Favorite James Bond Actor

Since I used to enjoy Remington Steele, thought Pierce Brosnon would be the best. And he was just ok.

I liked Daniel Craig. But I was a bigger fan of Sean Connery.
EASILY Sean Connery. The rest haven't matched his brilliance in the role. (IMHO)
Totally disagree.I liked Roger Moore the best,he brought an element of humor to it.Like in the spy who loved me when he is fighting jaws and tricks him into getting his metal teeth attached to the metal picker upper thst picks him up and he says How’s that grab ya? His sarcasm always made me laugh.Connery and Moore are the only real Bond actors for me,the rest are wanna be pretenders.
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Roger Moore.

Suave, a worldly gentleman with a sense of humor. IMO, this is the fantasy spy world I'd want to live in. He represented the British on screen with style. A superior Hannibal from the original A-Team.

I get the more violent Craig is relevant in todays geopolitical, no-holds-barred world, but I would just put on Commando or Rambo to get my testosterone fix. To me Sir Roger Moore emulated the alpha male with charm and a class above the others. Who doesn't respect manners over neanderthal?

One pic isn't enough!
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:thankusmile: :yes_text12: Excellent post shockedcanadian :thup: great minds think alike.
The Duke :thankusmile: :yes_text12: For the second post in a row,great minds think alike.:thup: Connery and Moore are the only real Bond actors,the rest are just a bunch of wanna be pretenders.
No love for George Lazenby?

I generally place Lazenby as #2 behind Connery. He only did the one movie but it was so uniquely different with a shocking ending that showed a part of Bond not seen any other time. He really grew on me. Shame he took so much heat for that film. In some ways, On Her Majesty's Secret Service can be argued to have been the best Bond film.
Hey bluzman61 something you will find interesting is a co worker of mine whom liked Roger Moore the best as well I will add,she meant thst actor thst played jaws I was referring to.she used to work at a hospital as a nurse and he was a patient of his and she mentioned that she got to talk with him extensively and thst he told her Moore was a nice guy and they became good friends after the spy who loved me. :)

Man I was so jealous of her,thst would have been a thrill fir me to meet someone who actually knew Roger Moore.I liked Connery obviously but Roger Moore was my man,my hero.the thing I always loved about Moore was you never saw it with Connery but Moore would always catch the line if it was a joke,he would always have a twink in his eye to let you know he caught the joke,

plus the other reason I preferred Moore was even when his life was in danger,he would always be cracking jokes,he never panicked.that was the main reason he was my hero,I loved how he would be cracking jokes even when the situation was bleak fir him and his life was in danger.

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