FBI and DHS in May issued bulletin warning of white supremacist violence


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
Prefatory Note:
Don't try replying with the deflective and trite tu quoque finger-pointing BS about other violent groups; this thread isn't about what they do, did or may do. Create your own thread to discuss them.​

Thread Topic:
In a bulletin issued on May 10, 2017, the FBI and DHS issued a bulletin containing the following statement: "White Supremacist Extremist [WSE] Movement Continues to Pose Threat of Violence to US Law Enforcement. This past weekend, the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, VA became the first event in which we observe made manifest the risk the FBI-DHS anticipated.

Even as he will, at the drop of a hat and as though he were killing snakes, label and append disparaging epithets to all manners of peaceable individuals for doing nothing more than printing or uttering words he doesn't like or opposing his points of view, Donald Trump for over 48 hours and only in the wake myriad bipartisan castigation to refrain from explicitly calling out white supremacists and their organizations.

That it took Trump that long is unconscionable. That he took so long when he could not have been unaware of the FBI-DHS bulletin only adds to the injury and insult of his not immediately in stern terms excoriated the white supremacist groups that bedevil and discompose the U.S.

As Foreign Policy reports, the FBI "concluded that white supremacists, including neo-Nazi supporters and members of the Ku Klux Klan, are in fact responsible for the lion’s share of violent attacks among domestic extremist groups. White supremacists “were responsible for 49 homicides in 26 attacks from 2000 to 2016 … more than any other domestic extremist movement,” reads the joint intelligence bulletin."
49 homicides in 16 years?

You're killing me Smalls, that's a month in Chicago of Blacks killing Blacks.
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Why am I not terrified of these mythical "white supremacists" you speak of? Should I be?

Mercy me.
Prefatory Note:
Don't try replying with the deflective and trite tu quoque finger-pointing BS about other violent groups; this thread isn't about what they do, did or may do. Create your own thread to discuss them.​

Thread Topic:
In a bulletin issued on May 10, 2017, the FBI and DHS issued a bulletin containing the following statement: "White Supremacist Extremist [WSE] Movement Continues to Pose Threat of Violence to US Law Enforcement. This past weekend, the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, VA became the first event in which we observe made manifest the risk the FBI-DHS anticipated.

Even as he will, at the drop of a hat and as though he were killing snakes, label and append disparaging epithets to all manners of peaceable individuals for doing nothing more than printing or uttering words he doesn't like or opposing his points of view, Donald Trump for over 48 hours and only in the wake myriad bipartisan castigation to refrain from explicitly calling out white supremacists and their organizations.

That it took Trump that long is unconscionable. That he took so long when he could not have been unaware of the FBI-DHS bulletin only adds to the injury and insult of his not immediately in stern terms excoriated the white supremacist groups that bedevil and discompose the U.S.

As Foreign Policy reports, the FBI "concluded that white supremacists, including neo-Nazi supporters and members of the Ku Klux Klan, are in fact responsible for the lion’s share of violent attacks among domestic extremist groups. White supremacists “were responsible for 49 homicides in 26 attacks from 2000 to 2016 … more than any other domestic extremist movement,” reads the joint intelligence bulletin."

Wow....I mean just WOW! That's an average of three per year in a country of 360 MILLION people. Now, let's compare the number of murders committed by illegals....in 2015 alone, the Barrypuppet refused to allow 208 illegals convicted of murder to be deported and 900 convicted of sex crimes including rape and pedophilia were also allowed to stay........but that's fine to a leftard, no????

BTW, I will compare and contrast when the need strikes me whether you approve or not.......capiche'?
46 homicides in 16 years?

You're killing me Smalls, that's a month in Chicago of Blacks killing Blacks.

Read the FBI-DHS report and then tell us what other American organizations come close to fomenting and spurring the deaths of as many individuals.

It should be something that deeply disturbs the very same people who are routinely "on about" terrorist attacks, of which there have after 2001 been 12 perpetrators who were responsible for a total of 94 deaths. One man was responsible for 49 of the 94 total deaths in those attacks: Omar Mateen, who gunned down patrons at an Orlando, Fla., night club. He was born in New York. All the terrorists were either Americans citizens or in the country legally. Here's where they were born:
  • United States: 7
  • Russia: 1
  • Kyrgyzstan: 1
  • Egypt: 1
  • Kuwait: 1
  • Pakistan: 1
If one finds it reasonable to construe terrorism and organizationally catalyzed murder as a problem, it stands to reason that such acts committed on U.S. soil by American white supremacist groups should, to persons of integrity be equally if not more disconcerting for that kind of terror and loss of life is Americans killing Americans. To you, however, it's apparently not.​
Why am I not terrified of these mythical "white supremacists" you speak of? Should I be?

Mercy me.

Be afraid, John.....be VERY afraid. Don't fret about George Soros funded ANTIFA commies.....look out for those white supremacists!!!!
Why am I not terrified of these mythical "white supremacists" you speak of? Should I be?

Mercy me.
If you look anything like your current avatar, you probably don't need to be terrified of white supremacists.
Why am I not terrified of these mythical "white supremacists" you speak of? Should I be?

Mercy me.
If you look anything like your current avatar, you probably don't need to be terrified of white supremacists.

You don't recognize the famous American patriot, pastor, anti-communist, and martyr John Birch?
46 homicides in 16 years?

You're killing me Smalls, that's a month in Chicago of Blacks killing Blacks.

Read the FBI-DHS report and then tell us what other American organizations come close to fomenting and spurring the deaths of as many individuals.

It should be something that deeply disturbs the very same people who are routinely "on about" terrorist attacks, of which there have after 2001 been 12 perpetrators who were responsible for a total of 94 deaths. One man was responsible for 49 of the 94 total deaths in those attacks: Omar Mateen, who gunned down patrons at an Orlando, Fla., night club. He was born in New York. All the terrorists were either Americans citizens or in the country legally. Here's where they were born:
  • United States: 7
  • Russia: 1
  • Kyrgyzstan: 1
  • Egypt: 1
  • Kuwait: 1
  • Pakistan: 1
If one finds it reasonable to construe terrorism and organizationally catalyzed murder as a problem, it stands to reason that such acts committed on U.S. soil by American white supremacist groups should, to persons of integrity be equally if not more disconcerting for that kind of terror and loss of life is Americans killing Americans. To you, however, it's apparently not.​

Perhaps white supremacists should take the commie route and wear masks, don clubs, swing bicycle chains, fill balloons with urine and paint and get PAID for creating chaos! Then they can bitch, moan, gripe and complain when they get their collective asses kicked, no?
Why am I not terrified of these mythical "white supremacists" you speak of? Should I be?

Mercy me.
If you look anything like your current avatar, you probably don't need to be terrified of white supremacists.

You don't recognize the famous American patriot, pastor, anti-communist, and martyr John Birch?

John Birch stood tall against commies....so naturally the OP is offended.
Why am I not terrified of these mythical "white supremacists" you speak of? Should I be?

Mercy me.
If you look anything like your current avatar, you probably don't need to be terrified of white supremacists.

You don't recognize the famous American patriot, pastor, anti-communist, and martyr John Birch?

John Birch stood tall against commies....so naturally the OP is offended.

I went to a couple of their meetings when I lived in Texas. Contrary to the the left will tell you, there were also black people, Hispanics, and women who regularly attended them. Most of what they talked about was over my head at the time because I was going through a transformation from being a liberal to becoming a conservative.

Hear that lefties? There's hope for you yet. :biggrin:
Xelor, any time you want to go "toe to toe" with me in a debate or a discussion? Please, let me know. We can do it in the "Bull Ring" or we can do it here. I live for debate and no one that sides with the Fabian Socialists will step up to the plate. It seems that my knowledge of how things work intimidates them into silence. I think that you might actually have some "game" and the ability to articulate your arguments in a way that would spark discussion among all that read our exchanges. I might agree with you on some points and stringently disagree with you on others....what say ye? I will even give you first pick out of the ol' "grab bag" of topics...........are ya "game"????
I am a bit worried about the national socialists, the IQ in that group almost reaches to the level of the OP. Then again, I am worried about socialists of all brands.

Other than that, I am not worried.
Why am I not terrified of these mythical "white supremacists" you speak of? Should I be?

Mercy me.
If you look anything like your current avatar, you probably don't need to be terrified of white supremacists.

You don't recognize the famous American patriot, pastor, anti-communist, and martyr John Birch?
Be that as it may, the point I made stands. If you look like John Birch, you probably don't need to be terrified of white supremacists.
Why am I not terrified of these mythical "white supremacists" you speak of? Should I be?

Mercy me.
If you look anything like your current avatar, you probably don't need to be terrified of white supremacists.

You don't recognize the famous American patriot, pastor, anti-communist, and martyr John Birch?
Be that as it may, the point I made stands. If you look like John Birch, you probably don't need to be terrified of white supremacists.

Xelor, pull up your big boy britches (or if you are gender-confused, pull up your dainty panties) and debate me............you have nothing to lose but your pride. (snicker)

We can let the board masses decide on which of us has made the better point.........stop standing on the sidelines, dude....

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