Fascist / Communist / Socialist Democrats Are Coming For Your Kids, Oppose Parents Bill Of Rights


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Communists, Socialists, and Fascists must destroy values, ethics, morals, and traditional beliefs instilled in kids through the nuclear family, this to have a fascist communist state the nuclear family abd its influences / beliefs must be destroyed.

Democrats believe once you enroll tour kids into a government-run public school your kids are THEIR kids - you, as a parent, have NO SAY in what they are taught, how they are trained, how they are indoctrinated, how they are groomed - you don't even have a right to KNOW any of this!

They believe in this SO much rhe fascist / communist Democrat-controlled government and Biden administration attempted to brand any parent who opposed this as a 'domestic terrorist'.

The GOP's 'Parents Bill of Rights',which gives parents THE RIGHT to KNOW what their kids are being taught and to have a say, just passed wirh ZERO Democrat support.

CRT, Trans-gender confusion / indoctrination, genital mutilation, hiding things from / lying to patents, grooming, etc ... THIS IS ALL PART OF THE DEMOCRATS' FASCIST / COMMUNIST ATTEMPT TO DESTROY THE NUCLEAR FAMILY, DESTROY THE US FROM WITHIN, AND REPLACE IT WITH A FASCIST / COMMUNIST STATE.

In rheir defense of regusing to vote for tbe Parents Bill of Rights, some Democrat dumbass lying Rep - ignoring CRT, trans-indoctrinatiom, grooming, etc... - tried to argue that Republicans justvwanted to.pass this bill just so they could prevent the holocaust from being taugh.

:shok: WTF?!

He just pulled that out of his ass and lued just to demonize acknowledging parents are the guardians of their children and to deny them having a say in how they are raised and taught.

Yes, America, they aren't just coming for your guns - they are coming for your kids, too.

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"We have such an extreme minority party that they couldn't even denounce socialism," McCarthy said, referring to a House resolution condemning socialism that Democrats opposed.

"Such an extreme minority party that thinks you should decriminalize carjacking and even some forms of murder.

Such an extreme minority party, in the Democrats, that they think parents shouldn't have a say in their kids' education.

Pelosi-replacement Jeffries declared Democrats could not vote for the bill condemning Socialism because IT WOULD HURT THE DEMOCRAT PARTY'S AGENDA'!
Well of course they are going after the kids
Cults always target children because children are easy to brainwash and manipulate
The Democrat Party is a crazy cult

That explains the Democrat policies of killing kids, screwing kids, transgender indoctrination, CRT, genital mutilation, puberty blockers, sexualizing kids, teaching kids to hide things from / lie to parents, cross-dresser story hour, porn in schools, banning the bible, trafficking kids, and trying to officially label any patent who opposes this as a 'domestic terrorists'.

The enemies of the US are within the US, & they are minority extremist Democrats.
Not 1 single Democrat is on revord saying parents are the guardians of kids, that parents have rights and a say in how their kids are raised, and that the govt does not OWN the kids, versus their parents.

Democrats are now on record as saying PARENTS HAVE NO RIGHTS REGARDING THEIR OWN KIDS.
Not 1 single Democrat is on revord saying parents are the guardians of kids, that parents have rights and a say in how their kids are raised, and that the govt does not OWN the kids, versus their parents.

Democrats are now on record as saying PARENTS HAVE NO RIGHTS REGARDING THEIR OWN KIDS.
Of course not. They would rather weaponizing CPS if you don’t Vax kids or don’t go along with CRT or radical gender identity ideology.
Bill Ayers, Obama's buddy, realized bombig 1st responders wasn't going to change the country like the extremiists wanted, so they took to the schools to indoctrinate early from within.

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