Fate of Iran after election


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
If Romney wins.


If Obama wins

$peaceful nuke.jpg
What I don't understand is the need to control Iran. How does one control a sovereign country without going to war? Both parties are of the mind that they will go to war rather than let Iran have a nuke. If so, then I guess they have both agreed to go to war with Iran because all the sanctions in the world will not stop them.
What I don't understand is the need to control Iran. How does one control a sovereign country without going to war? Both parties are of the mind that they will go to war rather than let Iran have a nuke. If so, then I guess they have both agreed to go to war with Iran because all the sanctions in the world will not stop them.

Screw Iran and Israel. I don't see the need to tell Iran what to do and I don't like Israel dragging us into their squabbles. We should let them duke it out. May the best shithole win.
If Emperor Obanus Culigunus wins ... Israel will have to go alone.

meh... may be some little help with armaments from the Apologist in Chief in America... in order to save face with some part of the electorate.

Arab Spring has been voted in USA.
If Emperor Obanus Culigunus wins ... Israel will have to go alone.

meh... may be some little help with armaments from the Apologist in Chief in America... in order to save face with some part of the electorate.

Arab Spring has been voted in USA.

Go it alone? I don't have a problem with helping to defend the sovereignty of our allies, but to attack a sovereign country preemptively? If Iran uses a nuke we turn it into a parking lot.
If Emperor Obanus Culigunus wins ... Israel will have to go alone.

meh... may be some little help with armaments from the Apologist in Chief in America... in order to save face with some part of the electorate.

Arab Spring has been voted in USA.

Go it alone? I don't have a problem with helping to defend the sovereignty of our allies, but to attack a sovereign country preemptively? If Iran uses a nuke we turn it into a parking lot.

Problem is... if Emperor Obamicous is re elected ... him being pro radical Islam...and President of USA at the same time? It makes it harder for Israel.... :(
What I don't understand is the need to control Iran. How does one control a sovereign country without going to war? Both parties are of the mind that they will go to war rather than let Iran have a nuke. If so, then I guess they have both agreed to go to war with Iran because all the sanctions in the world will not stop them.
The situation brings to mind the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, which occurred exactly 50 years ago. The USA used a combination of diplomacy and a blockade to persuade the Soviet Union to remove its nuclear missiles from Cuba. The USA was successful in its negotiations with the Soviet Union because of what it offered in return for the removal of the missles from Cuba. The Soviet Union was able to use its missiles in Cuba as a bargaining chip to get the USA to remove its missiles from Turkey and a promise never to invade Cuba. The Iranians perhaps could use their purported nuclear weapons program as a bargaining chip. But for what? The Iranians could agree to abandon their nuclear program in exchange for assurances that the USA and its allies won't intervene in Syria, nor attack Iran.

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