Father of fallen Muslim soldier blasts Trump

My husband put that together and asked that I share it. Don't like it don't read it. Have you found your 'corn babies' yet?
Good for your husband.

His stuff does not link to your link. You both fail, he for putting out something very badly put together, and you for not checking it.
I trust he knows his stuff. I do other stuff he is the historian between the two of us.
What he put out means nothing, RodISHI. Nothing in it absolves Comrade Donald's darkness and inability to be an effective American president.
You think he won't be "effective" because? Why because he does not need to follow a pre-determined script someone else made up. Loving this country and her people is not hateful. Subversion and a desire to bring in people that have a known history of violence of taking over countries is hateful. I'll stick with the guy not playing by the radical Muslims playbook. Burkas just sound like shit to me. I'd roast covering my head up and I enjoy wearing shorts in the summer too! I like making my own decisions too. I'd hate the thought of some woman hating thug making up bs rules that they think a female should follow. Heck some of the males we have in this country are chauvinistic enough already without more female haters coming along.
Because he is out of control, Ms. RodISHI.
Or....even more frightening for Leftwats like you....he's in perfect control and every "blunder" is a precision maneuver. He's going to win because he's smarter than you. It's what he does.
My husband put that together and asked that I share it. Don't like it don't read it. Have you found your 'corn babies' yet?
Good for your husband.

His stuff does not link to your link. You both fail, he for putting out something very badly put together, and you for not checking it.
I trust he knows his stuff. I do other stuff he is the historian between the two of us.
What he put out means nothing, RodISHI. Nothing in it absolves Comrade Donald's darkness and inability to be an effective American president.
You think he won't be "effective" because? Why because he does not need to follow a pre-determined script someone else made up. Loving this country and her people is not hateful. Subversion and a desire to bring in people that have a known history of violence of taking over countries is hateful. I'll stick with the guy not playing by the radical Muslims playbook. Burkas just sound like shit to me. I'd roast covering my head up and I enjoy wearing shorts in the summer too! I like making my own decisions too. I'd hate the thought of some woman hating thug making up bs rules that they think a female should follow. Heck some of the males we have in this country are chauvinistic enough already without more female haters coming along.
Because he is out of control, Ms. RodISHI.
Actually it is the DNC that has run foot loose and fancy free doing whatever they pleased. I think too many people are looking at jail time and may be very worried as they also got caught with their fingers in the cookie jar when it did not belong there.
Good for your husband.

His stuff does not link to your link. You both fail, he for putting out something very badly put together, and you for not checking it.
I trust he knows his stuff. I do other stuff he is the historian between the two of us.
What he put out means nothing, RodISHI. Nothing in it absolves Comrade Donald's darkness and inability to be an effective American president.
You think he won't be "effective" because? Why because he does not need to follow a pre-determined script someone else made up. Loving this country and her people is not hateful. Subversion and a desire to bring in people that have a known history of violence of taking over countries is hateful. I'll stick with the guy not playing by the radical Muslims playbook. Burkas just sound like shit to me. I'd roast covering my head up and I enjoy wearing shorts in the summer too! I like making my own decisions too. I'd hate the thought of some woman hating thug making up bs rules that they think a female should follow. Heck some of the males we have in this country are chauvinistic enough already without more female haters coming along.
Because he is out of control, Ms. RodISHI.
Or....even more frightening for Leftwats like you....he's in perfect control and every "blunder" is a precision maneuver. He's going to win because he's smarter than you. It's what he does.
:) Oh, you kool aide drinker, you. :lol:
Shameless political exploiting of a family that lost its son.

On the speaker's podium at the Democratic National Convention.

In the post facto follow-up pissing and moaning and faux hand-wringing by LibTards pushing their agenda.
odd... i didn't see your criticism of the rnc anywhere...
Most likely because you're rather unimportant, by yourself; merely serving as one more - and convenient and timely - example of LibTard Syndrome in such matters.
so you can link to your criticism?
Link to what? Why? The observation was purely spontaneous in nature, and has no link. It was an opinion; based on observation. Opinion: go look up the world in Webster's.
so then you didn't express your disappointment in the rnc here?

are you disappointed in the rnc?
Non sequitur...
I do not like to post SPECIFIC information about
myself on the net-----it was LONG ago-----more than
30 years ago---and during peace time
What's a Military Family Worth?

something doesn't add up... surprise surprise

what does not add up--------the MILITARY is government------the compensation paid to people
hurt in 9-11-01 was a law suit against the AIRLINES
you dumbass.

the article shows military death benefits to be at $10k, raised to $100k in 2002.

but that's not when you claim to have been in...

I was in long before 2002 ----my death benefit-----IE LIFE INSURANCE was 100,000 ----- I will re-read your clearly screwed up article. The 100,000 was the ONE TIME benefit for whoever I named as beneficiary. I had no children back then----

rosie, this isn't the first time you've manufactured this stuff.

what is it you imagine that I "manufactured" ---now or at any other time? The life insurance policy for 100,000.00 -- which is what I was issued as active duty navy ---back then?---go on imagining I manufactured that one or any other stuff you imagine I manufactured.
I do not like to post SPECIFIC information about
myself on the net-----it was LONG ago-----more than
30 years ago---and during peace time
What's a Military Family Worth?

something doesn't add up... surprise surprise

what does not add up--------the MILITARY is government------the compensation paid to people
hurt in 9-11-01 was a law suit against the AIRLINES
you dumbass.

the article shows military death benefits to be at $10k, raised to $100k in 2002.

but that's not when you claim to have been in...

I was in long before 2002 ----my death benefit-----IE LIFE INSURANCE was 100,000 ----- I will re-read your clearly screwed up article. The 100,000 was the ONE TIME benefit for whoever I named as beneficiary. I had no children back then----

rosie, this isn't the first time you've manufactured this stuff.
I do not like to post SPECIFIC information about
myself on the net-----it was LONG ago-----more than
30 years ago---and during peace time
What's a Military Family Worth?

something doesn't add up... surprise surprise

what does not add up--------the MILITARY is government------the compensation paid to people
hurt in 9-11-01 was a law suit against the AIRLINES
you dumbass.

the article shows military death benefits to be at $10k, raised to $100k in 2002.

but that's not when you claim to have been in...

I was in long before 2002 ----my death benefit-----IE LIFE INSURANCE was 100,000 ----- I will re-read your clearly screwed up article. The 100,000 was the ONE TIME benefit for whoever I named as beneficiary. I had no children back then----

rosie, this isn't the first time you've manufactured this stuff.

Note--from rosie----the SERVICEMEMBER's group life insurance policy noted below----is an AUTOMATICE coverage issued when I served---at the time I served it was 100,000,00 to whomever the service person names. ----FAMILY BENEFITS ARE A DIFFERENT ISSUE----please note that the fucking whore LUDDITE spits shit because she is clueless and disgusting>>>>

Also, the original piece didn't mention that military personnel are automatically insured (unless they decline the coverage) under the Servicemembers' Group Life
yes---and the KHAN boy went into the military so that the military would pay for his law school education SO?.
FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT-----and for mama and papa khan
so it's your assertion that khan was not serving and sacrificing for his country?

you are an idiot---of course he was serving----but his father wasn't. The US military offers incentives---by serving he was also taking advantage of a considerable incentive

you're disgusting.

I served and so did my son------we were both granted incentives
Liar. Do you want to know how I know? Because you lie about everything.

wrong again-----I never lie-----
And he represented the reasons Donald Trump is shrinking the Republican base.
You can repeat that lie all you like, but it doesnt change the Reality that more people voted in the GOP primaries this year than any other year, a 60% increase over 2012, and Trump set the record for most votes for a Republican.

If that is 'shrinking the GOP base' then its still a good thing, doofus.

Inspiring angry white men to come out in record numbers isn't exactly expanding the base. I was referring more to the Republican's own "autopsy"

"The 97-page Growth and Opportunity Project report was commissioned in the wake of the 2012 election debacle by Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee. The G.O.P. report is an extraordinary public acknowledgment of internal discord and vulnerability, which has intensified the battle between the deeply committed conservative wing and the more pragmatic, pro-business wing for control of the Republican Party. With just a few exceptions, it does not mince words.

At the federal level, it says, the party is “marginalizing itself,” and, in the absence of major change, “it will be increasingly difficult for Republicans to win a presidential election in the near future.” Young voters are “rolling their eyes at what the party represents.” Voters’ belief that “the G.O.P. does not care about them is doing great harm.” Formerly loyal voters gathered in focus groups describe Republicans as “ ‘scary,’ ‘narrow-minded’ and ‘out of touch’ and that we were a party of ‘stuffy old men.’
And he represented the reasons Donald Trump is shrinking the Republican base.
You can repeat that lie all you like, but it doesnt change the Reality that more people voted in the GOP primaries this year than any other year, a 60% increase over 2012, and Trump set the record for most votes for a Republican.

If that is 'shrinking the GOP base' then its still a good thing, doofus.

Inspiring angry white men to come out in record numbers isn't exactly expanding the base. I was referring more to the Republican's own "autopsy"

"The 97-page Growth and Opportunity Project report was commissioned in the wake of the 2012 election debacle by Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee. The G.O.P. report is an extraordinary public acknowledgment of internal discord and vulnerability, which has intensified the battle between the deeply committed conservative wing and the more pragmatic, pro-business wing for control of the Republican Party. With just a few exceptions, it does not mince words.

At the federal level, it says, the party is “marginalizing itself,” and, in the absence of major change, “it will be increasingly difficult for Republicans to win a presidential election in the near future.” Young voters are “rolling their eyes at what the party represents.” Voters’ belief that “the G.O.P. does not care about them is doing great harm.” Formerly loyal voters gathered in focus groups describe Republicans as “ ‘scary,’ ‘narrow-minded’ and ‘out of touch’ and that we were a party of ‘stuffy old men.’

Yeah, neocons and Political Identity morons keep pushing coalition politics, but a valid counter strategy is to plan to lift ALL boats and then no one loses.

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