Fauci is not the solution, he's the problem.

Another "medical expert bad" thread. Add it to the ever growing list.

Someone also started a "Fauci needs to go" thread.

In reality, Fauci needs to stay, Trump needs to go.

If Fauci had been in charge from the beginning our response wouldn't have been delayed in order to protect the economy. Thus, the economy would not have been so impacted. There would not have been a tragic shortage of accurate test kits. There would not have been a tragic shortage of PPE for medical staff and the general public. Mandatory social distancing requirements at the state level would have come earlier. There would not have been contradictory messaging coming from the government. He wouldn't be making accusations against the states. The states would not have been pitted against each other in a bidding war for PPE and ventilators.

The country would be in a far better place.

Unfortunately, millions of duped rubes made the colossally bad decision to roll the dice and put a reality TV star in charge of the country. We will be paying for that epic mistake for decades.
If Foosy was in charge from the beginning all Americans would be unemployed and would not be hunter gatherers like our ancestors once were. Which for you might be a step up
If he were in charge from the beginning, Wall Street would not have crashed the market from their fear of Trump ignoring the virus freight train that was heading our way..

Actually kid Fauci was in charge from the beginning.................... He told Trump that 2.2 million Americans were going to die

If not who do you THINK was
The CDC...the center for disease control, and his Intel agencies, who warned Trump early January and in Nov 2019 that it was coming.... Fauci is NIH... He would have been warned by the CDC... And was warned by the CDC....

Trump was praising China and the WHO at that time, and telling all of us, it was a nothing burger, instead of listening to his advisers, until 2 months later, when he confessed he knew it was a pandemic, all along... :rolleyes:

Again, Trump is hamstrung by the big pharmaceutical stick the Chinese hold over us. He has to walk a fine line to protect the health of Americans that need essential drugs to stay alive. He can't just walk up and slap the faces of Chinese bullies as long as they have that big stick.

We need to re-elect him and support the return of domestic American manufacturing.
Another "medical expert bad" thread. Add it to the ever growing list.

Someone also started a "Fauci needs to go" thread.

In reality, Fauci needs to stay, Trump needs to go.

If Fauci had been in charge from the beginning our response wouldn't have been delayed in order to protect the economy. Thus, the economy would not have been so impacted. There would not have been a tragic shortage of accurate test kits. There would not have been a tragic shortage of PPE for medical staff and the general public. Mandatory social distancing requirements at the state level would have come earlier. There would not have been contradictory messaging coming from the government. He wouldn't be making accusations against the states. The states would not have been pitted against each other in a bidding war for PPE and ventilators.

The country would be in a far better place.

Unfortunately, millions of duped rubes made the colossally bad decision to roll the dice and put a reality TV star in charge of the country. We will be paying for that epic mistake for decades.
If Foosy was in charge from the beginning all Americans would be unemployed and would not be hunter gatherers like our ancestors once were. Which for you might be a step up
If he were in charge from the beginning, Wall Street would not have crashed the market from their fear of Trump ignoring the virus freight train that was heading our way..

Actually kid Fauci was in charge from the beginning.................... He told Trump that 2.2 million Americans were going to die

If not who do you THINK was
The CDC...the center for disease control, and his Intel agencies, who warned Trump early January and in Nov 2019 that it was coming.... Fauci is NIH... He would have been warned by the CDC... And was warned by the CDC....

Trump was praising China and the WHO at that time, and telling all of us, it was a nothing burger, instead of listening to his advisers, until 2 months later, when he confessed he knew it was a pandemic, all along... :rolleyes:
Fauci is and was in charge, and if you want the truth Obama gave the chinese 3.7 million dollars to do coronavirus bat research................ You forget so fast
Another "medical expert bad" thread. Add it to the ever growing list.

Someone also started a "Fauci needs to go" thread.

In reality, Fauci needs to stay, Trump needs to go.

If Fauci had been in charge from the beginning our response wouldn't have been delayed in order to protect the economy. Thus, the economy would not have been so impacted. There would not have been a tragic shortage of accurate test kits. There would not have been a tragic shortage of PPE for medical staff and the general public. Mandatory social distancing requirements at the state level would have come earlier. There would not have been contradictory messaging coming from the government. He wouldn't be making accusations against the states. The states would not have been pitted against each other in a bidding war for PPE and ventilators.

The country would be in a far better place.

Unfortunately, millions of duped rubes made the colossally bad decision to roll the dice and put a reality TV star in charge of the country. We will be paying for that epic mistake for decades.
If Foosy was in charge from the beginning all Americans would be unemployed and would not be hunter gatherers like our ancestors once were. Which for you might be a step up
If he were in charge from the beginning, Wall Street would not have crashed the market from their fear of Trump ignoring the virus freight train that was heading our way..

Actually kid Fauci was in charge from the beginning.................... He told Trump that 2.2 million Americans were going to die

If not who do you THINK was
The CDC...the center for disease control, and his Intel agencies, who warned Trump early January and in Nov 2019 that it was coming.... Fauci is NIH... He would have been warned by the CDC... And was warned by the CDC....

Trump was praising China and the WHO at that time, and telling all of us, it was a nothing burger, instead of listening to his advisers, until 2 months later, when he confessed he knew it was a pandemic, all along... :rolleyes:

Again, Trump is hamstrung by the big pharmaceutical stick the Chinese hold over us. He has to walk a fine line to protect the health of Americans that need essential drugs to stay alive. He can't just walk up and slap the faces of Chinese bullies as long as they have that big stick.

We need to re-elect him and support the return of domestic American manufacturing.
Ray, for as long as you live, so does the truth

Beware though, they hate the truth
If Fauci had been in charge from the beginning our response wouldn't have been delayed in order to protect the economy.


Trump received warnings early enough (Jan./Feb.) to have changed the trajectory of the outbreak in the US. He made a conscience choice to ignore the warnings in favor of not disrupting the economy. Nothing Fauci said in the press briefing changes those facts.

The NY infections came from the EU, and the EU response was very slow. Trump imposed "xenophobic" his travel ban and that saved many lives. It gave the CDC and FDA time to get the testing capacity increased by using commercial labs.
When the infections happened, why are you putting all of the blame on Trump, governors have the power to shut down their states, even more-so than Trump.

Too bad that's not the entire story. He didn't impose bans. They were restrictions. Big difference. Because what it ended up doing was creating a panic and sending a bunch of people home who were already infected. Worse, no screening or testing.
Thousands arriving from China and Europe at U.S. airports have faced no coronavirus screening

And the FDA? They drowned labs in red tape and procedure all over this country that delayed them developing their own tests. Would have helped out greatly in early February. To make matters worse, the first batch of test kits that went out from the CDC weren't accurate.
Opinion | Here's what we have to thank (and blame) for the coronavirus testing chaos

They were americans, some were infected. We know you would have followed china and left your citizens to rot and die on the russia/china border. Sadly, you cower and tremble in fear.
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It's Fauci's job to give medical advice. That's what he does. He flat out stated that his recommendations are purely medical and without consideration to other effects. He went with the data he had, which sucked and was off by orders of magnitude and there was, and is, an over-reaction based on that incorrect data.

The problem is not with him, it is with the fact that this side, based on woefully incorrect data, is all we've been seeing. People are now programmed to think it's the only thing that matters and we should just act as if there will not be secondary consequences.

We need to see the economic consequences also laid out in neat little charts that people can understand as right now these consequences have been kicked down the road to buy time and cooperation, but those chickens will come home to roost.

We also need to see the fact that these measures, while slowing the virus, do not solve the problem. The longer we hide without an actual plan to control the virus so as to not overwhelm the hospital systems, which is how this was all sold, the longer this goes on. We also need to see more accurate data, as what we've been using to make these decisions is incomplete and inaccurate.

We need to hear from economists. We need to see the numbers on foreclosures, bankruptcies, unemployment and how all of these continue to increase over time. People need to see both sides of the issue so they have some clue as to what they're actually agreeing to. Right now they don't. At all. Instead they've become useful idiots parroting the story they've been told, which is incomplete, and are tools of their own destruction in many cases.

They've been sold 'stay at home' 'do your part' 'we'll get through this' blah, blah, but those are empty words. There is no action to end load mortgage, rent or other debt payments, and forbearance is not that, it is nothing but a trap, with a balloon at the end that people will not be able to pay. There is no action to give property or business owners a tax holiday for the duration of however long they decide to lock people out of their incomes.

There is no real action that to this point has a meaningful actual effect on people's ability to stay afloat. Period. Not for businesses and not for private citizens. These tiny payments aren't going to do that for any period of time.

It's all nothing but kicking the can down the road to get compliance and promising people "it's all going to be fine" just march blindly along and "do your part" without any real plan as to how to fulfill those promises. Right now they're patting people on the head, cooing a bunch of empty words at them for compliance and marching them right off a cliff.

It is not going to be OK. Not the way things are being done now. The banks are lining up at the buffet, offering these forbearances, knowing full well that at the end of them people will not have the money to pay these balloon payments, as they are not working, and they will be foreclosed on. The banks know this. Foreclosure and eviction proceeding have been delayed, meaning they cannot be started, but, again, that is meaningless BS meant only to kick the can down the road to avoid some very bad press as families are thrown into the street and told to shelter in place under a bridge somewhere. Once that is lifted banks and landlords will act and millions will have their shit tossed onto their lawns and be in the street. It's not going to be OK if we continue on this path. Don't believe that nonsense for a second.
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Ray seems to be incorrectly blaming Dr. Fauci for the US "China Policy" for the last 30-years.
Nixon opened up China to US investment, and Wall Street and K-Street did the rest, now we need to undo a lot of that damage.

Or we need to make our industries more competitive.

We are in the problem not because the Chinese were a bunch of meanyheads, but because they invested in the infrastructure to make products efficiently.

Meanwhile, we got complacent. We produced shit products even we didn't want to buy. That's why we are where we are at.

But one more time, your Daddy's manufacturing job isn't coming back because it was replaced by a Machine, not a Chinaman.
Actually Americans outsourced products to China for personal gain, all of us did this with no exceptions. You think you bought an American car, take it apart and look at the made in what country stamps

Key words " Assembled in " and " Made In " are very important when looking at a purchase.

Many cars are Assembled In North America but most if not all the parts are Made In Asia which translate as being made by Indian ( from India and not Native American ) to Chinese Made parts...
Ray seems to be incorrectly blaming Dr. Fauci for the US "China Policy" for the last 30-years.
Nixon opened up China to US investment, and Wall Street and K-Street did the rest, now we need to undo a lot of that damage.

Or we need to make our industries more competitive.

We are in the problem not because the Chinese were a bunch of meanyheads, but because they invested in the infrastructure to make products efficiently.

Meanwhile, we got complacent. We produced shit products even we didn't want to buy. That's why we are where we are at.

But one more time, your Daddy's manufacturing job isn't coming back because it was replaced by a Machine, not a Chinaman.
Actually Americans outsourced products to China for personal gain, all of us did this with no exceptions. You think you bought an American car, take it apart and look at the made in what country stamps

Key words " Assembled in " and " Made In " are very important when looking at a purchase.

Many cars are Assembled In North America but most if not all the parts are Made In Asia which translate as being made by Indian ( from India and not Native American ) to Chinese Made parts...
When my Chevy Impala window switch quit it was stamped made in Mexico

Last Chevy I will ever own as if the stamp said made in Japan it would still be working
If Fauci had been in charge from the beginning our response wouldn't have been delayed in order to protect the economy.


Trump received warnings early enough (Jan./Feb.) to have changed the trajectory of the outbreak in the US. He made a conscience choice to ignore the warnings in favor of not disrupting the economy. Nothing Fauci said in the press briefing changes those facts.

The NY infections came from the EU, and the EU response was very slow. Trump imposed "xenophobic" his travel ban and that saved many lives. It gave the CDC and FDA time to get the testing capacity increased by using commercial labs.
When the infections happened, why are you putting all of the blame on Trump, governors have the power to shut down their states, even more-so than Trump.

Y'all just can't stop repeating TRUMPs created lie, can you? Your right wing media, brainwashed you.

The travel ban was not xenophobic, it was a good move, but about a month late... to truly help in a meaningful manner, because 430000 Chinese travelers came here in January before his ban and 40000 after the ban...

What was called xenophobic, was Trump calling the virus the Kung Flu, and Chinese virus and his mocking, vs calling the virus by its real name, COVID19, or novel corona virus.

1. Its not the RW media its actual video of Biden and Nancy calling Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", before flip-flopping. Use Google if you don't believe me.

2. The travel ban faced a torrent of criticism from democrats at the time it was imposed. Now its a good move. Who was right?

3. How about a link for your Chinese traveler numbers? Didn't the Chinese and WHO say that there was "no human to human transmission"? Why hit the panic button?

4. Why isn't the virus called the "Wuhan Virus"? That is where it came from. Stop being a shill for the Chinese.
The evidence is going to come slowly; it always does. The rapid deployment of data destruction and the disappearance of scientific whistleblowers by the Chinese right at the beginning of the plague is undeniable.
Writing a thousand threads a day about China and the WHO does not in any way diminish the failure of the Trump admin to prepare for and then react to the virus. One day you might come to admit that irrefutable fact.........but I doubt it.

Trump was on track for easy re-election on the wings of a great economy. Then suddenly, out of the blue, a pathogen is released that destroys that economy. See the connection? Or is your propaganda-fed hatred of the president so overwhelming that you cannot see it?

The virus destroyed the WORLD's economy, had nothing to do with TRUMPs reelection....

If Fauci had been in charge from the beginning our response wouldn't have been delayed in order to protect the economy.


Trump received warnings early enough (Jan./Feb.) to have changed the trajectory of the outbreak in the US. He made a conscience choice to ignore the warnings in favor of not disrupting the economy. Nothing Fauci said in the press briefing changes those facts.

The NY infections came from the EU, and the EU response was very slow. Trump imposed "xenophobic" his travel ban and that saved many lives. It gave the CDC and FDA time to get the testing capacity increased by using commercial labs.
When the infections happened, why are you putting all of the blame on Trump, governors have the power to shut down their states, even more-so than Trump.

Too bad that's not the entire story. He didn't impose bans. They were restrictions. Big difference. Because what it ended up doing was creating a panic and sending a bunch of people home who were already infected. Worse, no screening or testing.
Thousands arriving from China and Europe at U.S. airports have faced no coronavirus screening

And the FDA? They drowned labs in red tape and procedure all over this country that delayed them developing their own tests. Would have helped out greatly in early February. To make matters worse, the first batch of test kits that went out from the CDC weren't accurate.
Opinion | Here's what we have to thank (and blame) for the coronavirus testing chaos

Totally agree with your post.
1. Trump banned Chinese, but allowed Americans to return home with a 14-day quarantine. That should have worked?!
2. The FDA and CDC were handcuffed by Law. The CDC is required to do all testing, unless the FDA approves the test first.
I don't have a problem with that, we don't need tons of inaccurate tests.
Ray seems to be incorrectly blaming Dr. Fauci for the US "China Policy" for the last 30-years.
Nixon opened up China to US investment, and Wall Street and K-Street did the rest, now we need to undo a lot of that damage.

Or we need to make our industries more competitive.

We are in the problem not because the Chinese were a bunch of meanyheads, but because they invested in the infrastructure to make products efficiently.

Meanwhile, we got complacent. We produced shit products even we didn't want to buy. That's why we are where we are at.

But one more time, your Daddy's manufacturing job isn't coming back because it was replaced by a Machine, not a Chinaman.
1. Agree we need to be more competitive
2. The Chinese had nothing when Nixon went there, Wall Street (and K-Street) invested in moving 12,000 US factories and 3,000,000 manufacturing jobs to China to take advantage of the low wages.
3. We got inefficient because of crazy union rules and unaffordable wages and benefits and environmental regulations.
4. US buyers got used to low prices.
Ray seems to be incorrectly blaming Dr. Fauci for the US "China Policy" for the last 30-years.
Nixon opened up China to US investment, and Wall Street and K-Street did the rest, now we need to undo a lot of that damage.

Or we need to make our industries more competitive.

We are in the problem not because the Chinese were a bunch of meanyheads, but because they invested in the infrastructure to make products efficiently.

Meanwhile, we got complacent. We produced shit products even we didn't want to buy. That's why we are where we are at.

But one more time, your Daddy's manufacturing job isn't coming back because it was replaced by a Machine, not a Chinaman.

The reason why everything is produced overseas comes down to two words. Minimum wage
The evidence is going to come slowly; it always does. The rapid deployment of data destruction and the disappearance of scientific whistleblowers by the Chinese right at the beginning of the plague is undeniable.
Writing a thousand threads a day about China and the WHO does not in any way diminish the failure of the Trump admin to prepare for and then react to the virus. One day you might come to admit that irrefutable fact.........but I doubt it.

Trump was on track for easy re-election on the wings of a great economy. Then suddenly, out of the blue, a pathogen is released that destroys that economy. See the connection? Or is your propaganda-fed hatred of the president so overwhelming that you cannot see it?

The virus destroyed the WORLD's economy, had nothing to do with TRUMPs reelection....

The virus didn't do that..........the people and gov'ts of the world did that.
If Fauci had been in charge from the beginning our response wouldn't have been delayed in order to protect the economy.


Trump received warnings early enough (Jan./Feb.) to have changed the trajectory of the outbreak in the US. He made a conscience choice to ignore the warnings in favor of not disrupting the economy. Nothing Fauci said in the press briefing changes those facts.

The NY infections came from the EU, and the EU response was very slow. Trump imposed "xenophobic" his travel ban and that saved many lives. It gave the CDC and FDA time to get the testing capacity increased by using commercial labs.
When the infections happened, why are you putting all of the blame on Trump, governors have the power to shut down their states, even more-so than Trump.

Y'all just can't stop repeating TRUMPs created lie, can you? Your right wing media, brainwashed you.

The travel ban was not xenophobic, it was a good move, but about a month late... to truly help in a meaningful manner, because 430000 Chinese travelers came here in January before his ban and 40000 after the ban...

What was called xenophobic, was Trump calling the virus the Kung Flu, and Chinese virus and his mocking, vs calling the virus by its real name, COVID19, or novel corona virus.

Actually every democrat called Trump a racist xenophobe for enacting the travel ban when he did. You are living in a false world

Nope... all the right wing media repeated Trump' s lie, that he used to deflect from what he was doing, which was putting Chinese American lives in danger here, from his Xenophobic rhetoric on the Kung Flu....

And the right wing media, even created fake posts of democratic leadership, to promote Trump' s lie and deflection....

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