FBI Deputy Director Andrew 'Insurance Policy' McCabe On Way Out?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Oh my: FBI deputy chief Andrew McCabe headed for the exit? - Hot Air

McCabe has spent the past year popping up in the news for all the wrong reasons. In February 2016 he was promoted to deputy director and assumed oversight of the Hillary Emailgate investigation — after his wife had received nearly $700,000 from Democratic groups for a failed run for Virginia state senate.

This past February he got caught talking to then-chief of staff Reince Priebus about an allegedly bogus Russiagate story in the NYT, a no-no since DOJ investigations are supposed to be independent of politics. His latest news cameo was (apparently) in the infamous text in August 2016 from FBI agent Peter Strzok to Lisa Page: “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office – that there’s no way he [i.e. Trump] gets elected – but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”

Who’s “Andy”? Almost certainly it’s Andrew McCabe.

McCabe is scheduled to testify about it before the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday.

Chris Wray, the new director of the FBI, would be well within his rights to conclude that the Bureau’s integrity has been damaged by the reference to McCabe in Strzok’s text and the only way to repair it is to cut him loose. Maybe the word is out on the Hill that Wray and McCabe are already negotiating a “resignation.”

Sounds like the FBI is considering 'amputating' / 'sacrificing' pieces in an attempt to save the whole, trying to con the Smerican people into thinking the FBI is not an infected, gangrenous partisan tool that has protected Hillary and other Democrats from indictment while attempting to take down the President.

The 1st person they should have already fired is disgraced FBI agent / fired partisan Mueller team member Strzok.

INstead of draining their own corner of the swamp by firIng him. they protected him, 're-assigning' him.
Trump and his NaziCon mafia are desperately trying to discredit Mueller before firing him. It's pitiful to watch them trash such an honorable man.
Oh my: FBI deputy chief Andrew McCabe headed for the exit? - Hot Air

McCabe has spent the past year popping up in the news for all the wrong reasons. In February 2016 he was promoted to deputy director and assumed oversight of the Hillary Emailgate investigation — after his wife had received nearly $700,000 from Democratic groups for a failed run for Virginia state senate.

This past February he got caught talking to then-chief of staff Reince Priebus about an allegedly bogus Russiagate story in the NYT, a no-no since DOJ investigations are supposed to be independent of politics. His latest news cameo was (apparently) in the infamous text in August 2016 from FBI agent Peter Strzok to Lisa Page: “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office – that there’s no way he [i.e. Trump] gets elected – but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”

Who’s “Andy”? Almost certainly it’s Andrew McCabe.

McCabe is scheduled to testify about it before the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday.

Chris Wray, the new director of the FBI, would be well within his rights to conclude that the Bureau’s integrity has been damaged by the reference to McCabe in Strzok’s text and the only way to repair it is to cut him loose. Maybe the word is out on the Hill that Wray and McCabe are already negotiating a “resignation.”

Sounds like the FBI is considering 'amputating' / 'sacrificing' pieces in an attempt to save the whole, trying to con the Smerican people into thinking the FBI is not an infected, gangrenous partisan tool that has protected Hillary and other Democrats from indictment while attempting to take down the President.

The 1st person they should have already fired is disgraced FBI agent / fired partisan Mueller team member Strzok.

INstead of draining their own corner of the swamp by firIng him. they protected him, 're-assigning' him.

The establishment will have none of it. No one is going anywhere and no one will be punished. Eat your cake and like it.
Its been a good week for Deplorables. I know that because I am one, and it has been a blast.

Is Peter Strzok fucked or what?

Isn't it just fine to see such an arrogant cocksucker spinning down the bowl of a flushed toilet. We don't get to see one so guilty get what he deserves...not many are as stupid as he is.

And, I expect next week to be better. If Deplorable Luck continues, we are going to see more subtraction from the Obama Corrupt Socialist State, and more addition to Making America Great Again!

I look forward to Christmas on this fine board....the USMESSAGE Board. I saved a post from October where one of these Half-Wit Bolshevik Turds assured us that Trump would be out of the White House by Christmas.

And it will be on the Front page all day.

Merry Christmas to all Heartland Americans...to Rubes and Rustics and Rednecks everywhere who have the good fortune NOT to live in a rotting city in the north run by Democrats for the last 40 years.
Its been a good week for Deplorables. I know that because I am one, and it has been a blast.

Is Peter Strzok fucked or what?

Isn't it just fine to see such an arrogant cocksucker spinning down the bowl of a flushed toilet. We don't get to see one sodeserving to get what he deserves...not many are as stupid as he is.

And, I expect next week to be better. If Deplorable Luck continues, we are going to see more subtraction from the Obama Corrupt Socialist State, and more addition to Making America Great Again!

I look forward to Christmas on this fine board....the USMESSAGE Board. I saved a post from October where one of these Half-Wit Bolshevik Turds assured us that Trump would be out of the White House by Christmas.

And it will be on the Front page all day.

Merry Christmas to all Heartland Americans...to Rubes and Rustics and Rednecks everywhere who have the good fortune NOT to live in a rotting city in the north run by Democrats for the last 40 years.

Merry CHRISTmas!!!! Remember the reason for the season.
Oh my: FBI deputy chief Andrew McCabe headed for the exit? - Hot Air

McCabe has spent the past year popping up in the news for all the wrong reasons. In February 2016 he was promoted to deputy director and assumed oversight of the Hillary Emailgate investigation — after his wife had received nearly $700,000 from Democratic groups for a failed run for Virginia state senate.

This past February he got caught talking to then-chief of staff Reince Priebus about an allegedly bogus Russiagate story in the NYT, a no-no since DOJ investigations are supposed to be independent of politics. His latest news cameo was (apparently) in the infamous text in August 2016 from FBI agent Peter Strzok to Lisa Page: “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office – that there’s no way he [i.e. Trump] gets elected – but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”

Who’s “Andy”? Almost certainly it’s Andrew McCabe.

McCabe is scheduled to testify about it before the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday.

Chris Wray, the new director of the FBI, would be well within his rights to conclude that the Bureau’s integrity has been damaged by the reference to McCabe in Strzok’s text and the only way to repair it is to cut him loose. Maybe the word is out on the Hill that Wray and McCabe are already negotiating a “resignation.”

Sounds like the FBI is considering 'amputating' / 'sacrificing' pieces in an attempt to save the whole, trying to con the Smerican people into thinking the FBI is not an infected, gangrenous partisan tool that has protected Hillary and other Democrats from indictment while attempting to take down the President.

The 1st person they should have already fired is disgraced FBI agent / fired partisan Mueller team member Strzok.

INstead of draining their own corner of the swamp by firIng him. they protected him, 're-assigning' him.

Moron.......if you read (or even comprehended) the article, then you'd see that McCabe........This past February he got caught talking to then-chief of staff Reince Priebus about an allegedly bogus Russiagate story in the NYT, a no-no since DOJ investigations are supposed to be independent of politics.

The FBI Talked to the White House About Its Russia Probe. That Was Probably Against the Rules

The guy deserves firing....but for COLLUDING with the crooked WH......LOL

(....and you had such "high hopes" for this thread, right Queasy???)
All this speculative BS is getting old form both sides. How about everyone shut the hell up until something is confirmed as true.

Trump and his NaziCon mafia are desperately trying to discredit Mueller before firing him. It's pitiful to watch them trash such an honorable man.

You're cross posting. That violates forum rules

Maybe that's because of so many similar NaziCon threads trashing Mueller and the FBI in an attempt to discredit them before Mueller drops his bomb. It's all a propaganda campaign based on conspiracy theories, fake news, and lies. NaziCons are hopeful that the constant repetitions will taint Mueller's reputation. Only the very dumb buy it.
Trump and his NaziCon mafia are desperately trying to discredit Mueller before firing him. It's pitiful to watch them trash such an honorable man.
Meuller's investigation is already a joke. When he delivers his "findings," the only reaction will be a yawn or a smirk.
McCabe is done.

The only question to be answered will be how many more agents and members of the DOJ will follow him.
Oh my: FBI deputy chief Andrew McCabe headed for the exit? - Hot Air

McCabe has spent the past year popping up in the news for all the wrong reasons. In February 2016 he was promoted to deputy director and assumed oversight of the Hillary Emailgate investigation — after his wife had received nearly $700,000 from Democratic groups for a failed run for Virginia state senate.

This past February he got caught talking to then-chief of staff Reince Priebus about an allegedly bogus Russiagate story in the NYT, a no-no since DOJ investigations are supposed to be independent of politics. His latest news cameo was (apparently) in the infamous text in August 2016 from FBI agent Peter Strzok to Lisa Page: “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office – that there’s no way he [i.e. Trump] gets elected – but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”

Who’s “Andy”? Almost certainly it’s Andrew McCabe.

McCabe is scheduled to testify about it before the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday.

Chris Wray, the new director of the FBI, would be well within his rights to conclude that the Bureau’s integrity has been damaged by the reference to McCabe in Strzok’s text and the only way to repair it is to cut him loose. Maybe the word is out on the Hill that Wray and McCabe are already negotiating a “resignation.”

Sounds like the FBI is considering 'amputating' / 'sacrificing' pieces in an attempt to save the whole, trying to con the Smerican people into thinking the FBI is not an infected, gangrenous partisan tool that has protected Hillary and other Democrats from indictment while attempting to take down the President.

The 1st person they should have already fired is disgraced FBI agent / fired partisan Mueller team member Strzok.

INstead of draining their own corner of the swamp by firIng him. they protected him, 're-assigning' him.

Moron.......if you read (or even comprehended) the article, then you'd see that McCabe........This past February he got caught talking to then-chief of staff Reince Priebus about an allegedly bogus Russiagate story in the NYT, a no-no since DOJ investigations are supposed to be independent of politics.

The FBI Talked to the White House About Its Russia Probe. That Was Probably Against the Rules

The guy deserves firing....but for COLLUDING with the crooked WH......LOL

(....and you had such "high hopes" for this thread, right Queasy???)
Except Hillary took millions from Russia, Comey's wife took Clinton Cash, McCabe's wife took Clinton Cash, Mueller hid Russia / Clinton crimes, Comey hid Russia / Clinton Crimes, Strzok hid Hillary, Abedin, & Mills crimes...

Evidence continues to mount against all of them...and they still have none on Trump.


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