Fascism in Action: Here is the Tech Giant Purge List of Prominent Conservative Websites

"Clearly the 1st Amendment is ignored by these companies. Is it time for an Internet Bill of Rights? Those who say it isn't needed have yet to offer a viable alternative."
What relevance does the 1st Amendment have to private companies choosing which clients may use their services?
Conservatives: “Grrrrrrr why won't these companies let me use their services to spread lies about them and to attack their business!!! :mad:

Facebook Threatens Satirical Site After Article Failed Snopes Fact-Check
Haha got me! So good! :itsok:
No shock you lefties support fascism.
Lol I can’t believe you typed that in a thread about the right calling for big gubmint to regulate speech in private business
Let’s not skip over the fact that the real complaint by conservatives here is that Russian bots and hate speech are being blocked
This sounds like all the bitching cons do about Hollywood.

It's simple, there are billionaires that are cons, why haven't they started conservative Hollywood? Because conservative crap doesn't appeal to a large audience. It appeals to the fringe, just as these websites do. And by the way cons if you don't like companies doing what they do online go bitch to Lying Trump who championed getting rid of net neutrality.

Oh what a tangled web you weave when you're gullible as a really dumb spider.
"Clearly the 1st Amendment is ignored by these companies. Is it time for an Internet Bill of Rights? Those who say it isn't needed have yet to offer a viable alternative."

FASCISM IN ACTION: Here is the Tech Giant Purge List of Prominent Conservative Websites

The actions of a private company are not the same as a government's attempts to limit free speech.
There should be no government legislative intervention in establishing what they think is suitable for public consumption on the internet.

It is the responsibility of the user to insist their desires are met as a consumer of a company's services.
It is the responsibility of the user to do business with a company that respects their rights and their desire to be provided with more opportunities.
"Clearly the 1st Amendment is ignored by these companies. Is it time for an Internet Bill of Rights? Those who say it isn't needed have yet to offer a viable alternative."

FASCISM IN ACTION: Here is the Tech Giant Purge List of Prominent Conservative Websites
No, this post is yet another example of conservative ignorance in action.

The rights enshrined in the First Amendment concern solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons and private companies – such as Google.

The First Amendment doesn’t apply to Google, private companies can’t ‘violate’ anyone’s First Amendment ‘rights.’
You want to nationalize them cons? Get that big gubmint in there? :laugh:

nahhhhhhhhhhhh.......nationalize the commies! :rolleyes-41:

So you do want to start nationalizing companies? Informative.

I want a free internet, where all voices can be heard.
And that’s exactly what we have: a free internet; where you and others on the right are at liberty to propagate your ignorance, hate, bigotry, racism, fake news, and lies absent government interference – Gateway Pundit being one of many examples.
"Clearly the 1st Amendment is ignored by these companies. Is it time for an Internet Bill of Rights? Those who say it isn't needed have yet to offer a viable alternative."

FASCISM IN ACTION: Here is the Tech Giant Purge List of Prominent Conservative Websites
My my my... anti regulation conservatives calling for more regulation? You realize that the 1st Amendment applies to the government, not corporations? You've been supporting Faux "News" and other conservative media outlets right to lie and distort for years. Now that Google and Facebook don't kowtow to the nazicons, you have a problem?
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What private rights are you folks losing if the private business makes decisions that are their legal right to make.

Businesses MAGA
My God!

The Left on this Forum came out in force for this thread!

:50:help help helppppppp :laughing0301:

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