FBI: Hillary Clinton Lost Cell Phones with Classified Emails

No, she's corrupt AND a focking moron. So are her supporters.
She went through at least five iPads. I wonder if any are on eBay. :p Crooked Hillary could not recall the most basic information and briefings so even though the FBI was told to treat her very favorably it is obvious she has a vile combination of dementia and pathological lying.

And just to jump ahead, the real question for Afro Americans, and the "black church" leaders is how the fuck can they support Crooked Hillary? What the fuck is wrong with the democrat blacks who embrace the evil as Crooked Hillary represents? Are democrats possessed by "satan?"
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She says she didn't remember being briefed on how to handle classified information.

Wasn't she a SENATOR before she was SECRETARY OF STATE?

I thought she was the most qualified person to ever run for President....how is she qualified if she doesn't know and can't remember how to handle classified information?
It is such a ridiculous situation. She could say she lost her memory as a result of the concussion. But then she has to admit she has serious neurological issues in which she should really be retired from any job involving the public for safety reasons. It has potential for extreme hilarity during the upcoming "Commander in Chief" discussion on CNN. CNN and MSNBC are doing their best to bury this latest batch of emails and documentation. Woof Blitzer hosted a Howard Stern/Baba Bouy type interview with a CNN nerd and The Donald's physician. There is no doubt the MSM is digging around trying to find some kind of computer hack in regards to The Donald. :p
Important note, the FBI in an apparently effort to cover for her, did not question Crooked Hillary in regards to the intent of the private email server.
If cell phones were used for classified information every single one of them could have been easily hacked. So I'm not sure why you guys have your panties all in a bunch? Shouldn't our billion dollar security infrastructure, the CIA FBI NSA know that already? But the dummies on the right fall for anything it seems. Sometimes I think the right wing in America is so dumb there is no help for us, thankfully they only make up 30% percent of our population and can easily be identified singing the praises of their chief buffoon, Donald J.

"I’m a Republican, but I believe that Hillary Clinton is the only qualified major party candidate in the race and she should become president. Yet to win, and certainly to succeed as president, she needs to demonstrate that she understands how much appearances matter, as well as facts and law, and that the president should not unnecessarily open herself up to attack." http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/31/opinion/the-real-clinton-foundation-revelation.html

"Donald Trump is the internet troll of presidential politics. When he’s securely removed from the objects of his scorn, he’s tough as nails; when he’s in their presence, he quivers like a bowl of Jell-O....Such is the way of a bully." http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/01/opinion/campaign-stops/the-duplicity-of-donald-trump.html
Yea ok.. Her servers ended up scrubbed, her phones lost from a woman who claims to be the BEST choice for President.. So this BITCH can't even keep up with a fucking cell phone but we're suppose to trust her AGAIN with the nation's security, nuke codes, etc??? ARE YOU FUCKING PEOPLE NUTS?? Leftists are insane.. absolute PSYCHOTIC FREAKS
The OP is false.

In no case can anyone show that HRC lost a phone. Her staff may have misplaced some until found.

Breitbart is going to guarantee Clinton's election.
The OP is false.

In no case can anyone show that HRC lost a phone. Her staff may have misplaced some until found.

Breitbart is going to guarantee Clinton's election.
Always licking her vagina, it's a marvel YOU haven't caught tongue cancer from her...Seems this latest news is all over the net and talk radio
Talk about unfit to be president Hillary claims she's dumb, too dumb to understand even after training, too dumb to ask for help when the security of the nation is at stake, and she claims she just doesn't remember in response to many questions apparently her memory is shit. Looking at my avatar its not surprising.
The OP is false.

In no case can anyone show that HRC lost a phone. Her staff may have misplaced some until found.

Breitbart is going to guarantee Clinton's election.
Always licking her vagina, it's a marvel YOU haven't caught tongue cancer from her...Seems this latest news is all over the net and talk radio
Welcome back from purgatory, little buddy: well deserved, too.

No that is not what the news is, just what the Alt Right is trying to make it and losing at it.
The OP is false.

In no case can anyone show that HRC lost a phone. Her staff may have misplaced some until found.

Breitbart is going to guarantee Clinton's election.
Always licking her vagina, it's a marvel YOU haven't caught tongue cancer from her...Seems this latest news is all over the net and talk radio
Welcome back from purgatory, little buddy: well deserved, too.

No that is not what the news is, just what the Alt Right is trying to make it and losing at it.
Hard to believe I've been gone for 2 weeks and still have more positive ratings than you, Manchurian Republican....I also see Emerson college state polls all put Trump even or leading the 10 swing states...Now, stroke out JakeAss!
Vigilante, you are a far right reactionary with a large number of Alt Right reactionaries who support each other.

What is interesting is that will all of your ratings :lol: you and your buddies fail miserably.

And Emerson uses phone polling (read up and weep Emerson College Polling Society), which is heavily skewed to older white GOP types.

It is amazing that Trump is not much farther ahead.

Go to RCP and study the poll averaging there, and you will get a far better feel for the election.

The feel is that Trump, especially after the last two days, is off balance again.

He needs a knock out against HRC Wed. night. Not a draw, not a feel good, a beat down of her.
The OP is false.

In no case can anyone show that HRC lost a phone. Her staff may have misplaced some until found.

Breitbart is going to guarantee Clinton's election.

It's from the FBI interview with her. Maybe you should take it up with them instead of calling me a liar.

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