Fauci is not the solution, he's the problem.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Dr. Anthony fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), was asked point blank at a national press conference if the Wuhan virus was engineered in a lab and escaped into the human population via a lab worker. Fauci’s ambiguous answer was a Churchillesque riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma-That which is so dense and secretive as to be totally indecipherable or impossible to foretell. He prattled on about the virus jumping from bats to humans.

The hubris of human scientific inquiry is astounding. In the 1950’s American soldiers were ordered to charge into the aftermath of nuclear blasts as guinea pigs to test the affects of radiation on the human body during battlefield atomic warfare. The experiments were controlled under scientific supervision and many American sailors remember being ordered to scrub the decks of ships in t-shirts as nuclear rain fell from fiery skies. They recall the presence of scientific observers clad in hooded protective gear from head to toe while they themselves toiled under mushroom clouds dropping radioactive ash on their bare arms. The tampering function lust of scientific curiosity is nothing new.

Fauci and President Trump cannot outright accuse the Chinese of releasing the deadly pathogen because they know these horrid experiments exist all over the world including the United States. Nature itself can produce killer diseases but this hyper-human-destructive microbe was obviously fabricated through modern genetic gene splicing to be a superbug. It is so virulent that a single mistake unleashed a worldwide human plague.

Fauci and his cohorts may not be the cavalry riding in to save the day. They are more likely riding that pale green horse of death in Revelation. Ask yourself if nature needs help to kill the human race and then witness modern science that instead of acting in good faith to benefit humans like Jonas Salk who defeated Polio or Alexander Fleming who discovered antibiotics, mad modern science creates artificial monster pestilence just see what happens. They throw gene-spliced wrenches into the machinery of the human immune system to see if they can fix it. You and I are the guinea pigs.

Trump is not in position to confront the Chinese for killing people all over the world because his predecessors in Congress handed the Chinese nearly total control of the pharmaceuticals we need to stay alive. People like Fauci are not the solution to the problem, they are the problem.
1. Agree that Wall Street moved way too many factories to China, and now the US cannot manufacture needed pharm products, PPE, or even military items. Very stupid move.
2. Your claim of genetically engineered COVID needs a link. Most news reports say that the gene sequence does NOT look modified
3. Many GOP talking heads are saying that they want China to pay for the economic damage, pain, suffering, and deaths that their virus caused. Should the US keep the money that China used to buy US bonds as payment for their virus?
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Dr. Anthony fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), was asked point blank at a national press conference if the Wuhan virus was engineered in a lab and escaped into the human population via a lab worker. Fauci’s ambiguous answer was a Churchillesque riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma-That which is so dense and secretive as to be totally indecipherable or impossible to foretell. He prattled on about the virus jumping from bats to humans.

The hubris of human scientific inquiry is astounding. In the 1950’s American soldiers were ordered to charge into the aftermath of nuclear blasts as guinea pigs to test the affects of radiation on the human body during battlefield atomic warfare. The experiments were controlled under scientific supervision and many American sailors remember being ordered to scrub the decks of ships in t-shirts as nuclear rain fell from fiery skies. They recall the presence of scientific observers clad in hooded protective gear from head to toe while they themselves toiled under mushroom clouds dropping radioactive ash on their bare arms. The tampering function lust of scientific curiosity is nothing new.

Fauci and President Trump cannot outright accuse the Chinese of releasing the deadly pathogen because they know these horrid experiments exist all over the world including the United States. Nature itself can produce killer diseases but this hyper-human-destructive microbe was obviously fabricated through modern genetic gene splicing to be a superbug. It is so virulent that a single mistake unleashed a worldwide human plague.

Fauci and his cohorts may not be the cavalry riding in to save the day. They are more likely riding that pale green horse of death in Revelation. Ask yourself if nature needs help to kill the human race and then witness modern science that instead of acting in good faith to benefit humans like Jonas Salk who defeated Polio or Alexander Fleming who discovered antibiotics, mad modern science creates artificial monster pestilence just see what happens. They throw gene-spliced wrenches into the machinery of the human immune system to see if they can fix it. You and I are the guinea pigs.

Trump is not in position to confront the Chinese for killing people all over the world because his predecessors in Congress handed the Chinese nearly total control of the pharmaceuticals we need to stay alive. People like Fauci are not the solution to the problem, they are the problem.

So far from what I've seen Dr Fauci has stuck to the public health and medical facts. He hasn't tipped to one side or the other politically. That isn't his job. He's been a health professional. But Trump supporters and the right wing in general are doing everything in their power to ascribe political motivations to him. Trump is in big trouble. You're desperately looking for someone or something to shift the blame to. So you pick the public servant that only wants to help? Honestly, you people need a life.
Dr. Anthony fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), was asked point blank at a national press conference if the Wuhan virus was engineered in a lab and escaped into the human population via a lab worker. Fauci’s ambiguous answer was a Churchillesque riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma-That which is so dense and secretive as to be totally indecipherable or impossible to foretell. He prattled on about the virus jumping from bats to humans.

The hubris of human scientific inquiry is astounding. In the 1950’s American soldiers were ordered to charge into the aftermath of nuclear blasts as guinea pigs to test the affects of radiation on the human body during battlefield atomic warfare. The experiments were controlled under scientific supervision and many American sailors remember being ordered to scrub the decks of ships in t-shirts as nuclear rain fell from fiery skies. They recall the presence of scientific observers clad in hooded protective gear from head to toe while they themselves toiled under mushroom clouds dropping radioactive ash on their bare arms. The tampering function lust of scientific curiosity is nothing new.

Fauci and President Trump cannot outright accuse the Chinese of releasing the deadly pathogen because they know these horrid experiments exist all over the world including the United States. Nature itself can produce killer diseases but this hyper-human-destructive microbe was obviously fabricated through modern genetic gene splicing to be a superbug. It is so virulent that a single mistake unleashed a worldwide human plague.

Fauci and his cohorts may not be the cavalry riding in to save the day. They are more likely riding that pale green horse of death in Revelation. Ask yourself if nature needs help to kill the human race and then witness modern science that instead of acting in good faith to benefit humans like Jonas Salk who defeated Polio or Alexander Fleming who discovered antibiotics, mad modern science creates artificial monster pestilence just see what happens. They throw gene-spliced wrenches into the machinery of the human immune system to see if they can fix it. You and I are the guinea pigs.

Trump is not in position to confront the Chinese for killing people all over the world because his predecessors in Congress handed the Chinese nearly total control of the pharmaceuticals we need to stay alive. People like Fauci are not the solution to the problem, they are the problem.
You’re the problem
Dr. Anthony fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), was asked point blank at a national press conference if the Wuhan virus was engineered in a lab and escaped into the human population via a lab worker. Fauci’s ambiguous answer was a Churchillesque riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma-That which is so dense and secretive as to be totally indecipherable or impossible to foretell. He prattled on about the virus jumping from bats to humans.

The hubris of human scientific inquiry is astounding. In the 1950’s American soldiers were ordered to charge into the aftermath of nuclear blasts as guinea pigs to test the affects of radiation on the human body during battlefield atomic warfare. The experiments were controlled under scientific supervision and many American sailors remember being ordered to scrub the decks of ships in t-shirts as nuclear rain fell from fiery skies. They recall the presence of scientific observers clad in hooded protective gear from head to toe while they themselves toiled under mushroom clouds dropping radioactive ash on their bare arms. The tampering function lust of scientific curiosity is nothing new.

Fauci and President Trump cannot outright accuse the Chinese of releasing the deadly pathogen because they know these horrid experiments exist all over the world including the United States. Nature itself can produce killer diseases but this hyper-human-destructive microbe was obviously fabricated through modern genetic gene splicing to be a superbug. It is so virulent that a single mistake unleashed a worldwide human plague.

Fauci and his cohorts may not be the cavalry riding in to save the day. They are more likely riding that pale green horse of death in Revelation. Ask yourself if nature needs help to kill the human race and then witness modern science that instead of acting in good faith to benefit humans like Jonas Salk who defeated Polio or Alexander Fleming who discovered antibiotics, mad modern science creates artificial monster pestilence just see what happens. They throw gene-spliced wrenches into the machinery of the human immune system to see if they can fix it. You and I are the guinea pigs.

Trump is not in position to confront the Chinese for killing people all over the world because his predecessors in Congress handed the Chinese nearly total control of the pharmaceuticals we need to stay alive. People like Fauci are not the solution to the problem, they are the problem.

Government IS the problem Ray

Another "medical expert bad" thread. Add it to the ever growing list.

Someone also started a "Fauci needs to go" thread.

In reality, Fauci needs to stay, Trump needs to go.

If Fauci had been in charge from the beginning our response wouldn't have been delayed in order to protect the economy. Thus, the economy would not have been so impacted. There would not have been a tragic shortage of accurate test kits. There would not have been a tragic shortage of PPE for medical staff and the general public. Mandatory social distancing requirements at the state level would have come earlier. There would not have been contradictory messaging coming from the government. He wouldn't be making accusations against the states. The states would not have been pitted against each other in a bidding war for PPE and ventilators.

The country would be in a far better place.

Unfortunately, millions of duped rubes made the colossally bad decision to roll the dice and put a reality TV star in charge of the country. We will be paying for that epic mistake for decades.
Trump is not in position to confront the Chinese for killing people all over the world because his predecessors in Congress handed the Chinese nearly total control of the pharmaceuticals we need to stay alive. People like Fauci are not the solution to the problem, they are the problem.

Um, no, the Chinese are not responsible for all of Trump's incompetence.

He was warned in December that this was a problem, and he did nothing about it until March. He's STILL fighting tooth and nail against those like Fauci and the governors (the true heroes of this crisis).
Ray seems to be incorrectly blaming Dr. Fauci for the US "China Policy" for the last 30-years.
Nixon opened up China to US investment, and Wall Street and K-Street did the rest, now we need to undo a lot of that damage.
Dr. Anthony fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), was asked point blank at a national press conference if the Wuhan virus was engineered in a lab and escaped into the human population via a lab worker. Fauci’s ambiguous answer was a Churchillesque riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma-That which is so dense and secretive as to be totally indecipherable or impossible to foretell. He prattled on about the virus jumping from bats to humans.

The hubris of human scientific inquiry is astounding. In the 1950’s American soldiers were ordered to charge into the aftermath of nuclear blasts as guinea pigs to test the affects of radiation on the human body during battlefield atomic warfare. The experiments were controlled under scientific supervision and many American sailors remember being ordered to scrub the decks of ships in t-shirts as nuclear rain fell from fiery skies. They recall the presence of scientific observers clad in hooded protective gear from head to toe while they themselves toiled under mushroom clouds dropping radioactive ash on their bare arms. The tampering function lust of scientific curiosity is nothing new.

Fauci and President Trump cannot outright accuse the Chinese of releasing the deadly pathogen because they know these horrid experiments exist all over the world including the United States. Nature itself can produce killer diseases but this hyper-human-destructive microbe was obviously fabricated through modern genetic gene splicing to be a superbug. It is so virulent that a single mistake unleashed a worldwide human plague.

Fauci and his cohorts may not be the cavalry riding in to save the day. They are more likely riding that pale green horse of death in Revelation. Ask yourself if nature needs help to kill the human race and then witness modern science that instead of acting in good faith to benefit humans like Jonas Salk who defeated Polio or Alexander Fleming who discovered antibiotics, mad modern science creates artificial monster pestilence just see what happens. They throw gene-spliced wrenches into the machinery of the human immune system to see if they can fix it. You and I are the guinea pigs.

Trump is not in position to confront the Chinese for killing people all over the world because his predecessors in Congress handed the Chinese nearly total control of the pharmaceuticals we need to stay alive. People like Fauci are not the solution to the problem, they are the problem.
Ray, Covid may or may not be engineered, no one knows that for sure and as of now, far more people have died from more innocuous things. As weapons go, this is not the best we can do; worse, once released, it is hard to control and likely would come back to bite the attacker as much as the victim! If engineered, it was engineered and released DELIBERATELY as a test on other things, how we responded, survived, how it spread, etc., perhaps for ulterior aims of population or society control. If the latter, it would suggest that at least the USA KNOWS THIS, and if not in on it, is sitting on the facts for a reason.

As to Fauci, whenever anyone is appointed the Head of any "national institutes" or government agencies, you can be sure their function is more political than medical. His first, best interest is to his boss, the government, not to the public. They never are.
Another "medical expert bad" thread. Add it to the ever growing list.

Someone also started a "Fauci needs to go" thread.

In reality, Fauci needs to stay, Trump needs to go.

If Fauci had been in charge from the beginning our response wouldn't have been delayed in order to protect the economy. Thus, the economy would not have been so impacted. There would not have been a tragic shortage of accurate test kits. There would not have been a tragic shortage of PPE for medical staff and the general public. Mandatory social distancing requirements at the state level would have come earlier. There would not have been contradictory messaging coming from the government. He wouldn't be making accusations against the states. The states would not have been pitted against each other in a bidding war for PPE and ventilators.

The country would be in a far better place.

Unfortunately, millions of duped rubes made the colossally bad decision to roll the dice and put a reality TV star in charge of the country. We will be paying for that epic mistake for decades.

Please don't be disappointed when we "deplorables" re-elect Trump in November.
You can whine about Trump, but anyone with a functioning brain can see that Joe Biden is NOT the answer.
If Fauci had been in charge from the beginning our response wouldn't have been delayed in order to protect the economy.


Trump received warnings early enough (Jan./Feb.) to have changed the trajectory of the outbreak in the US. He made a conscience choice to ignore the warnings in favor of not disrupting the economy. Nothing Fauci said in the press briefing changes those facts.
The evidence is going to come slowly; it always does. The rapid deployment of data destruction and the disappearance of scientific whistleblowers by the Chinese right at the beginning of the plague is undeniable.

The dispensation of propaganda fed to the Pavlovian masses blaming wet markets was classic Chinese modus operandi.
Dr. Anthony fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), was asked point blank at a national press conference if the Wuhan virus was engineered in a lab and escaped into the human population via a lab worker. Fauci’s ambiguous answer was a Churchillesque riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma-That which is so dense and secretive as to be totally indecipherable or impossible to foretell. He prattled on about the virus jumping from bats to humans.

The hubris of human scientific inquiry is astounding. In the 1950’s American soldiers were ordered to charge into the aftermath of nuclear blasts as guinea pigs to test the affects of radiation on the human body during battlefield atomic warfare. The experiments were controlled under scientific supervision and many American sailors remember being ordered to scrub the decks of ships in t-shirts as nuclear rain fell from fiery skies. They recall the presence of scientific observers clad in hooded protective gear from head to toe while they themselves toiled under mushroom clouds dropping radioactive ash on their bare arms. The tampering function lust of scientific curiosity is nothing new.

Fauci and President Trump cannot outright accuse the Chinese of releasing the deadly pathogen because they know these horrid experiments exist all over the world including the United States. Nature itself can produce killer diseases but this hyper-human-destructive microbe was obviously fabricated through modern genetic gene splicing to be a superbug. It is so virulent that a single mistake unleashed a worldwide human plague.

Fauci and his cohorts may not be the cavalry riding in to save the day. They are more likely riding that pale green horse of death in Revelation. Ask yourself if nature needs help to kill the human race and then witness modern science that instead of acting in good faith to benefit humans like Jonas Salk who defeated Polio or Alexander Fleming who discovered antibiotics, mad modern science creates artificial monster pestilence just see what happens. They throw gene-spliced wrenches into the machinery of the human immune system to see if they can fix it. You and I are the guinea pigs.

Trump is not in position to confront the Chinese for killing people all over the world because his predecessors in Congress handed the Chinese nearly total control of the pharmaceuticals we need to stay alive. People like Fauci are not the solution to the problem, they are the problem.
Fauci has lied in nearly everything he said and is not being held responsible for these lies which are obvious. Since the lies are obvious they are no longer the problem as the liar needs to be held accountable. Since that is not happening we are all being lied to purposely which is all the government knows how to do anyway
Another "medical expert bad" thread. Add it to the ever growing list.

Someone also started a "Fauci needs to go" thread.

In reality, Fauci needs to stay, Trump needs to go.

If Fauci had been in charge from the beginning our response wouldn't have been delayed in order to protect the economy. Thus, the economy would not have been so impacted. There would not have been a tragic shortage of accurate test kits. There would not have been a tragic shortage of PPE for medical staff and the general public. Mandatory social distancing requirements at the state level would have come earlier. There would not have been contradictory messaging coming from the government. He wouldn't be making accusations against the states. The states would not have been pitted against each other in a bidding war for PPE and ventilators.

The country would be in a far better place.

Unfortunately, millions of duped rubes made the colossally bad decision to roll the dice and put a reality TV star in charge of the country. We will be paying for that epic mistake for decades.
If Foosy was in charge from the beginning all Americans would be unemployed and would be hunter gatherers like our ancestors once were. Which for you might be a step up
The evidence is going to come slowly; it always does. The rapid deployment of data destruction and the disappearance of scientific whistleblowers by the Chinese right at the beginning of the plague is undeniable.
Writing a thousand threads a day about China and the WHO does not in any way diminish the failure of the Trump admin to prepare for and then react to the virus. One day you might come to admit that irrefutable fact.........but I doubt it.
If Fauci had been in charge from the beginning our response wouldn't have been delayed in order to protect the economy.


Trump received warnings early enough (Jan./Feb.) to have changed the trajectory of the outbreak in the US. He made a conscience choice to ignore the warnings in favor of not disrupting the economy. Nothing Fauci said in the press briefing changes those facts.

That video CLEARY shows that Trump followed the advice of those advising him. You tried to claim if the doc was in control it would be different. Well according to the doc himself you are full of shit.

Trump took the virus just as serious as EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET thanks to being misled by China & the who.

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