FBI establishes nationwide MS 13 tip line.....1-866-STP-MS13

by the way, if the FBI is corrupt and engaged in a Deep State coup, how can we trust them to act on MS-13 gang tips??
by the way, if the FBI is corrupt and engaged in a Deep State coup, how can we trust them to act on MS-13 gang tips??
Comey's FBI was taking Bitcoins from the Coyotes, cartels, gangbangers and child traffickers
So the FBI that recently arrested 2 of Giuliani's associates, the FBI that arrested Roger Stone, Cohen, Manafort -- you saying they are no longer corrupt -- because Comey was fired??


So why haven't this new FBI arrested Obama, Hillary or Biden??
So I don't need to call my local police department for tips on gangs anymore??

A lot of local jurisdictions are officially Sanctuary Cities who won't do anything with the MS 13, because of their beliefs that the MS 13 are Children of Almighty God who cannot be deported for any reason.

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