FBI: Clinton Foundation Probe Will Lead to an INDICTMENT

Maybe she needs to go out and buy a large portrait of herself with her foundation money. It worked for Comrade.
If instead she was facing both a Fraud trial and an underage Rape Trial like Trump nobody would be bothered by that LOL

We just had a Wing Nut Talking Head at Fox Screaming that Clinton was on the Eve of Being Indicted ...he then tap danced back LOL but the Rubes here think its Real LOL

There is NO evidence of "rape" or fraud.

Both charges are politically motivated.

You have not, and can not , show us that Mr. Comey and the FBI are politically motivated.

Matthew Miller @matthewamiller
So FBI agents:
1. Started probe based on laughable "Clinton Cash" book.
2. Found nothing.
3. Were told to move on by FBI & DOJ.
4. Leaked! https://twitter.com/DevlinBarrett/status/793986444091981824 …

9:35 PM - 2 Nov 2016
and the clinton cash book has had many of the things he claimed DEBUNKED.

Mercer’s father, the hedge fund magnate Robert Mercer, is one of the nation’s largest Republican donors and a major investor in Breitbart News, and the father and daughter were reportedly key to Bannon’s ascension to a leading role in the Trump campaign. Robert Mercer has also donated millions to a pro-Trump super PAC that Rebekah Mercer controls.
yep... just like the last probe was a guaranteed indictment.... fools will be fooled again and again, i suppose?
They get Rick Rolled on a Regular basis earlier this week they had a Roundelay going that President Obama and First Lady M Obama had abandoned Hillary and had erased her from their tweeter some such nonsense...it had them going really good almost to Orgasm ...but it was a debunked Coitus Interruptus ...
Maybe she needs to go out and buy a large portrait of herself with her foundation money. It worked for Comrade.
If instead she was facing both a Fraud trial and an underage Rape Trial like Trump nobody would be bothered by that LOL

We just had a Wing Nut Talking Head at Fox Screaming that Clinton was on the Eve of Being Indicted ...he then tap danced back LOL but the Rubes here think its Real LOL

There is NO evidence of "rape" or fraud.

Both charges are politically motivated.

You have not, and can not , show us that Mr. Comey and the FBI are politically motivated.


Oh, there is PLENTY of evidence, as the court days will come after he elected, tried and summarily arrested.
Get that cell next to Louis Lerner ready, again. This one just feels right I tell ya.

One more time for the last time.

WHY is Bret Baier lying?

Its part of a Coordinated political campaign operation aimed at stoking Rubes ...Hours after Bret Beir fed the "Agitation Propaganda" into the News Media World guess who was Using the Agit-Prop in a speech ...yes you are correct the Orange Squish Trump...telling folks If you vote fr her she will be Indicted ...Incredible stuff...it works on you all obviously LOL

DONALD TRUMP: There is more breaking news that I’d like to share with you right now. It was reported last night that the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton's pay-for-play corruption during her tenure as secretary of state. In other words, the FBI is investigating how Hillary Clinton put the office of secretary of state up for sale in violation of federal law. The investigation is described as a high priority. It’s far-reaching and has been going on for more than one year. It is reporting that an avalanche of information is coming in. The FBI agents say their investigation is likely to yield an indictment.
yep... just like the last probe was a guaranteed indictment.... fools will be fooled again and again, i suppose?
They Touted that Assange would destroy Hillary or "Gucciffer" and that Trey Gowdy and his Benghazi Committee was going to dismember Hillary Clinton ...they get Rick Rolled chronically ..its embarrassing ...
yep... just like the last probe was a guaranteed indictment.... fools will be fooled again and again, i suppose?

There will NOT be an indictment is Lynch refuses to prosecute.


Maybe she needs to go out and buy a large portrait of herself with her foundation money. It worked for Comrade.
If instead she was facing both a Fraud trial and an underage Rape Trial like Trump nobody would be bothered by that LOL

We just had a Wing Nut Talking Head at Fox Screaming that Clinton was on the Eve of Being Indicted ...he then tap danced back LOL but the Rubes here think its Real LOL

There is NO evidence of "rape" or fraud.

Both charges are politically motivated.

You have not, and can not , show us that Mr. Comey and the FBI are politically motivated.


I will add to what Contumacious says above
if anything you can find political motivation for people NOT to pursue this.

If people have their hands in it, they would benefit from Clinton being elected so she can pardon them.

There are also fears of being harmed in other ways if people do not comply with the Clinton camp
and supporters to back off this and wait till absolutely necessary to pursue or release things publicly.

if there is any conflict of interest politically it's on the side of covering this up, playing it down,
letting it go unchecked, and letting the benefit of the doubt go toward defending and protecting Clinton's interests
as well as anyone else with knowledge or involvement in any of the tradeoffs or compromises going on.
WHY is Bret Baier lying?

Its part of a Coordinated political campaign operation aimed at stoking Rubes ...Hours after Bret Beir fed the "Agitation Propaganda" into the News Media World guess who was Using the Agit-Prop in a speech ...yes you are correct the Orange Squish Trump...telling folks If you vote fr her she will be Indicted ...Incredible stuff...it works on you all obviously LOL

DONALD TRUMP: There is more breaking news that I’d like to share with you right now. It was reported last night that the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton's pay-for-play corruption during her tenure as secretary of state. In other words, the FBI is investigating how Hillary Clinton put the office of secretary of state up for sale in violation of federal law. The investigation is described as a high priority. It’s far-reaching and has been going on for more than one year. It is reporting that an avalanche of information is coming in. The FBI agents say their investigation is likely to yield an indictment.

And you run with unsubstantiated report's released by the NY Times, NBC , CNN, ABC , aka, Hillary's Amen Corner.

There is NO evidence of "rape" or fraud.

Both charges are politically motivated.

You have not, and can not , show us that Mr. Comey and the FBI are politically motivated.


There is some evidence or there would not be a trial going forward
...the Trump U Fraud trial surely has evidence as does the underage rape trial ... what there is no evidence of is Indictable Clinton actions
That's vague. I'll believe they do it when she is in handcuffs
yep... just like the last probe was a guaranteed indictment.... fools will be fooled again and again, i suppose?

There will NOT be an indictment is Lynch refuses to prosecute.
Despite Trump's Claims, Evidence From FBI's Clinton Foundation Probe 'Not Impressive,' Sources Say
Source: ABC News

Nov 3, 2016, 2:51 PM ET

On the campaign trail today, Donald Trump touted allegations about the Clinton Foundation that reliable sources say are false and ill-informed.

“It was reported last night that the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s pay-for-play corruption,” the Republican presidential nominee said today in Jacksonville, Florida, during his first rally of the day. “The investigation is described as a high priority. It’s far-reaching and has been going on for more than one year. It was reported that an avalanche of information is coming in. The FBI agents say their investigation is likely to yield an indictment.”

ABC News sources, however, indicated those statements — and the Fox News reports they’re based on — are inaccurate and without merit. The sources acknowledged that the FBI began looking into the Clinton Foundation after the controversial book “Clinton Cash” was published last year. In particular, agents were trying to determine whether donations to the foundation may have been traded for access to Clinton while she was secretary of state.

In February, FBI agents presented their findings to senior FBI officials and prosecutors in the Justice Department’s public integrity section, sources said. But the prosecutors and senior FBI officials agreed that there was no clear evidence of wrongdoing and that a criminal case tied to the Clinton Foundation could not be made, according to the sources.


Read more: Despite Trump's Claims, Evidence From FBI's Clinton Foundation Probe 'Not Impressive,' Sources Say
yep... just like the last probe was a guaranteed indictment.... fools will be fooled again and again, i suppose?

There will NOT be an indictment is Lynch refuses to prosecute.
Despite Trump's Claims, Evidence From FBI's Clinton Foundation Probe 'Not Impressive,' Sources Say
Source: ABC News

Nov 3, 2016, 2:51 PM ET

On the campaign trail today, Donald Trump touted allegations about the Clinton Foundation that reliable sources say are false and ill-informed.

“It was reported last night that the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s pay-for-play corruption,” the Republican presidential nominee said today in Jacksonville, Florida, during his first rally of the day. “The investigation is described as a high priority. It’s far-reaching and has been going on for more than one year. It was reported that an avalanche of information is coming in. The FBI agents say their investigation is likely to yield an indictment.”

ABC News sources, however, indicated those statements — and the Fox News reports they’re based on — are inaccurate and without merit. The sources acknowledged that the FBI began looking into the Clinton Foundation after the controversial book “Clinton Cash” was published last year. In particular, agents were trying to determine whether donations to the foundation may have been traded for access to Clinton while she was secretary of state.

In February, FBI agents presented their findings to senior FBI officials and prosecutors in the Justice Department’s public integrity section, sources said. But the prosecutors and senior FBI officials agreed that there was no clear evidence of wrongdoing and that a criminal case tied to the Clinton Foundation could not be made, according to the sources.


Read more: Despite Trump's Claims, Evidence From FBI's Clinton Foundation Probe 'Not Impressive,' Sources Say

ABC News "sources" are unreliable because the ABC Network is biased against The Donald.

Putin Hearts Trump...

The "Rick Rolling" Follies LOL

11.3.2016 - 8:23 PM EDT
First Fake?

US intelligence agencies are now looking at faked documents aimed at discrediting Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party as part of their probe of Russian efforts to disrupt and discredit the US presidential campaign.

From Reuters ...

The FBI and U.S. intelligence agencies are examining faked documents aimed at discrediting the Hillary Clinton campaign as part of a broader investigation into what U.S. officials believe has been an attempt by Russia to disrupt the presidential election, people with knowledge of the matter said.
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