Fatwa: Mutilate genitals of newborn baby girls


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2015
Erob: Where the Sun Sets West of Phoenecia
I saw a mufti issue a fatwa that children should cover the ground in blood a couple weeks ago.
He isn't part of IS. Its sad..
Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls
THE barbaric Islamic State (ISIS) has issued a fatwa ordering that newborn baby girls horrifically have their genitials mutilated.
PUBLISHED: 19:51, Thu, Jan 7, 2016 | UPDATED: 20:07, Thu, Jan 7, 2016

Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls

The evil that is Female Genital Mutilation, is there actually anything more sickening?
a lot of women want it. Of course, they are mentally ill. They want to be muslim.. lol
Horrible beyond words!

What twisted mind can do that...
Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls
THE barbaric Islamic State (ISIS) has issued a fatwa ordering that newborn baby girls horrifically have their genitials mutilated.
PUBLISHED: 19:51, Thu, Jan 7, 2016 | UPDATED: 20:07, Thu, Jan 7, 2016

Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls

The evil that is Female Genital Mutilation, is there actually anything more sickening?
a lot of women want it. Of course, they are mentally ill. They want to be muslim.. lol

They must be mentally ill, what woman in her right mind would want this horror?
Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls
THE barbaric Islamic State (ISIS) has issued a fatwa ordering that newborn baby girls horrifically have their genitials mutilated.
PUBLISHED: 19:51, Thu, Jan 7, 2016 | UPDATED: 20:07, Thu, Jan 7, 2016

Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls

There have been fatwas for and against most thing, FGM is not different. There more than a hundred fatwas about FGM, but it remains more cultural and not practiced across the Islamic world
Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls
THE barbaric Islamic State (ISIS) has issued a fatwa ordering that newborn baby girls horrifically have their genitials mutilated.
PUBLISHED: 19:51, Thu, Jan 7, 2016 | UPDATED: 20:07, Thu, Jan 7, 2016

Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls

There have been fatwas for and against most thing, FGM is not different. There more than a hundred fatwas about FGM, but it remains more cultural and not practiced across the Islamic world

Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls
THE barbaric Islamic State (ISIS) has issued a fatwa ordering that newborn baby girls horrifically have their genitials mutilated.
PUBLISHED: 19:51, Thu, Jan 7, 2016 | UPDATED: 20:07, Thu, Jan 7, 2016

Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls

There have been fatwas for and against most thing, FGM is not different. There more than a hundred fatwas about FGM, but it remains more cultural and not practiced across the Islamic world

I now understand what you're commenting. Yes I agree, in general it's more cultural and it's not widespread within Islamic nations, this includes Africa also.

However, the fact that it's practiced ANYWHERE on ANY girl is an absolute wickedness that needs to be severely dealt with.

Why not issue a widespread Fatwa on ALL those who encourage FGM, making them the pariahs that they should be.
Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls
THE barbaric Islamic State (ISIS) has issued a fatwa ordering that newborn baby girls horrifically have their genitials mutilated.
PUBLISHED: 19:51, Thu, Jan 7, 2016 | UPDATED: 20:07, Thu, Jan 7, 2016

Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls

There have been fatwas for and against most thing, FGM is not different. There more than a hundred fatwas about FGM, but it remains more cultural and not practiced across the Islamic world


>>Professor Ali Goma, the Grand Mufti of Egypt, stated: „The female genital circumcision practiced today harms women psychologically and physically. Therefore, the practice must be stopped in support of one of the highest values of Islam, namely to do no harm to another – in accordance with the commandment of the Prophet Mohammed “Accept no harm and do no harm to another”. Moreover, this is seen as punishable aggression against humankind.

The popular TV-preacher Yussuf Al Qaradawi stated „There is no doubt that the four sources of Islam (Koran, Sunna, Consensus and Analogy) have no evidence that requires or recommends this practice. Moreover, we have found no evidence whatsoever which forbids this custom or considers it deplorable. (..) According to a religious point of view, permitted acts can be prevented if damages accrued. The level of this prevention could have the meaning of frowned upon or prohibited (..) The objective study by neutral experts and specialists, who do not follow their wishes and the wishes of others shows that the circumcision, in its current form, harms women’s physical and psychological state and affects their marital life. Therefore, this practice and all allowed acts that bring about damages must be stopped. (..) Based on what we said, we consider that circumcision or cutting a part of woman’s body without medical care, according to the current way of practice and without justification, is not permitted and is illegal. It enters in the aspect of changing God’s creation which is a work of the devil and it is not permitted by God.

Among the Shia Ayatollah Ali Al Sistani recently took a strong position against FGM saying: “If the purpose of female genital circumcision is cutting the clitoris this operation is not right and is not a religious tradition. If thegirl ishurt,it is prohibited.”

Fatwas critizise hadith supporting FGM as not authentic

In 1996, the Islamic scholar Muhammad Lufti Al-Sabbagh published a booklet Islamic Ruling on Male and Female Circumcision which was funded by the World Health Organzations Regional Office in Alexandria, Egypt. Al-Sabbagh argues that the Hadiths referring to female circumcision are not confirmed and poor in authenticity. Referring to all the physical and psychological risks he concludes that FGM can not be legitimate under Islamic law, „particularly that nothing that recommends it, is definitely established as said by the Prophet. It is, however, established that he has said: Do not harm yourself or others. This hadith is one of the basic principles of this True religion.

In the same book Al Amin Al-Dawood argues “The prophet says: “Tattoo-makers are cursed by God” and goes on, adding all those who tamper with God’s creation.” (..) A Hadith reported by Al Bukhari and Muslim recounts how Abdullah Ibn Masoud, a companion of the Prophet, was blamed by a woman for cursing women practicing female circumsicion. He answered: “Why should I refrain from cursing those cursed by the Prophet.

Muhammed Salim Al-Awwa, the General Secretary of the International Federation of Islamic Scholars, argues in the same book that all hadiths referred to by those defending or requiring female circumcision are weak in authenticity. Only one hadith is autenthic, stating that “when the two circumcised organs meet, bathing becomes obligatory”. Al-Awwa argues that the dual case is often used in Arabic and follows the habit of calling two objects or persons after the more familiar, thus the sun and the moon may be called “the two moons”.

The popular Sheikh Al Arefe explains on his Youtube channel: “There is a hadith saying that circumcision is a good deed to women, but it is a wajib for men (tabari) but its a weak hadith, because it has been proven that it is not a good deed, and it was a habit done by Arabs pre Islam.”<<

» Fatwas against FGM


Countries where FGM is concentrated according to UNICEF's 2013 report
Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls
THE barbaric Islamic State (ISIS) has issued a fatwa ordering that newborn baby girls horrifically have their genitials mutilated.
PUBLISHED: 19:51, Thu, Jan 7, 2016 | UPDATED: 20:07, Thu, Jan 7, 2016

Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls

There have been fatwas for and against most thing, FGM is not different. There more than a hundred fatwas about FGM, but it remains more cultural and not practiced across the Islamic world

I now understand what you're commenting. Yes I agree, in general it's more cultural and it's not widespread within Islamic nations, this includes Africa also.

However, the fact that it's practiced ANYWHERE on ANY girl is an absolute wickedness that needs to be severely dealt with.

Why not issue a widespread Fatwa on ALL those who encourage FGM, making them the pariahs that they should be.

Christian coptics and Animists in Africa practice FGM. It is banned in Egypt, but still practiced. Asian muslims for the most part do not believe in FGM.

Circumcision in males has a medical purpose, but there is none for women.
Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls
THE barbaric Islamic State (ISIS) has issued a fatwa ordering that newborn baby girls horrifically have their genitials mutilated.
PUBLISHED: 19:51, Thu, Jan 7, 2016 | UPDATED: 20:07, Thu, Jan 7, 2016

Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls

There have been fatwas for and against most thing, FGM is not different. There more than a hundred fatwas about FGM, but it remains more cultural and not practiced across the Islamic world

I now understand what you're commenting. Yes I agree, in general it's more cultural and it's not widespread within Islamic nations, this includes Africa also.

However, the fact that it's practiced ANYWHERE on ANY girl is an absolute wickedness that needs to be severely dealt with.

Why not issue a widespread Fatwa on ALL those who encourage FGM, making them the pariahs that they should be.

Christian coptics and Animists in Africa practice FGM. It is banned in Egypt, but still practiced. Asian muslims for the most part do not believe in FGM.

Circumcision in males has a medical purpose, but there is none for women.
Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls
THE barbaric Islamic State (ISIS) has issued a fatwa ordering that newborn baby girls horrifically have their genitials mutilated.
PUBLISHED: 19:51, Thu, Jan 7, 2016 | UPDATED: 20:07, Thu, Jan 7, 2016

Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls

There have been fatwas for and against most thing, FGM is not different. There more than a hundred fatwas about FGM, but it remains more cultural and not practiced across the Islamic world

I now understand what you're commenting. Yes I agree, in general it's more cultural and it's not widespread within Islamic nations, this includes Africa also.

However, the fact that it's practiced ANYWHERE on ANY girl is an absolute wickedness that needs to be severely dealt with.

Why not issue a widespread Fatwa on ALL those who encourage FGM, making them the pariahs that they should be.

Christian coptics and Animists in Africa practice FGM. It is banned in Egypt, but still practiced. Asian muslims for the most part do not believe in FGM.

Circumcision in males has a medical purpose, but there is none for women.
Do they do it on newborns?
Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls
THE barbaric Islamic State (ISIS) has issued a fatwa ordering that newborn baby girls horrifically have their genitials mutilated.
PUBLISHED: 19:51, Thu, Jan 7, 2016 | UPDATED: 20:07, Thu, Jan 7, 2016

Barbaric ISIS issue sickening fatwa to mutilate genitals of NEWBORN baby girls

There have been fatwas for and against most thing, FGM is not different. There more than a hundred fatwas about FGM, but it remains more cultural and not practiced across the Islamic world

I now understand what you're commenting. Yes I agree, in general it's more cultural and it's not widespread within Islamic nations, this includes Africa also.

However, the fact that it's practiced ANYWHERE on ANY girl is an absolute wickedness that needs to be severely dealt with.

Why not issue a widespread Fatwa on ALL those who encourage FGM, making them the pariahs that they should be.

Christian coptics and Animists in Africa practice FGM. It is banned in Egypt, but still practiced. Asian muslims for the most part do not believe in FGM.

Circumcision in males has a medical purpose, but there is none for women.
Do they do it on newborns?

some infants but usually between 6 to puberty

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