FBI Leaks Confidential Documents Acquired In Raid Of Project Veritas / James O'Keefe To NY Times


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Rogue / Criminal FBI is at it again:

Forget for a minute why the FBI would be involved in trying to recover a stolen diary...

The bigger question at the moment is why is FBI Director Wray's FBI releasing confidential documents obtained in a raid of Project Veritas James O'Keefe's home to the New York Times....

The Rogue / Criminal FBI is at it again:

Forget for a minute why the FBI would be involved in trying to recover a stolen diary...

The bigger question at the moment is why is FBI Director Wray's FBI releasing confidential documents obtained in a raid of Project Veritas James O'Keefe's home to the New York Times....

The Gestapo is a treasonous outfit and enemies of the Republic
The media-government complex at work. And this appears to have happened after a federal judge issued an order to the FBI to stop extracting information.

The New York Times is about to get in big trouble, and their only recourse may be to out whoever at the FBI allowed them to get into trouble. That’s the takeaway from the series of events surrounding raids on Project Veritas.
According to Human Events co-publisher Will Chamberlain, a clear breach of attorney-client privilege was perpetrated by the FBI. When the NY Times reported on it with details, they breached privilege as well. What makes it all even more insidious is that the NY Times is currently involved in a lawsuit from Project Veritas, making this all seem like a Deep State sting operation to cover up for their mainstream media cronies:
The FBI raided Project Veritas on a pretext and is now leaking their privileged communications to the New York Times This is a scandal.
These are classic privileged communications. PV asked for a legal opinion on potential journalistic activities, that opinion is a privileged communication No idea what @adamgoldmanNYT was thinking here, he should be subpoenaed tomorrow and forced to reveal his criminal source.
I didn’t even think about the fact that PV is currently in litigation with the New York Times. Makes it all the more appalling that the NYT would be publishing Veritas’ privileged communications.

(emphasis added)​


I'm done with the GOP apologist "there are good LE people in the FBI" chickenshit....They're the Stasi, and corrupt root and branch.

Abolish outright.
I remember Oddball. I usually agreed with you. Not always. But usually. This is a pretty egregious abuse of government power and poses serious danger to our freedom of the Press. So why is The NY Times serving as a complicit citizen-conspirator? Because they don’t actually care about the reason we have a First Amendment. They simply want it to apply to themselves and their fellow liberal/progressive/Marxist ideologues.

I believe most agents are not corrupt but I don’t doubt anymore that the corrupt ones are running the show. In the Government. I. The FBI. In the DOJ. In the CIA and so forth.
The Rogue / Criminal FBI is at it again:

Forget for a minute why the FBI would be involved in trying to recover a stolen diary...

The bigger question at the moment is why is FBI Director Wray's FBI releasing confidential documents obtained in a raid of Project Veritas James O'Keefe's home to the New York Times....


Federal Judge Orders DOJ to Stop Extracting Data From James O’Keefe’s Phones After FBI Raid​

11 Nov 2021 ~~ By Cristina Laila
A federal judge on Thursday ordered the DOJ to stop extracting data from James O’Keefe’s phones after the FBI raided his home.
Last Friday, the FBI conducted a raid of two New York addresses of people connected to Project Veritas as part of an investigation on how Ashley Biden’s diary was made public shortly before the 2020 election.
United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York Analisa Torres, a
Barack Obama appointee ordered Biden’s Justice Department to stop extracting date from O’Keefe’s phones:
1. By November 12, 2021, the Government shall confirm via email that it has paused its extraction and review of the contents of Petitioner O’Keefe’s phones;
2. By November 16, 2021, the Government shall provide the Court with its response to Petitioners’ motion;
3. By November 19, 2021 Petitioners shall provide the Court with their reply, if any.​

The court order is too late for PV to recover their information.
As we have seen the FBI has given the NY Slimes information just as they gave CNN a heads up when they invaded Stone's home to arrest him on false charges.. Whom else has the FBI spread the information to?
The bigger question at the moment is why is FBI Director Wray's FBI releasing confidential documents obtained in a raid of Project Veritas James O'Keefe's home to the New York Times....
For the lolz...
According to Human Events co-publisher Will Chamberlain, a clear breach of attorney-client privilege was perpetrated by the FBI. When the NY Times reported on it with details, they breached privilege as well. What makes it all even more insidious is that the NY Times is currently involved in a lawsuit from Project Veritas, making this all seem like a Deep State sting operation to cover up for their mainstream media cronies:

There is no attorney client privilege when that conversation involves a conspiracy to violate the law. Essentially their lawyers giving advice on how to get away with espionage, voided the privilege.
I remember Oddball. I usually agreed with you. Not always. But usually. This is a pretty egregious abuse of government power and poses serious danger to our freedom of the Press. So why is The NY Times serving as a complicit citizen-conspirator? Because they don’t actually care about the reason we have a First Amendment. They simply want it to apply to themselves and their fellow liberal/progressive/Marxist ideologues.
Actually they're service like a hearsay exception. Veritas claimed they were journalists, when in fact they were intelligence gatherers. Instead of reporting a story, they were creating the story. Which would also nullify a 1st amendment protection of their actions.
The Rogue / Criminal FBI is at it again:

Forget for a minute why the FBI would be involved in trying to recover a stolen diary...

The bigger question at the moment is why is FBI Director Wray's FBI releasing confidential documents obtained in a raid of Project Veritas James O'Keefe's home to the New York Times....

Project Veritas - Wikipedia

Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group founded by James O'Keefe in 2010. The group produces deceptively edited videos of its undercover operations, which use secret recordings in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups. Project Veritas also uses entrapment to generate bad publicity for its targets, and has propagated disinformation and conspiracy theoriesin its videos an…
it wasn't an illegal raid

Project Veritas at one point had possession of the diary after receiving it from unidentified “tipsters” who said they had found it in a room Ashley had stayed in. The group attempted to return it to her, O’Keefe said, but her lawyer “refused to authenticate it,” so the group handed it over to law enforcement.

O’Keefe claimed that his legal team had demonstrated the group’s “lack of involvement in criminal activity” to the Justice Department with “unassailable facts.” Project Veritas did not publish the contents of the diary because the group could not authenticate it, according to O’Keefe.

“In what world is the alleged theft of a diary investigated by the President’s FBI and his Department of Justice? A diary! This federal investigation smacks of politics,” O’Keefe wrote.

Ashley Biden reported the burglary of her house and the theft of several personal items to the Justice Department, which opened an inquiry into the matter, in October last year, the Times reported.

I would be they burglarized her home looking for anything they could find that could incriminate Biden.

No link between Rep. Ilhan Omar, alleged fraud​

Apart from the word of Jamal and video footage of one other unnamed source, whose claims are unsubstantiated, there is no link between Rep. Ilhan Omar and the allegations. alleged fraud.

Jeremy Slevin, a spokesperson for the congresswoman, said there's "zero" truth to the story, adding that the claim is an attempt to cast doubt on the upcoming election.
The Democrat position is 'when the truth hurts, hide it'. The Democrats use of the MSM, the education system and their suppression of unfavorable facts are every bit as totalitarian as the Stasi ever was.
Does anybody think there will be a story about this?

If there is there will be minimal information given and be skewed as to not make the times or fbi look bad.

The only ones to really go in depth will be news outlets that aren't nbc, CNN, etc so the others ones that do won't be seen by most Americans or be written off as more crazy overblown garbage and largely ignored.

When you're in bed with the media then you can sleep safely knowing you can get away with so much shit.
I remember Oddball. I usually agreed with you. Not always. But usually. This is a pretty egregious abuse of government power and poses serious danger to our freedom of the Press. So why is The NY Times serving as a complicit citizen-conspirator? Because they don’t actually care about the reason we have a First Amendment. They simply want it to apply to themselves and their fellow liberal/progressive/Marxist ideologues.

I believe most agents are not corrupt but I don’t doubt anymore that the corrupt ones are running the show. In the Government. I. The FBI. In the DOJ. In the CIA and so forth.

The Voice of the Reich (formerly NY Times) is dedicated to the destruction of the Republic, eradication of the Constitution, and abolishment of all civil rights. These are radical fascists who make Josef Goebbels appear honest and introspective by contrast.
The Rogue / Criminal FBI is at it again:

Forget for a minute why the FBI would be involved in trying to recover a stolen diary...

The bigger question at the moment is why is FBI Director Wray's FBI releasing confidential documents obtained in a raid of Project Veritas James O'Keefe's home to the New York Times....

Awesome! What do they say? Come on, giv us the details!

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