Fauci Says He’s No Longer Sure COVID Occurred Naturally


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
It’s in politics because this whole ChiCom Flu event has been political.

And now Fauci admits to another lie. Vindicated yet again.
How much has Fauci made the past year above his huge government salary?

Dr. Anthony Fauci is now calling for further investigation into the origins of COVID-19 in a departure from his dismissal of the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis last year.

President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, who has led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, said he was unsure when asked by Politifact’s Katie Sanders about whether he was still confident that COVID-19 emerged naturally.

“No, actually. … No, I’m not convinced about that. I think that we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we find out to the best of our ability exactly what happened,” Fauci said during the May 11 interview. “Certainly, the people who’ve investigated it say it likely was the emergence from an animal reservoir that then infected individuals, but it could’ve been something else, and we need to find that out. So, you know, that’s the reason why I said I’m perfectly in favor of any investigation that looks into the origin of the virus.”

It’s in politics because this whole ChiCom Flu event has been political.

And now Fauci admits to another lie. Vindicated yet again.
How much has Fauci made the past year above his huge government salary?

Dr. Anthony Fauci is now calling for further investigation into the origins of COVID-19 in a departure from his dismissal of the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis last year.

President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, who has led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, said he was unsure when asked by Politifact’s Katie Sanders about whether he was still confident that COVID-19 emerged naturally.

“No, actually. … No, I’m not convinced about that. I think that we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we find out to the best of our ability exactly what happened,” Fauci said during the May 11 interview. “Certainly, the people who’ve investigated it say it likely was the emergence from an animal reservoir that then infected individuals, but it could’ve been something else, and we need to find that out. So, you know, that’s the reason why I said I’m perfectly in favor of any investigation that looks into the origin of the virus.”

He's alwayx been in f a vor of it, hasn't he?
He was sure of it a year and a half ago....He's the asshole who helped set up the CCP's gain of function research.
Yep. Fauci keeps on lying.
What is he lying about?
It’s in politics because this whole ChiCom Flu event has been political.

And now Fauci admits to another lie. Vindicated yet again.
How much has Fauci made the past year above his huge government salary?

Dr. Anthony Fauci is now calling for further investigation into the origins of COVID-19 in a departure from his dismissal of the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis last year.

President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, who has led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, said he was unsure when asked by Politifact’s Katie Sanders about whether he was still confident that COVID-19 emerged naturally.

“No, actually. … No, I’m not convinced about that. I think that we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we find out to the best of our ability exactly what happened,” Fauci said during the May 11 interview. “Certainly, the people who’ve investigated it say it likely was the emergence from an animal reservoir that then infected individuals, but it could’ve been something else, and we need to find that out. So, you know, that’s the reason why I said I’m perfectly in favor of any investigation that looks into the origin of the virus.”

He's alwayx been in f a vor of it, hasn't he?
He was sure of it a year and a half ago....He's the asshole who helped set up the CCP's gain of function research.
Yep. Fauci keeps on lying.
What is he lying about?
Because for a year he’s been CERTAIN it was not manmade instead of demanding investigations as any responsible person should have demanded. As many scientists were stating.
Like we didn't know.....I mean, like some of us didn't know :mad-61:

It’s in politics because this whole ChiCom Flu event has been political.

And now Fauci admits to another lie. Vindicated yet again.
How much has Fauci made the past year above his huge government salary?

Dr. Anthony Fauci is now calling for further investigation into the origins of COVID-19 in a departure from his dismissal of the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis last year.

President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, who has led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, said he was unsure when asked by Politifact’s Katie Sanders about whether he was still confident that COVID-19 emerged naturally.

“No, actually. … No, I’m not convinced about that. I think that we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we find out to the best of our ability exactly what happened,” Fauci said during the May 11 interview. “Certainly, the people who’ve investigated it say it likely was the emergence from an animal reservoir that then infected individuals, but it could’ve been something else, and we need to find that out. So, you know, that’s the reason why I said I’m perfectly in favor of any investigation that looks into the origin of the virus.”

He's alwayx been in f a vor of it, hasn't he?
He was sure of it a year and a half ago....He's the asshole who helped set up the CCP's gain of function research.
Yep. Fauci keeps on lying.
What is he lying about?
Nothing. The OP is lying.
It’s in politics because this whole ChiCom Flu event has been political.

And now Fauci admits to another lie. Vindicated yet again.
How much has Fauci made the past year above his huge government salary?

Dr. Anthony Fauci is now calling for further investigation into the origins of COVID-19 in a departure from his dismissal of the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis last year.

President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, who has led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, said he was unsure when asked by Politifact’s Katie Sanders about whether he was still confident that COVID-19 emerged naturally.

“No, actually. … No, I’m not convinced about that. I think that we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we find out to the best of our ability exactly what happened,” Fauci said during the May 11 interview. “Certainly, the people who’ve investigated it say it likely was the emergence from an animal reservoir that then infected individuals, but it could’ve been something else, and we need to find that out. So, you know, that’s the reason why I said I’m perfectly in favor of any investigation that looks into the origin of the virus.”

He's alwayx been in f a vor of it, hasn't he?
He was sure of it a year and a half ago....He's the asshole who helped set up the CCP's gain of function research.
Yep. Fauci keeps on lying.
What is he lying about?
Nothing. The OP is lying.
Fauci didn’t say that?

What pathological liar you are.
The virus doesn't exist- no matter what presstitute says so-

More on the coronavirus that doesn’t exist; and the Pink Demon

The global medical community has been asserting that “a pandemic is being caused by a virus, SARS-Cov-2.”

But what if the virus doesn’t exist?

People have been asking me for a step-by-step analysis of a mainstream claim of virus-isolation. Well, here it is.

“Isolation” should mean the virus has been separated out from all surrounding material, so researchers can say, “Look, we have it. Therefore, it exists.”

I took a typical passage from a published study, a “methods” section, in which researchers describe how they “isolated the virus.” I sent it to Dr. Andrew Kaufman [1], and he provided his analysis in detail.

More on the coronavirus that doesn’t exist; and the Pink Demon

“So-and-so SAYS the virus has been isolated and does exist.”
On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 would indicate “so what?” and 10 would rate “well, that’s it, the virus is real,” someone SAYING the virus exists comes in at minus-12.
Then there is the ever-popular, “OF COURSE this virus exists,” which is meant to dispel all doubt.
Below, I’ll reprint my piece in which Dr. Andrew Kaufman [1] analyzed, step-by-step, a typical excerpt from a published study. The excerpt described how SARS-CoV-2 was isolated. Dr. Kaufman tore the description to pieces. [2]
Since I published that article, I haven’t received a single communication attempting to refute Dr. Kaufman’s analysis.
I have received one or two emails stating, “Dr. Kaufman made several mistakes.” No specifics were mentioned. In the world of traditional logical fallacies, that response comes under the heading of “Vague Generalization.” Ninth-grade students used to be able to recognize it.

I’ve seen many articles in which SARS-CoV-2 is claimed to exist and possess various properties—the articles rely on bald statements from doctors or other so-called medical experts. No proof is offered. That logical fallacy would be Appeal to Authority: Because an authority figure says something is true, it must be true.
On this basis, the network evening news tells you all you need to know about reality.

A third fallacy is worth mentioning. We have this implied statement: “Researchers at the Wuhan Institute were weaponizing the virus; therefore, it exists.” That fallacy is called Circular Reasoning: You assume what you’re trying to prove. Many people fall for it.

“NASA scientists are chaining people to Ford trucks, preparing to launch them at faster-than-light speed in outer space; therefore, faster-than-light speed exists.”
Except that no one has created any virus in a lab yet.
Nor is covid-19 a very good bio weapon, since it hardly kills anyone.
Mostly just those over 70, which actually makes a war time economy more efficient, not less.
And those who believed Fauci are sheeple.

We have being saying that since day one.

Oh well.
I gave him two fair hearings when Trump was doing his daily briefings.....Believed scarf queen Brix to be sincere, though in a bit over her head....Fauci impressed me as a smarmy, parsing, little technocratic crap weasel.
Except that no one has created any virus in a lab yet.
Nor is covid-19 a very good bio weapon, since it hardly kills anyone.
Mostly just those over 70, which actually makes a war time economy more efficient, not less.
Virus mutations have been made in labs for decades.
And Covid was used to destroy world economies and get dumbass Biden installed.

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