FBI-DOJ Conspiracy Against Flynn Unravels


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
FBI-DOJ Conspiracy Against Flynn Unravels
Newly released FBI documents finally lift the veil.​

1 May 2020 ~~ By Joseph Klein
The chilling words contained in the newly released handwritten notes of William Priestap, the assistant director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division at the time of the FBI's January 24, 2017 interview with former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, confirm the worst suspicions of Flynn’s defense team. Flynn’s lead defense attorney Sidney Powell believes with good reason that the retired three-star general was set up for a perjury trap by senior officials at the FBI. The handwritten notes and other released FBI documents provide her with more ammunition for the defense team’s motion to dismiss the case against Flynn. The motion was filed with the presiding U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan. The documents demonstrate the cynical thinking among FBI agents in advance of their meeting with Flynn that occurred at the White House just days after President Trump’s inauguration.
In addition to Priestap’s handwritten notes, the initial batch of released documents included emails from the disgraced former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and his lover, former FBI counsel Lisa Page. In one of the e-mails, Page discussed “just casually” slipping in towards the beginning of the interview that it is a crime under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 to make false statements to a federal agent, rather than mentioning it immediately following a statement which the agents believe to be false. That's called trying to pull a fast one when the interviewee would likely be paying less attention.
“The FBI pre-planned a deliberate attack on Gen. Flynn and willfully chose to ignore mention of Section 1001 in the interview despite full knowledge of that practice,” Sidney Powell said in a statement following Wednesday’s document release.
The Trump-haters in the FBI and Justice Department abused their powers by willfully targeting Michael Flynn in order to pressure him to turn on President Trump. Judge Sullivan must right this grievous wrong and dismiss the case against Michael Flynn immediately. Then Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham must vigorously pursue the investigation and prosecution of any FBI and Justice Department senior officials involved in conspiring to destroy a great American patriot.

The abundance of evidence at this point shows that the upper levels of the FBI and the agency can no longer function as a law enforcement agency when they themselves act like criminals. How much more evidence is needed to prove that Obama weaponized our law enforcement and intelligence agencies?
The case against Flynn was part of the ongoing coup against Trump. It began with "Crossfire Hurricane" and Crossfire Razor". Crossfire Razor was solely directed toward Gen Flynn.
New evidence show the charges against Flynn have to be dropped and Flynn should sue those responsible for everything they own. They won't need much money when they get the sentences they deserve.
If Trump wins reelection, he should re-appoint Flynn. No one in this country better understands the corruption and criminal mind-set of the left better than Flynn.
IMHO, Trump should fire Christopher Wray, disband the FBI appoint a new director like Michael Flynn or Michael Rogers to restructure it as his first move and then do the same for the 17 intelligence agencies that have been corrupted by the former 44th president.

See also:
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When the left is deaf dumb and blind.


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Its worse then even that, this whole wuhan flu thing is product of very same such Obama/CCP fascist agencies, democratic political party, and all associated actors thereof, who have been scamming and scheming us and the lawfully elected president of the United States, since before he took oath of office! This is now really really easy to piece together, and painfully easy to interpret... Obama, the Clinton, the DNC, and of course the entire federal apparatus under them, went totally fascist, they totally surrendered to the CCP and China, and clearly had acted in coordination with that CCP to nudge aside the United States, and usher in an utterly totalitarian one political party planetary system of rule over serfs!

The billionaire fascists, specifically, Bloomberg, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Buffett, Koch Bros, Dorsey, Soros, ect, along with google, apple, and all of the other typical fascist tech industry players, including Ford, Chevy/GM, and most every other major American company met and came to a decision! That decision was this, advance communist China at all costs, subvert and suppress the United States and its troubling focus upon liberties and freedom, and then absorb the entire planet into the new system. This is precisely what they were doing under eight years of Obama, total surrender to China, everything was given to them, for God's sake they gave them the F-22 raptor, and yet it all blew up in their faces when Trump got elected, then proceeded to effortlessly race the US economy past the command & control CCP economy! This is why they opposed him so savagely, the effort was, and remains international in scope, and you can be absolutely positively certain this wuhan bug bullshit is a part of the same efforts!

The super-wealthy mega-billionaires had come to a decision under Obama, embrace China and its particular form of fascism, disengage from the United States, and rule the planet. I knew when the big three American auto-makers unilaterally announced decision to halt all production of the types of cars most Americans could afford, with new focus being on just the elite autos the upper tier could afford, that the explanations were fucking lies! They were not stopping production based upon costs, which they claimed centered around lost revenue on every commuter car produced, such was ludicrous, especially considering mysterious inflations in price of the only cars/SUV's they would continue producing.

No, these so-called elites had came to a decision, and that decision was to fully embrace what was to many of us, myself included, a conspiracy theory called Agenda-21, the forceful emigrating of nations entire populations around the planet, and force them into tightly packed urban centers where they could not depart from absent fascist supplied permissions! Folks, wake up and see them, its all but out in the wide open, each time Trump and the United States defeated a current coup attempt, they simply rolled out the next, with each seeing an obvious escalation in intensity, and force of application......
The real waive is coming you. all should pay attention the " real virus " is going to do the real thing this is how they willl fool the ppl into thinking all those conspiracy ppl were wrong this is the complexed game sheep can't grasp.
" Propping Up Run A Way Grand Juries "

* Fbi Investigates Fbi *

If yahoo validates the truth of its articles , the fbi appears to be behaving most peculiar .

The terrorist facilitating verizon , yahoo , bluffing ton post , outlets were leaking that the fbi was making statements to an effect that the united states was rife with white nationalist conspirators waiting to pounce onto a blazing chariot to sieze control for old glory .
These same people were saying that about Trump on MSN and CNN, every night of his first three years. The walls are closing in. It won't be long before they lead him out in cuffs. Now that Wray has been exposed as a cover up artist, all these high up FBI and DOJ coup operatives are now the ones who the walls are closing in on. I love it when justice prevails.
What the Obama administration did in trying to dig up a frame job on Flynn and Trump was not just to the detriment of Trump and his presidency but it was harmful to the nation and to the American people.....this is why Obama needs to sit for questioning....under oath.....
These same people were saying that about Trump on MSN and CNN, every night of his first three years. The walls are closing in. It won't be long before they lead him out in cuffs. Now that Wray has been exposed as a cover up artist, all these high up FBI and DOJ coup operatives are now the ones who the walls are closing in on. I love it when justice prevails.

Still waiting to see those traitorous Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Congress persons 'Frog Marched" down the steps of the Capitol Building....

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