FBI is 'purging' staffers with conservative viewpoints and retaliating against whistleblowers who have complained of misconduct, Republican Rep. Jim J

Which is not the case. This creep had no idea what other investigations were happening
It obviously is the case, you sleazy lying douchebag.

Partial list of people who haven't been indicted/investigated:

Hillary Clinton
James Comey
Andrew McCabe
Peter Strzok
Lisa Paige
Bruce Ohr
Nelly Ohr
James Clapper
James Brennan
Friend refused to do his job based on politics. Tough shit

You refuse to tell the truth.

The others engaged on political activity contrary to policy and are being investigated for Hatch Act violations

Again. Tough shit

Nazi thugs engaged in a Hitlerian purge. The Gestapo wants to ensure that no one opposes their illegal atrocities - and particularly doesn't expose what Wray and his band of criminals are doing.

Everything you, Wray, Garland, and Biden are doing has been done before, in the 1930's in Germany. You're following a script written by Adolf Hitler - this isn't a mystery.
I’ll show you an innocent child to was killed by police in a SWAT raid that none of you give a shit about.

{Brett Rosenau, a Black teenager, died after a suspect barricaded himself in a house that caught on fire during the raid, the Albuquerque Police Department said in a statement on Sunday.}

You disingenuous scumbag.
Which is not the case. This creep had no idea what other investigations were happening
That is the case.

The Gestapo - formerly known as the FBI, are nothing more than the terrorist wing of the fascist democrat party.

These purges are conducted to clear out anyone who is loyal the United States Constitution.
Progs deny that the FBI is infested with progs. Here's the proof that it is.

Republican Rep. Jim Jordan is accusing the FBI of purging conservatives and whistleblowers who have come forward to expose political bias.
Fox News Digital reported Thursday that Jordan wrote a letter to FBI executive assistant director of the Human Resources branch Jennifer Moore to highlight cases of alleged retaliation and demand she sit for an interview with House Judiciary Committee Republicans.
'During the course of this investigation, we have received protected whistleblower disclosures that the FBI is engaging in a "purge" of employees with conservative views by revoking their security clearances and indefinitely suspending these employees,' Jordan told Moore.
She was subjected to his letter, Jordan explained, because 'many of the formal notices' had been signed by her.
He told Moore he had information indicating she had 'retaliated against at least one whistleblower who has made protected disclosures to Congress.'
Jordan told Fox that individual shared with Judiciary Committee Republicans that the Justice Department was labeling some parents who showed up to school board meetings a threat allowing the DOJ to 'prosecute them when appropriate.'
So the OP thinks:
The Daily Mail a complaint from Jim Jordan matters...

This is the Jim Jordan that let kids get raped by a doctor...

Keep believing the enabler...
Sure the are. The way this agent defended the capitol rioters reveals a lot.

Defended capitol rioters?

Oh, you're reduced to blatantly lying.

No, what Agent Friend did was support the rule of law. Under Oberfuhrer Garland, the law and the Constitution are forbidden. The Reich is the only law now. Agents are to follow orders without question.

By filing a report with the Inspector General outlining the violations of FBI procedure and of the law, Agent Friend showed himself to be a traitor to the Reich, a clinger who has not adapted to the new order.

Law is whatever Garland says it is. Written statute means nothing - only service to the Reich.

Uber Alles Democrat
Defended capitol rioters?

Oh, you're reduced to blatantly lying.

No, what Agent Friend did was support the rule of law. Under Oberfuhrer Garland, the law and the Constitution are forbidden. The Reich is the only law now. Agents are to follow orders without question.

By filing a report with the Inspector General outlining the violations of FBI procedure and of the law, Agent Friend showed himself to be a traitor to the Reich, a clinger who has not adapted to the new order.

Law is whatever Garland says it is. Written statute means nothing - only service to the Reich.

Uber Alles Democrat
The law says the capitol rioters are criminals who should be arrested.

Friend doesn’t think so.

He’s not on the side of the law. He’s on the side of the rioters.
The police set the house on fire you scumbag.

It was an armed standoff - you vile fuck. The suspect was shooting at police. Swat was called AFTER the standoff began.

Medina said the SWAT team used an unknown number of Flameless Tri-Chamber tear gas canisters and rounds of powder-based chemicals into the home more than an hour before smoke was seen.

“They’re built in a way that’s supposed to reduce the likelihood of causing a fire. And it’s something we use over and over – in tons of calls,” he said of the canisters.

Medina pointed out that there are stories of the devices possibly causing fires in other parts of the country but it had never been reported here in Albuquerque.

APD Sgt. Michael Jones showed a tear gas canister, which is manually thrown into the home, and Ferret rounds of powdered tear gas and pepper spray, which are fired from launchers into the ceiling.

“The goal is to make it uncomfortable for the subject and propel the subject to come out … peacefully,” Jones said.}
The law says the capitol rioters are criminals who should be arrested.

Friend doesn’t think so.

He’s not on the side of the law. He’s on the side of the rioters.

Really? Show your source?

Oh, you're just lying to slander an enemy of your Reich.
Just as I thought. A kid was killed by a SWAT team and you don’t care.
Again you make an ASS of yourself. Your constant avoiding of the topic just makes you look dumber than you sound Cletus. The topic is conservatives having their rights violated by a corrupt FBI. And you don’t care because Orange Man Bad. Now post your proof of BLM rioters and murderers having SWAT teams invade their homes and put guns in their families faces or just admit you lied again dumbfuck.
As I've already said, persecuting innocent Americans wasn't his job.
They also don’t want to admit that he went through the proper channels and filed official complaints. Which led to his firing. He’ll likely have a big payday coming from suits for illegal termination and retaliation against a whistleblower.

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