FBI Admits In Court They Planted Top Secret SCI Cover Sheets In Mar-A-Lago Raid

It's one thing to place a ruler next to a peace of evidence to show size perspective. Quite another to alter the documents by putting cover sheets on them to create a false image to take photographs, and then leak these false images to the public in an effort to inflame the public against Trump.

Tampering with evidence and leaking to the press fake pictures is against the law, especially if you're involved in an investigation and trying to bring charges against a defendant.

Damn you're stupid.


Don't forget dishonest too.
And another clueless Trump Hater reveals his ignorance. LOL
Come on mang. Try to use your head for something besides hulding up a red cao.

The FBI didn't "plant" anything, and even if they did (they didn't) they certainly wouldn't admit it. It's the FBI . They can keep secrets.

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