FBI Has Enough Evidence to Prosecute Hillary Clinton for Public Corruption

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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
An investigation into possible mishandling of classified information on Hillary Clinton’s private email server has expanded to consider whether Clinton’s work as Secretary overlapped with her work for the Clinton Foundation run by her family.

Fox News‘ Catherine Herridge published the report, citing unnamed FBI sources, Monday morning. The report indicates the initial security referral looking into whether or not classified information was mishandled has expanded to look at possible public corruption involving the Clinton Foundation.

The report paints a picture of an internal struggle within the FBI over whether or not to prosecute Clinton. Herridge quotes an unnamed FBI source saying, “many previous public corruption cases have been made and successfully prosecuted with much less evidence than what is emerging in this investigation.”

FBI Has Enough Evidence to Prosecute Hillary Clinton
Yeah, well. The FBI had enough evidence to prosecute the Black Panthers for voter intimidation too. Could it be that for some reason the Justice Department just plain doesn't want to pursue some cases?
Well Easy, I am with you but, these people releasing this information, need to poop or get off the pot. If they keep talking and do nothing but talk and suggest, they are going to end up making Hillary appear as a saint under the so called "right wing conspiracy" talking point. It will also make everyone who took their word less than credible. I am not going down this "yellow brick road" any further. They need to do something, or shut the fu** up before they hand her the Presidency out of sympathy. I agree she is a crooked hag, but they are doing us no favors by just stoking the fires with no action, and that is a fact!
Is this going to be the one? Or are we officially beating a very dead horse?
Well Easy, I am with you but, these people releasing this information, need to poop or get off the pot. If they keep talking and do nothing but talk and suggest, they are going to end up making Hillary appear as a saint under the so called "right wing conspiracy" talking point. It will also make everyone who took their word less than credible. I am not going down this "yellow brick road" any further. They need to do something, or shut the fu** up before they hand her the Presidency out of sympathy. I agree she is a crooked hag, but they are doing us no favors by just stoking the fires with no action, and that is a fact!
I hear you....nothing to worry about yet. The FBI just announced they are expanding the investigation, which means they have a solid reason to. Let them continue their investigation...before worrying about getting screwed from Lynch / Obama...
According to the OP and his posts Hilary has been alluding arrest for crimes for at least 4 years now. Didnt the OP say there was enough evidence for arrest like, 7 times already?

How many times has she been arrested? And how could the OP get it wrong that many times?
Yeah, well. The FBI had enough evidence to prosecute the Black Panthers for voter intimidation too. Could it be that for some reason the Justice Department just plain doesn't want to pursue some cases?
Maybe not THIS Justice Department, but the next? Maybe they're waiting to see what happens in the primaries and what the polls look like before they decide. If she's gonna lose the election, it might be wiser for them to indict her and let Obama pardon her rather than wait for a Republican DOJ to prosecute her.
Im tired of hearing about this.
Either charge her or STFU.
TNH, investigations take time. Take a pill, sit and meditate, have a beer...'Justice' is not always swift and must run its course.
An investigation into possible mishandling of classified information on Hillary Clinton’s private email server has expanded to consider whether Clinton’s work as Secretary overlapped with her work for the Clinton Foundation run by her family.

Fox News‘ Catherine Herridge published the report, citing unnamed FBI sources, Monday morning. The report indicates the initial security referral looking into whether or not classified information was mishandled has expanded to look at possible public corruption involving the Clinton Foundation.

The report paints a picture of an internal struggle within the FBI over whether or not to prosecute Clinton. Herridge quotes an unnamed FBI source saying, “many previous public corruption cases have been made and successfully prosecuted with much less evidence than what is emerging in this investigation.”

FBI Has Enough Evidence to Prosecute Hillary Clinton

Look, my like thinking friend; we couldn't get the republicans to stand up to Obama from the time they retook both house and senate.

Both of us know that if the FBI does nothing, it is because who she is, and not what she did.

Soooo, when the left starts laughing at all of our predictions of Hillary doing the perp walk if a deal is cut, all we are left with is a "stinky crap sandwich;" and they will smear it all over our faces.

If it were you or I, there is no doubt if the reports are accurate, we would prosecute. But having confidence in the cronies of Washington? NOT!

So I will just stick with all her many other flaws, which are considerable. If we see her in cuffs, that is just icing on the cake, and the final nail in here political grave.

With all the "Hillary is a crook threads," we will all be able to crow until the election, lol. So much so, we may not see a lefty on here until the midterms of 1:cool:
Starkey thinks an indictment will give her a 5-8% bounce in the polls
An indictment would disqualify most people .

But not Hillary.

She'd set up an Oval Office in her jail cell. She has no shame atol.

Another Hillary-is-going-to-be-in-jail-any-second-now topic.

There's several years worth of prematurely ejaculated spunk on the floors and walls here which the rubes really need to clean up.

This Hillary fetish has become pathological and I strongly recommend mental health care.
Im tired of hearing about this.
Either charge her or STFU.
TNH, investigations take time. Take a pill, sit and meditate, have a beer...'Justice' is not always swift and must run its course.
I was talking about everyone always making threads about it and "unnamed sources" etc
I want the bitch to rot, don't get me wrong, man. lol
I am hoping that the FBI will spell out such a solid case that if Obama / Lynch attempts to ignore this or wipe it away Americans will march on Washington, drag those like-minded politicians out of their offices, tar and feather them, then ride them out of town on a rail!

Many Americans I have talked to, like myself, are WAY past tired of these elected citizens - which is all they are - abusing their power and violating both laws and Constitution to exempt themselves from the laws they pass and give themselves the best of everything our tax dollars can buy while serving no one but their selves and their party!

If Hillary isn't indicted there should be a new revolution in this country to reclaim it and our government from the elitist, self-appointed tyrants / rulers now in power.
The inner struggle in the FBI revolves around criminally charging and failing to convict a presidential candidate as powerful as HRC. And then, God forbid, if elected, HRC will destroy many fibbies' careers. If a conviction fails and she is not elected, the Republican President gets to be the prime player in "What to do with Hillary?"
Get that cell next to Lois Lerner warmed up fellas.......

Instead of pulling your pud, make sure you pull the lever for Hillary, you fucking dingbat. Just like you did for Obama (twice), John Kerry and whatever other useless fucking idiot Democrap they trot out in front of low-information idiots like you to vote for.
Fucking idiot...
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