FBI Admits In Court They Planted Top Secret SCI Cover Sheets In Mar-A-Lago Raid

This is a giant nothing burger, but it's amusing to watch Cult 45 froth at the mouth as if they've proven some sort of conspiracy theory.

In their filing, prosecutors acknowledged the government had previously — and incorrectly — told U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon that the boxes remained “in their original, intact form as seized,” other than a decision to replace classified documents with placeholder sheets.

That depiction, the prosecutors conceded, is “inconsistent” with their current understanding that some of the documents are not now in the same order as they appear in digital scans of the records that were made in the fall of 2022 after Cannon ordered an unusual process to review whether the FBI may have seized legally privileged records.

“There are some boxes where the order of items within that box is not the same as in the associated scans,” prosecutors wrote, adding in a footnote: “The Government acknowledges that this is inconsistent with what Government counsel previously understood and represented to the Court.”

Tampering with evidence is a serious offense, Bubba.
That is what I'm trying to do. I would like to see the quote from the FBI. Of course they never remotely said what you're alleging...so you're clearly lying.

But since your brought it up...What other sources have you cited and crosschecked?


"The New York Times insisted the photo was consistent with how the FBI handles criminal investigations. “[It] is standard practice for the F.B.I. to take evidentiary pictures of materials recovered in a search to ensure that items are properly cataloged and accounted for. Files or documents are not tossed around randomly, even though they might appear that way; they are usually splayed out so they can be separately identified by their markings,” reporters Glenn Thrush and Adam Goldman wrote on August 31, 2022.

Except…that is not what happened.

A Stunt with Potentially Case-Killing Consequences for DOJ

New court filings in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s espionage and obstruction case against Trump and two co-defendants conclusively demonstrate that the government used the cover sheets to deceive the public as well as the court. The photo was a stunt, and one that adds more fuel to this dumpster-fire case.

Jay Bratt, who was the lead DOJ prosecutor on the investigation at the time and now is assigned to Smith’s team, described the photo this way in his August 30, 2022 response to Trump’s special master lawsuit:

“[Thirteen] boxes or containers contained documents with classification markings, and in all, over one hundred unique documents with classification markings…were seized. Certain of the documents had colored cover sheets indicating their classification status. (Emphasis added.) See, e.g., Attachment F (redacted FBI photograph of certain documents and classified cover sheets recovered from a container in the ‘45 office’).”

The DOJ’s clever wordsmithing, however, did not accurately describe the origin of the cover sheets. In what must be considered not only an act of doctoring evidence but willfully misleading the American people into believing the former president is a criminal and threat to national security, agents involved in the raid attached the cover sheets to at least seven files to stage the photo.

Classified cover sheets were not “recovered” in the container, contrary to Bratt’s declaration to the court. In fact, after being busted recently by defense attorneys for mishandling evidence in the case, Bratt had to fess up about how the cover sheets actually ended up on the documents.

Here is Bratt’s new version of the story, where he finally admits a critical detail that he failed to disclose in his August 2022 filing:

“[If] the investigative team found a document with classification markings, it removed the document, segregated it, and replaced it with a placeholder sheet. The investigative team used classified cover sheets for that purpose.”

But before the official cover sheets were used as placeholder, agents apparently used them as props. FBI agents took it upon themselves to paperclip the sheets to documents—something evident given the uniform nature of how each cover sheet is clipped to each file in the photo—laid them on the floor, and snapped a picture for political posterity.

That raises many troubling questions, to say the least, about the FBI’s handling of the alleged incriminating documents.

For example, who made the on-site determination as to the classification level appropriate for each document? Did agents have security clearance and expertise related to classification? Did the agents know whether the document had been declassified by Trump while still in office?

The hasty assessment also appears to contradict Bratt’s statements in court about the classification status of the seized documents. Bratt told Judge Aileen Cannon during a hearing last year that the records were undergoing a classification review, presumably conducted by the intelligence community, to determine the correct level of secrecy.

Did the final analysis confirm or dispute the assessments by the field FBI agents who conducted the raid?

Missing Paper Trial and Messy Boxes

But Jack Smith might have bigger problems. During the raid, agents took a box in its entirety if it contained papers with classified markings; the box usually contained other items, which is how the FBI ended up with so many of Trump’s personal belongings.

So, in order to flag the location of the alleged classified record in the box, agents, as Bratt noted, used the cover sheets as placeholders. (The classified records were then placed in a separate secure file.)

But now defense attorneys claim, and the special counsel concedes, that some placeholders do not match the relevant document. “Following defense counsel’s review of the physical boxes…and the documents produced in classified discovery, defense counsel has learned that the cross-reference provided by the Special Counsel’s Office does not contain accurate information,” attorneys representing Trump’s co-defendant Waltine Nauta wrote in a May 1 motion."
In no way is that "planting evidence".

Shock of shocks...you lied.
They admitted they planted evidence, in the FBI files presented to the court.

So stop lying.

Here's the document again, because you can't seem to read or comprehend English.

Get somebody with a working knowledge of English to read it to you. Have then read the highlighted paragraph to you, focus on the phrase "with appropriate cover sheets added by FBI personnel"

They admitted they planted evidence, in the FBI files presented to the court.

So stop lying.

Here's the document again, because you can't seem to read or comprehend English.

Get somebody with a working knowledge of English to read it to you. Have then read the highlighted paragraph to you, focus on the phrase "with appropriate cover sheets added by FBI personnel"

View attachment 967578
Cover sheets... Its not planting evidence any more than the cops putting down a ruler to show the size of the cut or piece of evidence.


For once in your life, try not to lie.
Cover sheets... Its not planting evidence any more than the cops putting down a ruler to show the size of the cut or piece of evidence.

View attachment 967579

For once in your life, try not to lie.

When you take crime scene photos you can't stage the evidence. You cannot doctor the evidence. You cannot even touch the evidence.

You have to take it into evidence as-is. Not dressed up to appear something it is not.

There also has to be a non-biased witnesses to verify that the documents were found in a specific condition and are genuine.

Not only did they have no witness to verify the evidence, but they turned off security cameras to conceal what they were doing and refused to allow Trump lawyers to open seals, unlock doors, or watch them open the boxes and go thru the contents so there wouldn't be any claims of doctored evidence.

To top it off, they admitted they doctored the evidence.

When you take crime scene photos you can't stage the evidence. You cannot doctor the evidence. You cannot even touch the evidence.
Nothing was doctored...but you should see one...a whole team of them.
You have to take it into evidence as-is. Not dressed up to appear something it is not.

There also has to be a non-biased witnesses to verify that the documents were found in a specific condition and are genuine.

Not only did they have no witness to verify the evidence, but they turned off security cameras to conceal what they were doing and refused to allow Trump lawyers to open seals, unlock doors, or watch them open the boxes and go thru the contents so there wouldn't be any claims of doctored evidence.

To top it off, they admitted they doctored the evidence.
No such admission was ever made. Stop lying.
View attachment 967505

Newsmax is talking about this while I'm typing this message.

The FBI was forced to admit in court papers that they planted evidence during the Mar-A-Lago raid. The cover sheets they showed in the famous picture was brought in by the FBI during the raid and passed off as genuine evidence. The photo was fake.

Greg Kelly is talking about it right now, LIVE.

Judge Cannon has been going over redacted documents that shows that Jack Smith lied for 2 years about the nature of those photos.

We also discovered the the FBI turned off the security cameras for about 25 mins while they were staging the documents for the photo.

I've been watching this story for over an hour and I'm still waiting for it to pop up online.

Soon as it does I'll post it.
So that "2A" is doctoring evidence in your book?

Wow... were you dropped on your head at birth?
We already knew the cover sheets in photo evidence op were put there.... That came out with explanation, right after the picture in Aug of 2022. There's a thread on it from back then....And it was explained back then as well? So what is new??
This is a giant nothing burger, but it's amusing to watch Cult 45 froth at the mouth as if they've proven some sort of conspiracy theory.

In their filing, prosecutors acknowledged the government had previously — and incorrectly — told U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon that the boxes remained “in their original, intact form as seized,” other than a decision to replace classified documents with placeholder sheets.

That depiction, the prosecutors conceded, is “inconsistent” with their current understanding that some of the documents are not now in the same order as they appear in digital scans of the records that were made in the fall of 2022 after Cannon ordered an unusual process to review whether the FBI may have seized legally privileged records.

“There are some boxes where the order of items within that box is not the same as in the associated scans,” prosecutors wrote, adding in a footnote: “The Government acknowledges that this is inconsistent with what Government counsel previously understood and represented to the Court.”

Oh? Planting evidence is a " nothing burger"?

Talk about being a cultist. Boy, you are deep in the pit.
Nothing was doctored...but you should see one...a whole team of them.

No such admission was ever made. Stop lying.
Maybe you need to see one, because your TDS won't allow you to admit you're wrong.
That is what I'm trying to do. I would like to see the quote from the FBI. Of course they never remotely said what you're alleging...so you're clearly lying.

But since your brought it up...What other sources have you cited and crosschecked?
I showed you the GD quote and you still insist on lying about it.

exactly what is the dif here????

None. But the cultists want you to believe their altered view of reality whether it is logical or not.
Cover sheets... Its not planting evidence any more than the cops putting down a ruler to show the size of the cut or piece of evidence.

View attachment 967579

For once in your life, try not to lie.
It's one thing to place a ruler next to a peace of evidence to show size perspective. Quite another to alter the documents by putting cover sheets on them to create a false image to take photographs, and then leak these false images to the public in an effort to inflame the public against Trump.

Tampering with evidence and leaking to the press fake pictures is against the law, especially if you're involved in an investigation and trying to bring charges against a defendant.

Damn you're stupid.


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