Zone1 Does God Condemn Sorcery and Witchcraft Today?

OP was probably referring to, or at least including, today's so-called Christians partaking in and/or promoting Halloween.

It's directly tied to Satan.

Halloween is a CATHOLIC holiday. The night the dead are free to roam the earth - a stupid and pagan view.

Protestants don't subscribe to "All Saints Day." Catholics are 1/7th of the Christian population.

Growing up, virtually every Jew I knew participated in Christmas. It didn't mean they were practicing Christianity.
who's kidding who, sympathizer ...

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christians have persecuted and victimized the innocent in all ways and means imaginable - it's written for them in their dreadful c-bible.

No one was ever burned at the stake in Salem Massachusetts.

Bridget Bishop

{While she was not among the first to be accused, she was the first to be tried in that court, the first to be sentenced, and the first to die. She was executed by hanging on Gallows Hill on June 10.}

XXXXX-meister zone1 violation
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Not as far as G-d is concerned. His Word is unchanging and inviolable

the heavens are no where to be found in any of the desert religions that proclaim such nuances that have never existed ... their pronouncement is simply to triumph, good vs evil for their judgement and reward, life in the everlasting.

what christian priest, preacher or any desert ideologue is not a sorcerer and throughout history some of the worst kind imaginable.
I find it amazing that many who will correctly tell you that the PRACTICE of homosexuality, crossdressers (trans) and those who mutilate their own bodies will not find eternal life, some of these people believe sorcery and witchcraft is permitted among those who call themselves "children of God."

They look to other MEN and not the Word of God to JUSTIFY what's in their own deceived hearts.

In the Acts of the Apostles, when they went into Ephesus (a city well known to practice witchcraft) the people heard the apostles and gathered in town and BURNED their books.

God laments, "Oh that there were such a heart in them that they would fear Me, and keep My commandments

As used in the Bible, “sorcery” is a broad term that would include hallucinogenic and poisonous drugs—even abortifacients—witchcraft, voodoo, palm reading, tarot cards, Oija boards, astrology, fortune telling, horoscopes, séances, and the like. God has forever frowned on sorcery. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 specifically forbade anyone from practicing divination, telling fortunes, interpreting omens, and from being a sorcerer, charmer, medium, wizard or necromancer. In the New Testament, Ephesus was a city where witchcraft was prominent. When the gospel began to make inroads in people’s hearts, many former witches brought their magic books and burned them in what must have been a huge bonfire (Acts 19:18-19). Getting rid of what God condemned was the natural response of a people newly impressed with gospel truth. Contrary to popular thought, there is no such thing as a good witch (at least, not in the Bible). There is no distinction between magic that is white or black. All sorcery is portrayed as evil. Witchcraft trusts in a power other than God. Since it is opposed to Christianity, its true origin is with Satan (cf. John 8:44). Ultimately, to be involved with sorcery is to shake hands with the devil. According to the Bible, Christians are in a war against “world-rulers of this darkness,” and “the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). Some things are not to be toyed with, and witchcraft is surely among them. In fact, in the Bible’s closing verses, as though we needed one last reminder, God said it again—that those who will be left outside of heaven’s gate will include, along with murderers, liars and idol worshipers, the sorcerers (Revelation 22:15).
It really depends how you read the bible. Many such as myself see nothing wrong with the practice of White Magic in Christianity. Many even believe such as myself that Jesus was infact a mystic and used White Magic. I would describe myself as Gnostic Christian who believes the practice of magic doesn't conflict with my religious beliefs. In Judaism there is Kabbalah. I enjoy studying Kabbalah as well. In some sects of Islam some believe that White Magic or Natural Magic ie Protection Spells & Talismans/ Amulets is perfectly fine.
It really depends how you read the bible. Many such as myself see nothing wrong with the practice of White Magic in Christianity. Many even believe such as myself that Jesus was infact a mystic and used White Magic. I would describe myself as Gnostic Christian who believes the practice of magic doesn't conflict with my religious beliefs. In Judaism there is Kabbalah. I enjoy studying Kabbalah as well. In some sects of Islam some believe that White Magic or Natural Magic ie Protection Spells & Talismans/ Amulets is perfectly fine.

Agreed. The only difference between "miracles" and "magic" is who does it and the intent it is used for.

If Jesus had raised someone from the dead like He did with Lazarus during the time of the Puritans, they would have killed Him for witchcraft. Same thing with turning water into wine or walking on water.
I find it amazing that many who will correctly tell you that the PRACTICE of homosexuality, crossdressers (trans) and those who mutilate their own bodies will not find eternal life, some of these people believe sorcery and witchcraft is permitted among those who call themselves "children of God."

They look to other MEN and not the Word of God to JUSTIFY what's in their own deceived hearts.

In the Acts of the Apostles, when they went into Ephesus (a city well known to practice witchcraft) the people heard the apostles and gathered in town and BURNED their books.

God laments, "Oh that there were such a heart in them that they would fear Me, and keep My commandments

As used in the Bible, “sorcery” is a broad term that would include hallucinogenic and poisonous drugs—even abortifacients—witchcraft, voodoo, palm reading, tarot cards, Oija boards, astrology, fortune telling, horoscopes, séances, and the like. God has forever frowned on sorcery. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 specifically forbade anyone from practicing divination, telling fortunes, interpreting omens, and from being a sorcerer, charmer, medium, wizard or necromancer. In the New Testament, Ephesus was a city where witchcraft was prominent. When the gospel began to make inroads in people’s hearts, many former witches brought their magic books and burned them in what must have been a huge bonfire (Acts 19:18-19). Getting rid of what God condemned was the natural response of a people newly impressed with gospel truth. Contrary to popular thought, there is no such thing as a good witch (at least, not in the Bible). There is no distinction between magic that is white or black. All sorcery is portrayed as evil. Witchcraft trusts in a power other than God. Since it is opposed to Christianity, its true origin is with Satan (cf. John 8:44). Ultimately, to be involved with sorcery is to shake hands with the devil. According to the Bible, Christians are in a war against “world-rulers of this darkness,” and “the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). Some things are not to be toyed with, and witchcraft is surely among them. In fact, in the Bible’s closing verses, as though we needed one last reminder, God said it again—that those who will be left outside of heaven’s gate will include, along with murderers, liars and idol worshipers, the sorcerers (Revelation 22:15).
I messed with an Ouija board once. Never again. It was freaky.

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