FBI Demands "White Nationalist" Get 10 Years In Prison for Smoking Marijuana


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Trump appointed FBI director Christopher Wray today declared that “white nationalists” and the “far-right” are being treated as a threat on par with ISIS. The Department of Justice under William Barr has also ordered a massive offensive against “anti-Semitism.”

The FBI has been engaged in an aggressive crusade to gather facts to bolster their claims of a supposed terror threat. What they’ve been able to get on their grenade-fishing trips has been underwhelming, to say the least.

So far, their big “terror” busts include “Riot Act” arrests thrown out as unconstitutional in California, charges of harboring an illegal alien and shooting an altered gun at a gun range, and a murder conspiracy concocted by an undercover FBI agent, who infiltrated a group founded by an FBI contractor after the groundwork was laid out by FBI informants, and managed to convince a teenager and his friends to begrudgingly go along with it after months of pressuring them.

In Texas, FBI prosecutors are now trying to get 23-year-old Aiden Bruce-Umbaugh the maximum sentence of 10-years for the crime of owning firearms while smoking marijuana by placing emphasis on his alleged Constitutionally protected political beliefs in order to paint him as a “dangerous individual.” Millions of Americans own firearms while smoking marijuana.

More here if interested

Acolytes unite! You are under attack.
The FBI is still crooked as hell.....Anyone with the power to shoot back at Murica's Stasi will be framed as a threat.,...Just ask Randy Weaver.
Laws laws laws laws and more enlightened laws

Bu bu bu white nationalist !
We must protect the children from white nationalist

Are ya white who doesnt hate yourself because you're white ?
Think That America and the american people should come first ?

You're a threat

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