Father throws his two year old face first into a swimming pool

OMG! She isn't even two years old. That baby never should have had the opportunity to drop a puppy in the pool in the first place. The man failed to supervise her properly near a pool and then threw her in to punish her for his incompetence? Unbelievable! I hope the jerk rots in jail for a long time.
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To me, that man should be charged with attempted murder because most likely that child did not know how to swim therefore could have drowned. :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you and the child always!!!

He should be up for attempted murder.

I don't like tats but trannysteve needs to get a grip. They don't cause STDs and they don't cause child abuse.
To me, that man should be charged with attempted murder because most likely that child did not know how to swim therefore could have drowned.
I agree. Not to mention he should also be held accountable for the puppy's death. Leaving a 23 month old baby with a puppy near the pool is insane.
To me, that man should be charged with attempted murder because most likely that child did not know how to swim therefore could have drowned.
I agree. Not to mention he should also be held accountable for the puppy's death. Leaving a 23 month old baby with a puppy near the pool is insane.

My state requires a fence to be around the pool.
The man should have a permanent restraining order placed between him and ALL kids. I hope he gets punished to the full extent of the law. Poor little girl.
Sadly, our society doesn't recognize child murder as a crime in most cases..and almost never do they recognize killing a child as *murder*, or injuring a child as "attempted murder".

So this guy will be out shortly.
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Sadly, our society doesn't recognize child murder as a crime in most cases..and almost never do they recognize killing a child as *murder*, or injuring a child as "attempted murder".

So this guy will be out shortly.

All he has to say is that he was exercising his "choice."
Yeah...progressives think there's always a reason good enough to justify murder of the vulnerable.
Their reasoning in this case..."That child's father is a terrible father! The baby would be better off dead!" and "He's abusive because he's sick...treat him and give him another chance!"
Here's another idiot -

Dad: Kicking son down skateboard ramp was 'a bonehead decision' - Moms - TODAY.com

Kicking his son down a skateboard ramp "was my poor attempt at trying to help him overcome his fear," Marcus Crossland told NBC's Kerry Sanders. "It was a bonehead decision."


The family said Crossland lost his job as a result of the fallout.

"It's been really rough,'' White told Willie Geist on TODAY Monday. "As a mother, I've had to do what I can to keep my child safe, and protect him from the media. Everybody was coming to our home. We ended up losing a babysitter. Not only did my husband lose his job, I wasn't able to work, so things have been turned upside down incredibly, and it's been hard."

White usually accompanied her husband and son every time they went to the skate park, but was at work the day of the incident.

"Things like that are definitely not acceptable in our household, and we do not do anything like that,'' she told Geist. "Not that (not being there) excuses anything by any means, but nothing like that has ever happened before. There isn't anything behind closed doors or any kind of actions that have been taken anything like that, so it's definitely easy to take it out of context for sure.

"He's a really great dad. He loves his children, he loves his family, he's a hard worker, and he's an all-around good person. Beyond that, we love him."

Borba was particularly concerned that Crossland walked away after the incident instead of checking on the boy. She also noted that the tactic of "if your kid is afraid of the pool, you throw him in the deep end" doesn’t work because it almost always increases the child's anxiety, stress and fear factor. Instead, baby steps can help a child conquer his fear, she added.

"The other thing you always weigh is the safety factor," Borba said. "Clearly, the child could have been hurt if not severely injured... (the dad) flunked every one of the criteria on what you do to do it right – safety, wise decision making."

Local police and the Florida Department of Children and Families are still investigating the incident, and Crossland was banned from the skate park where he was a frequent visitor. Dino is doing fine despite all the attention the incident has garnered, according to White.

"It's definitely been something I've tried to shield him from as much as possible,'' she told Geist. "He knows he's been on the news, and he understands that it's become a big situation, but when it comes down to it, he's doing wonderful. He's happy and he's healthy and he's doing great."

Now, the family says they plan to move.

"It's affected our family, it's affected our day-to-day lives, it's affected our jobs, our household," said Crossland. "Now those three seconds of video footage didn't necessarily really affect us. The repercussions have."

Wow. Just. Wow.



Child sex slaves.

And on. And on. And on.

Here ya go, Steve. A quote seemingly made for you, given all the eerily strange news clips that you have an uncanny proclivity of "incidentally" discovering every day:

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. ... If you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." — Friedrich Nietzsche
Should we ignore these stories? Sorry you don't approve . Now fuck off

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