Fat Mikey Comes Out Of The Closet


Some of you nutbars have compared tRump to God.

What's your point?
What do you mean "and"? everything in that post was pretty easy to understand, I understood it [this is the part where you pretend it is smarter to not understand and how the OP and myself must be cut from the same cloth]..the OP proved once again the left are communists, this time by their own admission and actions, that being the case you had no choice but to take the left fork and pretend you didn't know what he was talking about in a transparent attempt at deflection
I think my one word response was pretty easy as well, but I'll unpack it for you: "so what? There are plenty of nutjobs on both sides. Do the ones on your side define you? If not, then why do you assume one nutjob on the other side defines them?"

Got it now?
I think my one word response was pretty easy as well, but I'll unpack it for you: "so what? There are plenty of nutjobs on both sides. Do the ones on your side define you? If not, then why do you assume one nutjob on the other side defines them?"

Got it now?
You need to calm down, that keyboard can't take much more
If you guys would stop pretending you don't understand the simplest post I could give the keyboard a rest.
Yeah,and the sun will agree by coming up in the West tomorrow.
Are you one of those climate change scientists?

Nah, he's an ignorant little turd who thinks he's clever and everybody here despises like a mosquito in a dark room. He has no idea what's going on in any of these threads.....he's only here because nobody IRL will have anything to do with him .
Leftist activists and destroyer of buffets everywhere, Michael Moore, wished Karl Marx a “happy birthday.” He went on to say that Marxist spirit was embodied by Black Lives Matter and #me too. I’m sure that extends to Antifa and Democratic Party. Wonder if Moore will give up his free market capitalist fortune made in books and movies for the movement?
Moviemaker Michael Moore wishes Karl Marx a happy 200th birthday
Just like every other Marxist (Communist), it's Communism for YOU, Capitalism for ME. Only an idiot would believe it's about equality.

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