FBI director: Guccifer lied about hacking Hillary's server

This regime doesn't have a lot of credibility. When Guiccifer says he lied, I'll believe it.
"Guccifer" lied about hacking Hillary's email server and admitted to lying, James Comey told Congress.
Guccifer took several conservative members of this forum for fools, as the latter believed (or pretended to believe) his bullshit. James Comey testifies on decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton
Comey has zero credibility and at this point, what difference does it make
You silly Guccifer. A week ago Comey was the guy who you all were building up as the person that was going to take Hilllary down. Now he has zero credibility. LOL
Well, the problem is, she was guilty according to the law, but Comey decided to add "intent" that wasn't in the law. He's trying to say she was so stupid, she couldn't tell what Top Secret or Confidential meant. Wow! That's quite the asset you want our next president to have! Dumb as a pile of rocks!

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