Favorite Roman Emperor and why

I know. It's not easy.

Augustus gets props for being the first and being able to keep the Senate relevant.

Claudius was most surprising considering his upbringing

Marcus Auerilus most noted for his Meditations

Hardian was a first class builder

Don't be shy
Trajan was the best of the emperors. In history he is regarded as one the 5 good leaders that ruled in order, starting first with Nerva, then Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pius, and lastly Marcus Aurelius. Under Trajan, the empire expanded to its greatest boundary, the coffers of Rome were refilled, peace within its boundaries reigned, and public projects such as helping the poor and homeless children in the capital city were priorities. The senate of Rome itself voted him as "optimus," the best. He was deified later after his death in 117 AD.
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Augustus. The single most important Emperor. The government he set up after Julius' death went basically unchanged for 300 years. His rule was one of the longest as well and that speaks volumes.
Claudius. His mighty legions, under General Plautius, laid the groundwork for transforming Britain from a druid-infested backwater into a nation that would eventually surpass Rome in everything that it could've ever conceived.

Vespasian, my second favourite, was the legate of the Legio II Augusta, the legion that spearheaded the invasion of Britain. He was the first Emperor to come from a humble background (his grandfather was a centurion). His son, Titus, built the Colosseum in his father's honour. But, sadly, Vespasian never lived to see its completion.

No, wait.....

Russell Crowe!!!!

No, that's not right...


Ok, Marcus Aurelius. Because it's just sad that his psycho son Joaquin suffocated him by squishing his nose into his stomach.

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