FBI apologizes for spying and wiretapping of Trump campaign


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
FBI admits illegal wiretapping of President Trump, issues apology - Whatfinger News - Videos

F.B.I. Apologizes to Court for Botching Surveillance of Trump Adviser, and Pledges Fixes

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Notice the softened code words. "listening in,"

Libs on this forum have maintained for months if not years that Trump wasn't spied on or wiretapped.
Well the FBI just apologized for doing it. So that does it.

Oh and ya
the libs aren't going to take our guns either. Just ask em.
FBI admits illegal wiretapping of President Trump, issues apology - Whatfinger News - Videos

F.B.I. Apologizes to Court for Botching Surveillance of Trump Adviser, and Pledges Fixes

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Notice the softened code words. "listening in,"

Libs on this forum have maintained for months if not years that Trump wasn't spied on or wiretapped.
Well the FBI just apologized for doing it. So that does it.

Oh and ya
the libs aren't going to take our guns either. Just ask em.

Whatfinger?... You threw in some oddball site with 2 legit sites. Everyone already knows what is in the second two. Using already known information to try and give some kind of crap site legitimization is just dishonest.
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FBI admits illegal wiretapping of President Trump, issues apology - Whatfinger News - Videos

F.B.I. Apologizes to Court for Botching Surveillance of Trump Adviser, and Pledges Fixes

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Notice the softened code words. "listening in,"

Libs on this forum have maintained for months if not years that Trump wasn't spied on or wiretapped.
Well the FBI just apologized for doing it. So that does it.

Oh and ya
the libs aren't going to take our guns either. Just ask em.

They are so sorry. There, isn't everything better now?

Amazing - The criminals admit and apologize for what they did, and snowflakes still reject the truth.
FBI admits illegal wiretapping of President Trump, issues apology - Whatfinger News - Videos

F.B.I. Apologizes to Court for Botching Surveillance of Trump Adviser, and Pledges Fixes

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Notice the softened code words. "listening in,"

Libs on this forum have maintained for months if not years that Trump wasn't spied on or wiretapped.
Well the FBI just apologized for doing it. So that does it.

Oh and ya
the libs aren't going to take our guns either. Just ask em.
this is the same camp that insisted the "investigation" into hillary was called "a matter". some people love to play on words so nothing is what it really is anymore.
This is another 'Johnathon Gruber' moment for snowflakes...

Are they going to accept the fact that the FBI committed FISA Court abuses and illegally spied on Trump and his team, or are they going to be the ignorant, stupid sheep the Democrats not only have known them to be but have also counted on them to be in order for the Democrats to get away with their Constitutional violations and crimes?
Carter Page was not associated with the Trump campaign when the FISA warrants in question were approved. The first one was filed before Trump became a candidate.

There was no surveillance nor spying on the Trump campaign. Period.

Honesty is beyond the reach of a large portion of Trump’s base.
Amazing - The criminals admit and apologize for what they did, and snowflakes still reject the truth.

Nobody admitted to any such thing. You guys lie all the fucking time. It must be depressing for you.
You DO realize, right, that the US IG already proved they did, that former NSA Director not only admitted they did but declared they only did what President Obama told them to do, and the FISA Court confirmed the FBI did it and demanded the FBI submit a plan to show they will never do it again?!

You DO realize the FBI admitted to doing this by submitting the plan to stop committing FISA Court abuses as the FISA Court ordered them to do instead of telling the FISA Court, "F* you - we didn't do it"?!

You have serious 'denial' issues....it may be 'terminal'.
Carter Page was not associated with the Trump campaign when the FISA warrants in question were approved. The first one was filed before Trump became a candidate.

There was no surveillance nor spying on the Trump campaign. Period.

Honesty is beyond the reach of a large portion of Trump’s base.

You would think the CIA and FBI would have some way to say if they both are either investigating the same guy, or if the guy being investigated is actually an asset for the other. I mean I understand how that type of communication could actually cause an issue in one investigation or the other, but is it as bad as the flak they are getting now because of it?
Amazing - The criminals admit and apologize for what they did, and snowflakes still reject the truth.

Nobody admitted to any such thing. You guys lie all the fucking time. It must be depressing for you.
You DO realize, right, that the US IG already proved they did, that former NSA Director not only admitted they did but declared they only did what President Obama told them to do, and the FISA Court confirmed the FBI did it and demanded the FBI submit a plan to show they will never do it again?!

You DO realize the FBI admitted to doing this by submitting the plan to stop committing FISA Court abuses as the FISA Court ordered them to do instead of telling the FISA Court, "F* you - we didn't do it"?!

You have serious 'denial' issues....it may be 'terminal'.

Nobody spied on the Trump campaign.
Carter Page was not associated with the Trump campaign when the FISA warrants in question were approved. The first one was filed before Trump became a candidate.

There was no surveillance nor spying on the Trump campaign. Period.

Honesty is beyond the reach of a large portion of Trump’s base.

You would think the CIA and FBI would have some way to say if they both are either investigating the same guy, or if the guy being investigated is actually an asset for the other. I mean I understand how that type of communication could actually cause an issue in one investigation or the other, but is it as bad as the flak they are getting now because of it?

Yes as Horowitz made clear, mistakes were made and Page was treated unfairly in the process.

He will likely end up being compensated.
FBI admits illegal wiretapping of President Trump, issues apology - Whatfinger News - Videos

F.B.I. Apologizes to Court for Botching Surveillance of Trump Adviser, and Pledges Fixes

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Notice the softened code words. "listening in,"

Libs on this forum have maintained for months if not years that Trump wasn't spied on or wiretapped.
Well the FBI just apologized for doing it. So that does it.

Oh and ya
the libs aren't going to take our guns either. Just ask em.

Whatfinger?... You threw in some oddball site with 2 legit sites. Everyone already knows what is in the second two. Using already known information to try and give some kind of crap site legitimization is just dishonest.
and to throw a bunch of words up on a computer screen with no basis in fact is just as dishonest
Amazing - The criminals admit and apologize for what they did, and snowflakes still reject the truth.

Nobody admitted to any such thing. You guys lie all the fucking time. It must be depressing for you.
You DO realize, right, that the US IG already proved they did, that former NSA Director not only admitted they did but declared they only did what President Obama told them to do, and the FISA Court confirmed the FBI did it and demanded the FBI submit a plan to show they will never do it again?!

You DO realize the FBI admitted to doing this by submitting the plan to stop committing FISA Court abuses as the FISA Court ordered them to do instead of telling the FISA Court, "F* you - we didn't do it"?!

You have serious 'denial' issues....it may be 'terminal'.

Nobody spied on the Trump campaign.

Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality

AG Barr said spying did occur. Who says that it didn't?
FBI admits illegal wiretapping of President Trump, issues apology - Whatfinger News - Videos

F.B.I. Apologizes to Court for Botching Surveillance of Trump Adviser, and Pledges Fixes

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Notice the softened code words. "listening in,"

Libs on this forum have maintained for months if not years that Trump wasn't spied on or wiretapped.
Well the FBI just apologized for doing it. So that does it.

Oh and ya
the libs aren't going to take our guns either. Just ask em.
But I’ve been assured by my moral superiors for 3 years that Trump was never spied upon and Trump was just talking wild conspiracies!!!
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Yes as Horowitz made clear, mistakes were made and Page was treated unfairly in the process.


Intentionally withholding evidence from the FISA Court is NOT a 'mistake' - it's a CRIME.

Intentionally altering evidence is NOT a 'mistake' - it's a CRIME.

Intentionally using KNOWN false Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda from a KNOWN lying, untrustworthy, biased, Trump-hating foreign spy to illegally acquire / extend FISA Court warrants to spy on the President and his team is NOT a 'mistake' - it's a CRIME.

You are mentally unstable...or just a blatant criminal Democrat apologist.


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