FBI investigation of Scott Walker's aides broadens


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
With new arrests every week, the FBI probe of Scott Walker's closest aides and supporters is continually uncovering stories that would be front-page news in any other political era.

How strained are things around the governor's mansion, where Walker's own spokesman, Cullen Werwie, now has immunity in the FBI probe? No wonder the governor says he wants to hurry up the recall election.

So serious are the charges against some of the people closest to Walker, corruption is rapidly becoming a major issue for the coming recall campaign, eclipsing union-busting, budget-cutting, and the fact that, despite massive corporate tax breaks for "job creators," our state continues to hemorrhage jobs.

But stealing money from the widows and orphans of Wisconsin's fallen soldiers? That is truly a new low.

edited due to copywrite violation. read the rest using the link
FBI probe should worry Walker - Isthmus | The Daily Page
Secret? I wonder who authorized the release of supposedly secret investigation to the press. A Democratic run FBI somehow releases information on a secret probe about a Republican. If this happened under Bush and the reverse were true you retards would be demanding heads to roll.

By the way? Does this mean we can link Obama to all his aides that haven't paid their taxes? Or committed other crimes? Or is that somehow different?
Two former aides to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker were charged Thursday with allegedly doing political fundraising while working on taxpayer time in the Milwaukee County Executive’s office when he ran it.

The Milwaukee County district attorney announced Thursday that Kelly Rindfleisch and Darlene Wink, who both worked for Walker, who may face a recall election later this year, when he served as county executive, engaged in campaign fundraising during work hours.

Rindfleisch, who was Walker’s deputy chief of staff at the time, has been charged with four felonies of misconduct in public office. She is alleged to have worked as a fundraiser for then Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor candidate Brett Davis, who the criminal complaint states was the favored candidate of Friends of Scott Walker.

“In the course of the investigation it was learned that a private email network was established and operated out of the County Executive’s office and that private network was used to communicate both political campaign and government work related information to select individuals,” the DA’s office wrote in a statement.

Wink is charged with two misdemeanor counts of political solicitation by a public employee for fundraising for Walker while in a county building and using county equipment. For example, prosecutors wrote in the criminal complaint, Wink organized a “happy birthday” fundraiser for Walker and drafted campaign press releases during the course of her workday at the county.

In 2010, Wink resigned from her job as the constituent services coordinator for Walker after she admitted posting comments online praising her then-boss while she was working in the county executive’s office.

These charges came just three weeks after three other individuals with ties to Walker were charged in the ongoing John Doe investigation that is examining whether some Walker staffers engaged in political activity on taxpayer time.

On Jan. 5 the district attorney said it found that Tim Russell, who had been with Walker as a campaign and county aide since 2002 but did not get a job in the governor’s administration, and Kevin Kavanaugh, Walker’s appointee to the Milwaukee County Veterans Service Commission, stole funds intended for wounded vets and families of U.S. soldiers who died in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Two more of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's ex-aides charged - Mackenzie Weinger - POLITICO.com
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Interesting how A Democrat administration is investigating political opponents with the government.
If Walker were a Dem and Obama was a Republican Chris would be in here spinning a theory about how the President was abusing his power, and using the FBI to go after the Opposition.

Russell is accused of stealing more than $21,000 from a nonprofit organization that Walker asked him to head. He is scheduled to be arraigned later this month on two felony embezzlement counts, and he already pleaded not guilty to a misdemeanor count.

Kavanaugh, who Walker appointed to the Milwaukee County Veteran Service Commission, is accused of stealing more than $40,000 from 2006 through 2009 from the Military Order of the Purple Heart, where he was the chapter’s treasurer. He has pleaded not guilty to one felony count of theft and four felony counts of producing fraudulent writings.

Pierick, who has volunteered previously for Walker’s campaign, was charged because prosecutors say an examination of phones and computers seized from his partner, Russell, showed Pierick had attempted to solicit minors for sex. Pierick faces child enticement charges, which he asked a judge on Thursday to dismiss. The judge is expected to rule on the matter Feb. 24.

Prosecutors say Rindfleisch should have known that her conduct was illegal based on her previous involvement with the 2002 investigation into similar activity involving state lawmakers and their staff members known as the “caucus scandal.”

Rindfleisch received immunity in that investigation. She worked as a staff member for state Rep. Scott Gunderson in the 1990s and for the Senate Republican Caucus where she worked on planning fundraisers for the GOP, the complaint said.

The complaint also shows an email Walker sent in May 2010 in reaction to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporting that Wink was apparently doing partisan political work while working for the county.

“We cannot afford another story like this one,” Walker said in the email he sent Russell. “No one can give them any reason to do another story. That means no laptops, no websites, no time away during the work day, etc.”

Walker had scheduled an appearance in Wausau Thursday, the day after he delivered his State of the State speech, but canceled it an hour after the indictments were released. His office said it was canceled due to bad weather.

2 Walker aides from before he became Wisconsin governor accused of illegal fundraising - The Washington Post
Interesting how A Democrat administration is investigating political opponents with the government.

The right didn't seem to mind when A Republican administration was investigating political opponents like bill richardson with the governemnt.

Funny how things like that work out isn't it?
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If Walker were a Dem and Obama was a Republican Chris would be in here spinning a theory about how the President was abusing his power, and using the FBI to go after the Opposition.


And what would those on the right be doing if the situation was reversed??
Charley, Charley, so you think it is OK to steal from our vets in attempt to engage in pedophlilia? Seems that these charges are for real felonies.
One again, it is the local DA making the charges, and Walker is claiming he blew the whistle on his own people.

Do you guys ever read anything?
whats the matter Chris.....why wont you answer what Charlie said?....its funny how you only answer Questions that are not Questioning your character....maybe its because like your buddy Dean your a dishonest fucker.......
Charley, Charley, so you think it is OK to steal from our vets in attempt to engage in pedophlilia? Seems that these charges are for real felonies.

Not at all, I don't know the first thing about the Case. If the dude is Guilty, Fry his Ass.

Was Just Pointing out if the Rolls were reversed Chris would be doing his best to defend Walker, and accusing the WH of playing a roll.

If you doubt that you have not been here watching Chris and his previous Alter Egos Spin his threads as long as I have. :)
I really don't care about the political affiliaton of anybody that steals money that is supposed to go to our Vets, I want to see their ass fried.

But much of what is coming out about the people that Walker has around him is not going to help him this summer.
The FBI is sure working Fast and Furious on Walker

Interesting how A Democrat administration is investigating political opponents with the government.

The local DA has already charged the aides.

You didn't read what I posted.

Yeah because no local DA would ever succumb to Pressure from DC or anything. Oh hell no. lol

LOL and that was even after he posted this

If Walker were a Dem and Obama was a Republican Chris would be in here spinning a theory about how the President was abusing his power, and using the FBI to go after the Opposition.


So we know that charles would do exactly what says says chris would do if roles were reversed so does that mean that charles would be leading the charge against walker if he were a democrat??
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Time for Walker to issue his resignation!!!

How will the Koch boys and the Walton family escape investigation?

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