Judge Hands Trump a Win in Fight Against FBI, Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth Follows

Judge Hands Trump a Win in Fight Against FBI, Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth Follows​

I'm going to invest in false teeth..............I'll be filthy rich in no time!!!!

Judge Hands Trump a Win in Fight Against FBI, Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth Follows​

27 Aug 2022 ~~ By Bonchie

The exposition of the FBI’s behavior in the month of August has been something to behold. More recently, we learned that the FBI went to Facebook during the 2020 election and indicated that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation. In reality, the bureau had known since 2019 that the story was real because they themselves were in possession of the laptop.
Prior to that, the big story has been the raid of Donald Trump’s Florida home, which has led to numerous court clashes as the government has sought to keep the details secret. On Friday, the affidavit was released, much to the chagrin of the powers that be. What it revealed was a politically weaponized FBI working hand in hand with partisans at the National Archives to target Trump over a records dispute, partially based on a CB~Snip~S News article.
Still, the former president has scored some wins in response to the unprecedented action. Though the affidavit was heavily redacted, it was still unusual for any part of it to be ordered released. Now, Trump has just hit a home run, this time concerning his request for a special master to review what was seized at Mar-a-Lago.
The news sent resistance libs into fits of rage, as illustrated below in Marc Caputo’s post.

I just don’t see the DOJ ignoring the Hillary Clinton precedent regarding the handling of government records, and even if they tried to go that route, there are people on record saying the declassification order existed. It would lead to total chaos if Trump were charged (and presumably convicted given the DC jury pool) with a crime that the government gave Clinton a pass on, and she didn’t have the use of presidential powers as a defense.
Still, another part of me feels like they have to go all the way here. If the DOJ stops short, it only further exposes the raid for what it so obviously was. The administration has painted itself into a corner, and that may bring about some more bad decision-making before this is all said and done.

No one really knows what they took but they admitted they took stuff they weren’t supposed to.
WE do know they seized some of Melania's underwear.
If information begins to be leaked to WAPO or NYTimes that the President can prove are Attorney-Client privilege, this whole thing blows up.
After DJT proves that he acted completely within the law and they slow walk giving everything back, all he has to say is…'Fine, you can keep the copies', except for his personal items, Attorney Client privileged information, passports and perhaps several pairs of Melania’s panties. It would be awesome to see them on security footage doing some inappropriate things.
The raid by the DOJ/FBI on Mar a Lago is everything corrupt, fascist and totalitarian that the Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies have been "projecting" onto us for over 40 years.

You clearly know nothing except what the dishonest right wing media tells you. This so-called judge didn't even wait to hear the response from the DOJ which shows how biased she was. The documents likely have already been reviewed. Trump Republicans are the corrupt and fascist. REPUBLICAN governor Larry Hogan admits there is a authoritarian streak in the Republican Party.
Perception . That's why the FBI keeps leaking . Misinformation..
They're going to do what is necessary to take him down. There are too many Americans who are willing to follow him in his fascist agenda. Democracy is now severely threatened but there's still a turning point available.

He will likely be able to depend on the police if history tells us anything about the rise of fascism, and we already know that a large portion of the police are sympathetic of racism. The racism factor is as strong or even stronger than it was in 30's Germany in which the cause against the Jews had to be built. Racism in America is pre-built for his cause.

The leaders in the military have also been partially taken in by the fascist leader but some of the military are faithful to the flag. Those will be willing to fall on their swords.
"stall" was the 1st thing I thought. Other than that, I doubt it does any good.
Of course Trump is stalling...

"Next week we can expect that the Department of Justice will respond to a different judge's request on Trump's behalf that they show why they don't need to appoint a special master to determine if any of the documents should be shielded by executive privilege. If so, that could take months, so Trump's usual delaying tactics may succeed once again. But, importantly, that's the only success he's having at the moment"

They're going to do what is necessary to take him down. There are too many Americans who are willing to follow him in his fascist agenda. Democracy is now severely threatened but there's still a turning point available.

He will likely be able to depend on the police if history tells us anything about the rise of fascism, and we already know that a large portion of the police are sympathetic of racism. The racism factor is as strong or even stronger than it was in 30's Germany in which the cause against the Jews had to be built. Racism in America is pre-built for his cause.

The leaders in the military have also been partially taken in by the fascist leader but some of the military are faithful to the flag. Those will be willing to fall on their swords.
No shit. That's what the lying left and worthless Canadians like you have been doing since the escalator. Just lying and leaking and and spying and frauding the courts. Anything goes , there are no rules on the little fishing expedition. I'm glad you at least finally admitted as much. Yet , not one damn thing did you fools get him on. Nope , no crimes . Not even jaywalking. All the while the democrats are running crime families throughout the world . I can't express how unbelievably stupid you all look . Obama sent terrorists in Iran billions in cash in the middle of the night ... and you fools are looking in trumps wife's underware drawer to find any little scrap of evidence of a crime. Fucking Morons .
No shit. That's what the lying left and worthless Canadians like you have been doing since the escalator. Just lying and leaking and and spying and frauding the courts. Anything goes , there are no rules on the little fishing expedition. I'm glad you at least finally admitted as much. Yet , not one damn thing did you fools get him on. Nope , no crimes . Not even jaywalking. All the while the democrats are running crime families throughout the world . I can't express how unbelievably stupid you all look . Obama sent terrorists in Iran billions in cash in the middle of the night ... and you fools are looking in trumps wife's underware drawer to find any little scrap of evidence of a crime. Fucking Morons .
You would have to admit that 'racism' was a pre-existing condition that Trump took advantage of.
Are you sure? Maybe you all jumped the gun.

"A federal judge gave notice in a "preliminary order" order Saturday of her "preliminary intent to appoint a special master" in response to former President Donald Trump's motion filed last Monday. Her decision is not yet final, and she called for additional steps to be taken before she makes her final decision on whether a special master should be appointed"

And now the FBI is done going through the papers, making the special master meaningless

Judge Hands Trump a Win in Fight Against FBI, Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth Follows​

27 Aug 2022 ~~ By Bonchie

The exposition of the FBI’s behavior in the month of August has been something to behold. More recently, we learned that the FBI went to Facebook during the 2020 election and indicated that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation. In reality, the bureau had known since 2019 that the story was real because they themselves were in possession of the laptop.
Prior to that, the big story has been the raid of Donald Trump’s Florida home, which has led to numerous court clashes as the government has sought to keep the details secret. On Friday, the affidavit was released, much to the chagrin of the powers that be. What it revealed was a politically weaponized FBI working hand in hand with partisans at the National Archives to target Trump over a records dispute, partially based on a CB~Snip~S News article.
Still, the former president has scored some wins in response to the unprecedented action. Though the affidavit was heavily redacted, it was still unusual for any part of it to be ordered released. Now, Trump has just hit a home run, this time concerning his request for a special master to review what was seized at Mar-a-Lago.
The news sent resistance libs into fits of rage, as illustrated below in Marc Caputo’s post.

I just don’t see the DOJ ignoring the Hillary Clinton precedent regarding the handling of government records, and even if they tried to go that route, there are people on record saying the declassification order existed. It would lead to total chaos if Trump were charged (and presumably convicted given the DC jury pool) with a crime that the government gave Clinton a pass on, and she didn’t have the use of presidential powers as a defense.
Still, another part of me feels like they have to go all the way here. If the DOJ stops short, it only further exposes the raid for what it so obviously was. The administration has painted itself into a corner, and that may bring about some more bad decision-making before this is all said and done.

No one really knows what they took but they admitted they took stuff they weren’t supposed to.
WE do know they seized some of Melania's underwear.
If information begins to be leaked to WAPO or NYTimes that the President can prove are Attorney-Client privilege, this whole thing blows up.
After DJT proves that he acted completely within the law and they slow walk giving everything back, all he has to say is…'Fine, you can keep the copies', except for his personal items, Attorney Client privileged information, passports and perhaps several pairs of Melania’s panties. It would be awesome to see them on security footage doing some inappropriate things.
The raid by the DOJ/FBI on Mar a Lago is everything corrupt, fascist and totalitarian that the Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies have been "projecting" onto us for over 40 years.

Why do you hate cops?
And now the FBI is done going through the papers,
And still no arrest. Hmmmm.
making the special master meaningless
The special master can help Judge Cannon decide what sanctions to apply to the FBI based on how much privileged material the FBI actually stole.

Also the special master can just return the papers to their rightful owner without waiting for the FBI foot dragging.
And still no arrest. Hmmmm.

The special master can help Judge Cannon decide what sanctions to apply to the FBI based on how much privileged material the FBI actually stole.

Also the special master can just return the papers to their rightful owner without waiting for the FBI foot dragging.
There’s no sanctions necessary. The FBI acted appropriately by bringing a filter team.

Second, Trump requested a special master for executive privilege, not attorney client privilege.

Third, the FBI is apparently already done reviewing the documents. The time for a special master was weeks ago. Trump is incompetent. This filing is only theatre, making it look like they’re doing something.

Cannon is a hack who has little regard for the law. She issued her little order before the DoJ had even been served the lawsuit and had a chance to respond. What judge issues this order before hearing both sides? A hack. That’s who.
And still no arrest. Hmmmm.

were you expecting one?

The special master can help Judge Cannon decide what sanctions to apply to the FBI based on how much privileged material the FBI actually stole.

Also the special master can just return the papers to their rightful owner without waiting for the FBI foot dragging.

I am sure you think those things are true

Judge Hands Trump a Win in Fight Against FBI, Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth Follows​

27 Aug 2022 ~~ By Bonchie

The exposition of the FBI’s behavior in the month of August has been something to behold. More recently, we learned that the FBI went to Facebook during the 2020 election and indicated that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation. In reality, the bureau had known since 2019 that the story was real because they themselves were in possession of the laptop.
Prior to that, the big story has been the raid of Donald Trump’s Florida home, which has led to numerous court clashes as the government has sought to keep the details secret. On Friday, the affidavit was released, much to the chagrin of the powers that be. What it revealed was a politically weaponized FBI working hand in hand with partisans at the National Archives to target Trump over a records dispute, partially based on a CB~Snip~S News article.
Still, the former president has scored some wins in response to the unprecedented action. Though the affidavit was heavily redacted, it was still unusual for any part of it to be ordered released. Now, Trump has just hit a home run, this time concerning his request for a special master to review what was seized at Mar-a-Lago.
The news sent resistance libs into fits of rage, as illustrated below in Marc Caputo’s post.

I just don’t see the DOJ ignoring the Hillary Clinton precedent regarding the handling of government records, and even if they tried to go that route, there are people on record saying the declassification order existed. It would lead to total chaos if Trump were charged (and presumably convicted given the DC jury pool) with a crime that the government gave Clinton a pass on, and she didn’t have the use of presidential powers as a defense.
Still, another part of me feels like they have to go all the way here. If the DOJ stops short, it only further exposes the raid for what it so obviously was. The administration has painted itself into a corner, and that may bring about some more bad decision-making before this is all said and done.

No one really knows what they took but they admitted they took stuff they weren’t supposed to.
WE do know they seized some of Melania's underwear.
If information begins to be leaked to WAPO or NYTimes that the President can prove are Attorney-Client privilege, this whole thing blows up.
After DJT proves that he acted completely within the law and they slow walk giving everything back, all he has to say is…'Fine, you can keep the copies', except for his personal items, Attorney Client privileged information, passports and perhaps several pairs of Melania’s panties. It would be awesome to see them on security footage doing some inappropriate things.
The raid by the DOJ/FBI on Mar a Lago is everything corrupt, fascist and totalitarian that the Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies have been "projecting" onto us for over 40 years.

Do you see any differences between what Clinton did and what trump did or do you see the two situations as the exact same?
And now the FBI is done going through the papers, making the special master meaningless
Not meaningless if the special master can be appointed with the purpose of causing delay.

The FBI/DOJ's main objective is to keep Trump's criminal behaviour in the news during the leadup to the election. It's all about discrediting Trump to stop him from being a positive influence for the sake of his extremist crazies running for office.

If the GOP is largely successful in the elections, the FBI/DOJ success in stopping Trump by legal means will be much harder and that could lead to the FBI stooping to 'extraordinary' means!
Great illegal minds are needed by Trump. He can't win now by any legal means.

This is probably close to the point at which stops trying 'legal' means and starts to appeal to the 'crowds' he can gather who will be moved by crowd mentality.

Anything Hitler wanted his massive crowds to believe was readily accepted even though it made no sense most of the time.
The Jews were blamed for the suffering of the German people.
Trump's Jews are people that aren't pure whites.
except the democrats fought a horrible war to preserve their right to keep negro slaves
except the democrats fought a horrible war to preserve their right to keep negro slaves
No doubt true. Racism has always crossed political party lines in America.

Currently the Democrats are pretending to not support racism, for the sake of holding the black and brown votes.
While the majority of rightists on this board at least are proud to be racists.
There’s no sanctions necessary. The FBI acted appropriately by bringing a filter team.
An FBI filter team.
Second, Trump requested a special master for executive privilege, not attorney client privilege.
I'd have to see a source for that. It sounds made up.
Third, the FBI is apparently already done reviewing the documents. The time for a special master was weeks ago. Trump is incompetent. This filing is only theatre, making it look like they’re doing something.
The damage is done, you're right about that. The FBI should have requested a special master at the time they requested the warrant.

Since they are done, why havent they returned the privileged material they admit to taking?
Cannon is a hack who has little regard for the law. She issued her little order before the DoJ had even been served the lawsuit and had a chance to respond. What judge issues this order before hearing both sides? A hack. That’s who.
She hasn't issued the order. She is awaiting the DOJ response. Stop making up facts.
Great illegal minds are needed by Trump. He can't win now by any legal means.

This is probably close to the point at which stops trying 'legal' means and starts to appeal to the 'crowds' he can gather who will be moved by crowd mentality.

Anything Hitler wanted his massive crowds to believe was readily accepted even though it made no sense most of the time.
The Jews were blamed for the suffering of the German people.
Trump's Jews are people that aren't pure whites.
Spoken like a true Adolph Hitler or Farrakhan supporter
An FBI filter team.

I'd have to see a source for that. It sounds made up.

The damage is done, you're right about that. The FBI should have requested a special master at the time they requested the warrant.

Since they are done, why havent they returned the privileged material they admit to taking?

She hasn't issued the order. She is awaiting the DOJ response. Stop making up facts.
Read the filings. It’ll tell you what you need to know.

The DoJ used a filter team. It’s consistent with their standard practices. If Trump wanted a special master, he could have asked for it immediately. It’s not the DoJ’s fault he’s incompetent.

Cannon is a hack. She’s demonstrating very poor adherence to legal rules and principles.

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