattering in the real world? Where is the "science" impacting public policy?

Oh.....and since my level of comprehension sucks, I'll need some links please!!!:spinner:

I suggest that you start off by looking up the definitions of "climate", and "weather", and learn the difference between the two words.

Keep taking bows s0n!!!

Shortly after Donald Trump told the world that the US would withdrawfrom the Paris Climate Agreement, American cities and states vowed they would abide by the international compact anyway. At least 61 mayors followed through on a previous pledge to ignore Trump's decision and released a statement vowing to uphold the Paris accords. Meanwhile, the governors of California, New York and Washington announced they would form the "United States Climate Alliance" to do the same as a multi-state coalition.

61 US cities and three states vow to uphold Paris climate agreement

In other words, fuck the fat senile old asshole.
As 388 US Mayors representing 68 million Americans, we will adopt, honor, and uphold the commitments to the goals enshrined in the Paris Agreement. We will intensify efforts to meet each of our cities’ current climate goals, push for new action to meet the 1.5 degrees Celsius target, and work together to create a 21st century clean energy economy.

We will continue to lead. We are increasing investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency. We will buy and create more demand for electric cars and trucks. We will increase our efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions, create a clean energy economy, and stand for environmental justice. And if the President wants to break the promises made to our allies enshrined in the historic Paris Agreement, we’ll build and strengthen relationships around the world to protect the planet from devastating climate risks.

388 #ClimateMayors adopt, honor and uphold #ParisAgreement goals

Want to bet that a few of those cities have sane Republican mayors. The sane in the GOP need to restore it to the party of Eisenhower, rather than that of Bannon and Trump.
President Donald Trump took the United States out of the Paris climate accordyesterday, to nearly unanimous condemnation from the US business community, policy experts, and academics. Executives from energy and industrial companies like Exxon Mobil, ConocoPhillips, and Dow Chemical and high-tech companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Intel, and Apple all blasted the move. Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who also backs SpaceX and Hyperloop, withdrew from the president’s business advisory council after hearing the news.

To be fair, opposition to the move was not universal. The Wall Street Journal editorial page wrote, “The reality is that withdrawing is in America’s economic interest and won’t matter much to the climate.” And the conservative Heritage Foundation backed Trump’s move, with energy and environment expert Nick Loris saying, “Paris was the open door for egregious regulation, cronyism, and government spending that would have been as disastrous for the American economy as it is proving to be for those in Europe.”

In his remarks announcing the withdrawal, the president cited a much-debunked study from National Economic Research Associates that the Paris agreement could cost the US 2.7 million jobs by 2025.

Trump Climate Move Undermines US Industry, Exporters, Leadership | Global Trade Magazine

The fat old clown once again lying through his teeth, and too fucking stupid to even realize it. Deep into senility, time for the 25th.
Some day maybe someday..........I will finally get through to people. Its all about politics my friends........not the science.........always has been. Always will be. Might suck but that's the way it is.........governments know that if they stick their voters with enormous electric bills, their ass is out!! Politics............:bye1:
President Donald Trump took the United States out of the Paris climate accordyesterday, to nearly unanimous condemnation from the US business community, policy experts, and academics. Executives from energy and industrial companies like Exxon Mobil, ConocoPhillips, and Dow Chemical and high-tech companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Intel, and Apple all blasted the move. Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who also backs SpaceX and Hyperloop, withdrew from the president’s business advisory council after hearing the news.

To be fair, opposition to the move was not universal. The Wall Street Journal editorial page wrote, “The reality is that withdrawing is in America’s economic interest and won’t matter much to the climate.” And the conservative Heritage Foundation backed Trump’s move, with energy and environment expert Nick Loris saying, “Paris was the open door for egregious regulation, cronyism, and government spending that would have been as disastrous for the American economy as it is proving to be for those in Europe.”

In his remarks announcing the withdrawal, the president cited a much-debunked study from National Economic Research Associates that the Paris agreement could cost the US 2.7 million jobs by 2025.

Trump Climate Move Undermines US Industry, Exporters, Leadership | Global Trade Magazine

The fat old clown once again lying through his teeth, and too fucking stupid to even realize it. Deep into senility, time for the 25th.
Is your butt getting chapped from all the taking it in the ass? Trump told the truth and outed you and your lying pieces of shit political whores... AWESOME! about damn time!
Great news out of Texas: Georgetown is about to become the first city in the state to be powered 100 percent by renewable energy:
The city’s electrical utility is planning to announce Wednesday that it is signing a deal with solar developer SunEdison for 150 megawatts of solar power beginning in 2016.

Combined with a 2014 deal with wind developer EDF, the city of 54,000 north of Austin says it now has enough renewable power under contract to cover its customers’ entire electricity needs.

This trend of cities committing to 100 percent renewable power is incredibly encouraging, especially in the South:
On its website, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lists 12 municipalities that have made commitments to 100 percent renewable power. Some, like Burlington, Vt., have already achieved the goal. Others have a longer-term view. San Diego is not planning on reaching 100 percent until 2035.
“We have not found another municipal utility in the state or in the South doing this,” Georgetown spokesman Keith Hutchinson said.

And guess what? It's not only better for the environment, it's cheaper:
In Georgetown, the cost of 1,000 kilowatt hours of electricity runs $114 a month. That is $5 less than the average Texas customer pays, according to federal data.Let's hope more cities across the nation follow in the footsteps of Georgetown and Burlington, Vermont.

This Texas city is going 100 percent renewable energy

Saving money by going to clean energy. LOL Who'da thunk it. LOL And that is why the cities, counties, and states can tell the fat slob in the White House to kiss their ass. They will do it their own way.
You will have to forgive me. It is not easy for me to reach your level of comprehension. It is kind of like teaching a quantum physics lecture to the Flat Earth Society.

lol......but the "flat earthers" are winning s0n!!! Show us where the "science" is mattering in the real world? Where is the "science" impacting public policy?

Oh.....and since my level of comprehension sucks, I'll need some links please!!!:spinner:

I suggest that you start off by looking up the definitions of "climate", and "weather", and learn the difference between the two words.
Why would anyone bother to do that any longer? We all know by now that hot weather is defined as "climate change" by chicken little and colder than normal is just the weather.....And are supposed to be magnanimous about the epic failures of all these idiotic climate change computer models that the chicken little "scientists" keep revising because the f-ing weather has not been cooperating for over 2 decades with the "climate" models. And Skooks, btw it`s the climate nutters who are the flat earthers. They convert each and every temperature reading to a sea level equivalent as if the earth was indeed flat just so they get to a higher temperature than the station reported.

Pb, I am sure that 195 nations who signed the climate accord in Paris, and 97% of US scientists, are wrong, and you and and Trump are right, because he has the "best words and the biggest brain". He proves it every time he opens his mouth!

Trump Has The World Asking What is Uranium?
Damn, that fat old fuck is stupid!
Damn you fucking idiots are stupid... eating up those lies and taking it in the ass...
Great news out of Texas: Georgetown is about to become the first city in the state to be powered 100 percent by renewable energy:
The city’s electrical utility is planning to announce Wednesday that it is signing a deal with solar developer SunEdison for 150 megawatts of solar power beginning in 2016.

Combined with a 2014 deal with wind developer EDF, the city of 54,000 north of Austin says it now has enough renewable power under contract to cover its customers’ entire electricity needs.

This trend of cities committing to 100 percent renewable power is incredibly encouraging, especially in the South:
On its website, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lists 12 municipalities that have made commitments to 100 percent renewable power. Some, like Burlington, Vt., have already achieved the goal. Others have a longer-term view. San Diego is not planning on reaching 100 percent until 2035.
“We have not found another municipal utility in the state or in the South doing this,” Georgetown spokesman Keith Hutchinson said.

And guess what? It's not only better for the environment, it's cheaper:
In Georgetown, the cost of 1,000 kilowatt hours of electricity runs $114 a month. That is $5 less than the average Texas customer pays, according to federal data.Let's hope more cities across the nation follow in the footsteps of Georgetown and Burlington, Vermont.

This Texas city is going 100 percent renewable energy

Saving money by going to clean energy. LOL Who'da thunk it. LOL And that is why the cities, counties, and states can tell the fat slob in the White House to kiss their ass. They will do it their own way.
More bull shit...

Why do you fail to mention that they are hooked up to the Coal Fired Grid to take the load when their unreliable pieces of crap fail to produce? Their own internal documents show they are only 100% on renewables for 20 min a day....LOLOLOLOLOLOLO and 100% coal fired at night... Lying political whore!

Amazing how libtards keep using the same crap which has been debunked over and over again. But that`s all they got...the "97% consensus" an Australian cartoonist who was caught using the identity of a well known physicist (who then sued him) in GW discussion forums and exaggerated graphics where no 2 graphs of the same time period match with any reasonable degree of accuracy.

Like your youtube garbage which show anomalies of over 1 deg C for 2011 and after, while other NASA graphs have it at only 0.5 deg C :

Which very likely has also been exaggerated while the uncertainty has been and is continued to be downplayed.
The youtube cartoon uses 1951-1980 as a baseline. Funny thing is that CO2 has been increasing during that time while temperature remained flat. So where is the correlation between CO2 and T ?
Ooops it`s gone. That`s the problem with lies and faked data. They only work with an audience that is shall we say a bit mentally challenged and needs fake "scientists" who group-think like the ones exposed in the CRU emails to "interpret" reality which stubbornly resists to conform with what they have been preaching.
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Amazing how libtards keep using the same crap which has been debunked over and over again. But that`s all they got...the "97% consensus" an Australian cartoonist who was caught using the identity of a well known physicist (who then sued him) in GW discussion forums and exaggerated graphics where no 2 graphs of the same time period match with any reasonable degree of accuracy.

Like your youtube garbage which show anomalies of over 1 deg C for 2011 and after, while other NASA graphs have it at only 0.5 deg C :

Which very likely has also been exaggerated while the uncertainty has been and is continued to be downplayed.
The youtube cartoon uses 1951-1980 as a baseline. Funny thing is that CO2 has been increasing during that time while temperature remained flat. So where is the correlation between CO2 and T ?
Ooops it`s gone. That`s the problem with lies and faked data. They only work with an audience that is shall we say a bit mentally challenged and needs fake "scientists" who group-think like the ones exposed in the CRU emails to "interpret" reality which stubbornly resists to conform with what they have been preaching.

PB, I have a connection who will provide me special magnetic bracelets with copper lining that are absolutely guaranteed to stop arthritic pain, cure psoriasis, dandruff, and ward off evil spirits. They are the real thing, and have been advertised in Breitbart. The regular price is $499, but for a limited time, I can get you one for $49.99, plus shipping and handling. BUT WAIT! There's more! If you buy Trump's ghostwritten book, "The Art of the Deal", for only $29.99, you get a matching ankle bracelet guaranteed to cure impotence, varicose veins, and male pattern baldness. But, ORDER TODAY. Supplies are limited. Void where prohibited.

I was just talking to a couple of meteorologist in NYC and discussing the partial pressure drops were seeing along the coast line. The ridge looks like it may be breaking down and allowing a much colder air mass into the NYC area just in time for the Ball Drop.

Projections are showing -3 to 0 deg F for midnight, a full 10 deg drop from the original predictions. Then add wind chill and the potential looks like -25 to -30 deg F.

It appears the new year is going to come in with a new low record set.....

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