Zone1 Fascination with the Devil and Hell

We can see the sun come up. We can see the seasons change. You aren't told you have to beleve those things before you can recognize what they are.
A blind person cannot see those things but still believes. You don't have to see God to be aware of His presence with you.
And despite all the unanswered questions my experience is such that I cannot not believe that God exists any more than I cannot not believe that the sun rises in the morning or the seasons change pretty much on time every years.
You can actually get up early and watch the sun rise. No need to believe anything about it
You gave a poor example. Move on
Okay you tell a deaf person how Chopin sounds.
Explain the color red to a blind person.
Find the words to express what falling in love feels like to a person who never has.
Some things must be experienced to fully understand.
And that is true of a relationship with God.
And now I will move on.
The military base had both conditions. I'm wondering...what is your position on handwashing and using different clean, unused towels when someone has the flu. (Both qualify as the sanitary/unsanitary condition.)
I'm all for sanitary but, as I understand it, both flu and Covid are airborne and getting it other ways is rare.
Not really, I mean, I get your point, but you get flu because you take in the virus, you can get flu from being around one person, or merely touching the door handle of a door.
The door is rare methinks. You'd have to be in a confined space for a while to inhale enough virus from one person.
Here we go again with your nonsense.

To follow are the 10 commandments. I will interpret them to present day meaning in bold:

1 “You shall have no other gods before me".

(You have a choice. If you follow God, you choose to take his path. If you choose a different path, you are not following God's path)

“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

(Again, you have a choice.) You can follow false idols that will lead you and your family astray for generations or you can follow God's proven path to salvation for you, your family and thousands of generations that continue to follow his path.

3. “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

Don't use God's name (or religion) for financial gain, social gain, business gain, personal gain, etc.

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

Respect and give tribute to God, your family and yourself on your day off from work and respect feast days.

5. “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you."

Respect and honor your parents, family and respect and honor those that came before you throughout history and helped you become who you are now.

“You shall not murder."

Clear as day. Don't murder/kill each other.

. “You shall not commit adultery."

Don't cheat on your spouse.

“You shall not steal."

Clear as day: Don't steal from each other or anyone/anything.

“You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor."

Don't falsely accuse each other and don't lie to each other.

“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

Respect other people's property

Exactly what part of these commandments are "demonic" in your misguided opinion?
Funny thing about #2 Every Christian church has graven idols of their gods and saints that they pray to.
and actually #9 uses the term false witness which implies you don't give false testimony against another if it was actually to mean all lies then it's just an impossible standard because our entire society is based on little lies we all tell every day.

And do you really think someone else's wife is his property? That commandment is the very first codified instance of thought control I have ever found.
My family has a genealogical connection to the Salem Witch Trials, so I have been reading the newly released book, Killing the Witches. In any religion forum, ours included, there are threads about Satan, hell, devils, the anti-Christ, etc. In fact, atheists are even gung-ho on making God out to be evil.

What is wrong with us as a people? Spectators delighted in seeing people hanged, burned, pressed to death under stones. The good people back then who did protest or help the accused remind me of ourselves today: While bad things erupt all around us our efforts now come across as puny as those who lived through the witch trials then. God is good! So why the fascination and the power of evil?
Imagine the look on the murderers face when they die and their spirit suffers in hell? The great mystery is death. Surely evil is punished, right?
We can see the sun come up. We can see the seasons change. You aren't told you have to beleve those things before you can recognize what they are.
I have a nephew who is completely color blind, meaning he only sees black and white. Try to explain the color blue--or any color--to someone who has never seen any color. He is philosophical about it. Says he doesn't need to see color. The funny thing about this is he doesn't go around insisting no one else can see color, either.

Or perhaps what is funny is that people who cannot perceive or experience God insist no one else can either.
I have a nephew who is completely color blind, meaning he only sees black and white. Try to explain the color blue--or any color--to someone who has never seen any color. He is philosophical about it. Says he doesn't need to see color. The funny thing about this is he doesn't go around insisting no one else can see color, either.

Or perhaps what is funny is that people who cannot perceive or experience God insist no one else can either.
Who told you that? I often tell people that if their religion gives them comfort, they should hang on to it tightly. Just don't expect everyone to share the same beliefs, or try to force others to adapt their beliefs or laws to match yours.
Who told you that? I often tell people that if their religion gives them comfort, they should hang on to it tightly. Just don't expect everyone to share the same beliefs, or try to force others to adapt their beliefs or laws to match yours.
And don't take it personally when people disagree with your religion
Imagine the look on the murderers face when they die and their spirit suffers in hell? The great mystery is death. Surely evil is punished, right?
Because I find them both horrifying and depressing, I have read very few verified possession accounts. I find myself shuddering just thinking of them. Evil happened in Salem, but not possession. What is common about these possession stories is that each individual says that they had to concede to being possessed. Some had horrid visions of the hell the demons were attempting to drag them into.
I often tell people that if their religion gives them comfort, they should hang on to it tightly.
Quite patronizing of you. My nephew has never told us that if we find colors comforting we should hang onto them tightly. Dismissing reality as a "belief" doesn't quite make it unless one can also dismiss a sunrise or colors as a belief. A belief can be that a sunrise is nature's most beautiful event, meaning there are other beliefs possible. Sunrise is reality. God is reality. Some cannot see a sunrise. And some cannot see God. Those are not beliefs, those are realities. And blessings.
Quite patronizing of you. My nephew has never told us that if we find colors comforting we should hang onto them tightly. Dismissing reality as a "belief" doesn't quite make it unless one can also dismiss a sunrise or colors as a belief. A belief can be that a sunrise is nature's most beautiful event, meaning there are other beliefs possible. Sunrise is reality. God is reality. Some cannot see a sunrise. And some cannot see God. Those are not beliefs, those are realities. And blessings.
Color is a quantifyable scientific fact. Your nephew's inability to see them doesn't change that. That is reality.

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