Father of murdered boy understands the gun issue....why don't other anti gunners?

Sadly, while Oakland may have banned guns, this country has been so flooded wih guns that if you wanted one you could probably trip over one on the sidewalk.

The child in the OP was murdered by a weapon that once belonged to a "responsible" gun owner, possibly a typical gun nut, who either irresponsibly lost his gun somewhere, irresponsibly sold it to someone with bad intentions, or "responsibly" sold it to an irresponsible gun owner. A cycle that has gone on far too uninhibited for decades to the tune of nearly 400 million guns in this country. And nobody knows where the overwhelming majority of them are.

Hmmmm, Norway has ALWAYS had gun control and Anders was able to get several and murder 77 people in the largest mass shooting in history. All in a "gun free" country. Kind of blows a huge hole in your logic there. Doesn't it....
Oh trying that angle again? Let's see what should I go with... comparing the murder rate of Norway and the U.S., pointing out how laughably many more mass murders have happened in the U.S. compared to Norway, comparing murder rates in the U.S. to the rest of the first world, pointing out how laughably many more mass murders have happened in the U.S. compared to THE ENTIRE REST OF THE FIRST WORLD COMBINED?! Hmm what should I go with? :eusa_think:

You claimed that the ready availability of firearms is to blame for our murder rate. I just showed that clearly that can't be the case. The real reason for our high murder rate is the fact that the majority of those who kill are part of violent street gangs. Take them off the street and our crime rate drops to that of Europe. That is what is known as a fact. Europe HAS no black or Hispanic gang problem.

You wish to compare a First World group of nations that enjoy HOMOGENEOUS cultures with ours, which sadly, has a huge number of Third World immigrants whop have brought THEIR criminal lifestyles with them.

You're trying to compare a apple with a flamethrower.

I'm sick of the Europe comparisons too. When Europe has a 13% black population, and 20 million illegal aliens that came through porous borders, then we can make a comparison. But the fact is, they're predominantly white and they actually enforce their immigration policy. So it's never a fair comparison.
Take it up with the OP. He compares the U.S. to europe every single day.

Really? I didn't see that in the OP. Did you just tell a lie?
This father lost his son to criminal gun violence....and he isn't calling on punishing non criminal gun owners...he actually understands that criminals were to blame and that all the gun control laws pushed by anti gun extremists would have done nothing to save his son....

Grieving father critical of Cali gun control proposals (VIDEO)

Christopher Ellis, a father who lost his 14-year-old son, Davon, in February due to gun violence, told KTVU that he thinks gun control would have little bearing on the streets of Oakland — a message not often expressed by victims of gun violence.

“[Gun control] is not effective where I live. I’m not against it, it’s just not effective because the environment that I live in, it just doesn’t have any bearing,” Ellis said. “Most people I know don’t go to gun stores to buy guns. They get it off the street.”

Addressing the measure to ban large-capacity magazines, he said, “The size of a magazine doesn’t really matter. When you’re a target your a target. Whether you’re an innocent bystander or the intentional target. Size of the magazine doesn’t really matter.”

He had two suggestions for reducing gun crimes in Oakland.

The first had to do with parents being involved in their child’s life.

“At the end of the day, it comes down to parenting and it starts when they’re real little. Teach them right from wrong, steer them in the right path, and then also you have to set an example. If you’re mind is right then there’s a good chance your child’s mind will be right,” he said.

His second suggestion involved extending jail sentences for violent crimes, specifically mandatory life sentences for attempted murder and murder.

“The younger generation the only thing their scared of is losing their freedom. They’re not scared of anything else. Nothing else bothers them,” he said. “They’re not scared of the police. They’re not scared of their parents. They’re not scared of anybody. But the only thing they are scared of is losing their freedom.”

He actually understands the problem....families in the life of young boy's, and locking up the violent criminals who all too often get caught and released after committing crimes with guns.....pay attention to what this man says..because he is right....

Oakland is another city controlled by democrats for decades....and is on the list of most violent cities in the United States....

Not scared enough of losing their freedom, apparently. This guy's right about this generation isn't afraid of anything, and they really should be. That's why we see this pervasive disrespect going on.
Hmmmm, Norway has ALWAYS had gun control and Anders was able to get several and murder 77 people in the largest mass shooting in history. All in a "gun free" country. Kind of blows a huge hole in your logic there. Doesn't it....
Oh trying that angle again? Let's see what should I go with... comparing the murder rate of Norway and the U.S., pointing out how laughably many more mass murders have happened in the U.S. compared to Norway, comparing murder rates in the U.S. to the rest of the first world, pointing out how laughably many more mass murders have happened in the U.S. compared to THE ENTIRE REST OF THE FIRST WORLD COMBINED?! Hmm what should I go with? :eusa_think:

You claimed that the ready availability of firearms is to blame for our murder rate. I just showed that clearly that can't be the case. The real reason for our high murder rate is the fact that the majority of those who kill are part of violent street gangs. Take them off the street and our crime rate drops to that of Europe. That is what is known as a fact. Europe HAS no black or Hispanic gang problem.

You wish to compare a First World group of nations that enjoy HOMOGENEOUS cultures with ours, which sadly, has a huge number of Third World immigrants whop have brought THEIR criminal lifestyles with them.

You're trying to compare a apple with a flamethrower.

I'm sick of the Europe comparisons too. When Europe has a 13% black population, and 20 million illegal aliens that came through porous borders, then we can make a comparison. But the fact is, they're predominantly white and they actually enforce their immigration policy. So it's never a fair comparison.
Take it up with the OP. He compares the U.S. to europe every single day.

Really? I didn't see that in the OP. Did you just tell a lie?
Is this the only thread of his you've ever seen?
Oh trying that angle again? Let's see what should I go with... comparing the murder rate of Norway and the U.S., pointing out how laughably many more mass murders have happened in the U.S. compared to Norway, comparing murder rates in the U.S. to the rest of the first world, pointing out how laughably many more mass murders have happened in the U.S. compared to THE ENTIRE REST OF THE FIRST WORLD COMBINED?! Hmm what should I go with? :eusa_think:

You claimed that the ready availability of firearms is to blame for our murder rate. I just showed that clearly that can't be the case. The real reason for our high murder rate is the fact that the majority of those who kill are part of violent street gangs. Take them off the street and our crime rate drops to that of Europe. That is what is known as a fact. Europe HAS no black or Hispanic gang problem.

You wish to compare a First World group of nations that enjoy HOMOGENEOUS cultures with ours, which sadly, has a huge number of Third World immigrants whop have brought THEIR criminal lifestyles with them.

You're trying to compare a apple with a flamethrower.

I'm sick of the Europe comparisons too. When Europe has a 13% black population, and 20 million illegal aliens that came through porous borders, then we can make a comparison. But the fact is, they're predominantly white and they actually enforce their immigration policy. So it's never a fair comparison.
Take it up with the OP. He compares the U.S. to europe every single day.

Really? I didn't see that in the OP. Did you just tell a lie?
Is this the only thread of his you've ever seen?

If you're going to lie and say the OP author compares the U.S. to Europe every single day, you might want to be smart and lend a shred of cover to your lie by posting in on a thread where it actually happens. Just saying.

It's you Leftwats who are comparing the U.S. to Europe "every single day".

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