FBI Claims It Still Knows Nothing Of Crooks Online Activities


Apparently, the FBI doesn't have anyone reading the NY Post.

Its because they had his on line shit broomed in case he was talking to FBI agents....
Remember the shooter in Buffalo NY that shot up a black grocery store? his information was public knowledge in two days....
They are hiding something so evil that even the republicans don't really want us to know....
I have no idea why TRUMP would agree to an interview with the FBI, especially after Wray tried to feed into conspiracy theories in his public testimony before congress. Surely TRUMP has to know they use the interview to promote unnamed leaks.
I have no idea why TRUMP would agree to an interview with the FBI, especially after Wray tried to feed into conspiracy theories in his public testimony before congress. Surely TRUMP has to know they use the interview to promote unnamed leaks.
I hope Trump brings private security with him to the interview....
I mean what the hell is this... the FBI has interviewed hundreds of people who were at the venue and didn't tell the media first... The hair on my neck is standing up....
Its because they had his on line shit broomed in case he was talking to FBI agents....
Remember the shooter in Buffalo NY that shot up a black grocery store? his information was public knowledge in two days....
They are hiding something so evil that even the republicans don't really want us to know....

I'm not so sure. I watched the exchange live and it seems perfectly reasonable that a person might have some apps that the FBI did not have the encryption to. New apps come by every day.

Further, the bigger question is whether we WANT the gov to have access to everything, can they be trusted? History says no. History says that given the power, the government will abuse it.

A few years ago, there was an issue with Apple computers and the government begging Apple for the backdoor. Apple said Nyet.

Of course, this raises the question of an assassin having encrypted accounts with a foreign enemy, but freedom and privacy come with risks. Total security comes at the expense of loss of liberty.

All of this being a MOOT point had the SS simply
  • flown a drone around the area,
  • checked out the guy with the rangefinder and either confiscated it or kicked him out,
  • had better comm links between State Police and the Secret Service there, and
  • put a man on the most obvious roof with direct access to Trump, kept a watch of that roof, and had pulled Trump from the stage so long as there was a person of suspicion in the area.
If I were a foreign enemy, I would be laughing at our DEI secret service and looking to make plans to really exploit it.
They also can't figure out who brought white powder into the WH

I think they know but just don't want to say.

cookie (2).jpg

Christopher Wray's FBI has ZERO CREDIBILITY. The only way we restore this critical intelligence agency is putting Trump in the White House. Even another Republican would not have the balls to clean house. At this point it's Trump or bust.
I have no idea why TRUMP would agree to an interview with the FBI, especially after Wray tried to feed into conspiracy theories in his public testimony before congress. Surely TRUMP has to know they use the interview to promote unnamed leaks.

Why wouldn't Trump agree to an interview?
  • Anything Trump can tell them might only shed further light on the incident and help keep him safer. Refusing the interview can only hurt him.
  • These people are responsible for Trump's safety.
  • Always keep your enemies close to you, and privately I'm sure there are things Trump will say to them he would not say publicly.
  • If Trump wins reelection in November, this is a good chance to re-cement relations.
I'm not so sure. I watched the exchange live and it seems perfectly reasonable that a person might have some apps that the FBI did not have the encryption to. New apps come by every day.

Further, the bigger question is whether we WANT the gov to have access to everything, can they be trusted? History says no. History says that given the power, the government will abuse it.

A few years ago, there was an issue with Apple computers and the government begging Apple for the backdoor. Apple said Nyet.

Of course, this raises the question of an assassin having encrypted accounts with a foreign enemy, but freedom and privacy come with risks. Total security comes at the expense of loss of liberty.

All of this being a MOOT point had the SS simply
  • flown a drone around the area,
  • checked out the guy with the rangefinder and either confiscated it or kicked him out,
  • had better comm links between State Police and the Secret Service there, and
  • put a man on the most obvious roof with direct access to Trump, kept a watch of that roof, and had pulled Trump from the stage so long as there was a person of suspicion in the area.
If I were a foreign enemy, I would be laughing at our DEI secret service and looking to make plans to really exploit it.
When a president is shot I think that calls for a pause in the shooters privacy... but I do agree with you in spirit... but how does other mass shooters information get out so quickly... I smell a cover up...
When a president is shot I think that calls for a pause in the shooters privacy...
I agree but that means a loss of privacy to many others in the process.

but I do agree with you in spirit... but how does other mass shooters information get out so quickly... I smell a cover up...
Great question. Too bad that in recent years, many events between the FBI and SS call to question their competence so greatly that we can't tell anymore the difference between incompetence and actual cover ups!
The FBI, the CIA and Homeland security are credited with the most advanced technology ever known in the world but they can't break into a 20 year old's encripted cell phone. I smell a rat.

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