FBI Leaks Confidential Documents Acquired In Raid Of Project Veritas / James O'Keefe To NY Times

Addendum: a seizure made improperly leads to suppression in the criminal case not criminal charges against the law enforcement officers or agents, you bombastic twit. And as I already informed you, of course where the evidence obtained involves attorney client privilege, the aggrieved party can ask the court to intervene. Like demanding a special master. You are a very slow student.
Let me put it simply, because your case was that the seizure was made without a warrant. The FBI taking your shit without a warrant is actually a crime. Whether it's a phone, or your Porsche 911 or your baseball autographed by Babe Ruth. You have standing to sue to get your stuff back.
But as you and I noted already, the determination of whether a seizure is actually one that required a warrant would be for the court to make. That the claimant insists that a warrantless seizure of his property is theft doesn’t automatically mean he gets his stuff back.
Warrantless seizure would have his lawyers sue to get his stuff back, not just sue to appoint a special master to filter the phones content for privileged emails.

This is no different from when the FBI seized Rudy Giuliani's phones. And he's a lawyer, so most of the content would be between attorney and client.
Warrantless seizure would have his lawyers sue to get his stuff back, not just sue to appoint a special master to filter the phones content for privileged emails.

This is no different from when the FBI seized Rudy Giuliani's phones. And he's a lawyer, so most of the content would be between attorney and client.
It is different. Giuliani was the lawyer seeking to protect attorney client privilege of all his clients. O’Keefe spoke TO an attorney and wants to protect his OWN right to attorney client privilege. Plus, I suppose he seeks to keep confidential sources identities confidential as a reporter.
Either way, your quibbling is annoying. The first move is to get a judge or a special master to review the siezed emails to identify privileged material as distinguished from non privileged material. If a case is brought, then you attack the issuance of the subpoena (it’s called a motion to controversy the warrant) in order to prevent its use at a trial against you. Until that’s determined, you don’t just get your stuff back. Nothing is that easy, you bombastic simpleton.
Let me put it simply, because your case was that the seizure was made without a warrant. The FBI taking your shit without a warrant is actually a crime. Whether it's a phone, or your Porsche 911 or your baseball autographed by Babe Ruth. You have standing to sue to get your stuff back.
Wrong again. My “case” was not that the material was seized without a warrant. I noted that as one possibility only. Your ability to follow along is impeded by your meager intellect.
Wrong again. My “case” was not that the material was seized without a warrant. I noted that as one possibility only. Your ability to follow along is impeded by your meager intellect.
Actually when you introduced it happening sans warrant, I immediately posted you were wrong. That the only way that could have happened based on the actions of the judge, was if his lawyers were working with the FBI to screw their client. Since their actions would have precluded them from raising an objection to a warrantless search at a later time. Effectively making everything else searched on O'Keefe's phone without a warrant, admissible in evidence against him.
Actually when you introduced it happening sans warrant, I immediately posted you were wrong. That the only way that could have happened based on the actions of the judge, was if his lawyers were working with the FBI to screw their client. Since their actions would have precluded them from raising an objection to a warrantless search at a later time. Effectively making everything else searched on O'Keefe's phone without a warrant, admissible in evidence against him.
Revisionist history about an open thread. Actually, you remain both plodding and confused. In any event, you deflect a lot. The point which you seem unable or unwilling to address remains: so I’ll rephrase it just for you.

Is it your position (for your help I’ll note that this is a question) that government law enforcement which has seized attorney-client emails has a right (without court oversight) to read the seized emails? A simple yes or no would help in terms of clarity. But if you need to qualify your answer, what are the qualifiers?
There is no attorney client privilege when that conversation involves a conspiracy to violate the law. Essentially their lawyers giving advice on how to get away with espionage, voided the privilege.

Can you show the links of evidence for that statement regarding Project Veritas, O'Keeffe and his attorneys?
The Rogue / Criminal FBI is at it again:

Forget for a minute why the FBI would be involved in trying to recover a stolen diary...

The bigger question at the moment is why is FBI Director Wray's FBI releasing confidential documents obtained in a raid of Project Veritas James O'Keefe's home to the New York Times....

They have conjured up a fake domestic terrorism in order for them to do certain things. And since homegrown Russian agents, BLM, ANTIFA and Jan 6th Insurrectionists are labeled domestic terrorist's groups and the country is in disarray. That they can enact some of these executive orders.

Executive Order 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

obama boogie.gif

There is no attorney client privilege when that conversation involves a conspiracy to violate the law. Essentially their lawyers giving advice on how to get away with espionage, voided the privilege.
And of course meaner extra gene “knows” what was said? 🤪
They have conjured up a fake domestic terrorism in order for them to do certain things. And since homegrown Russian agents, BLM, ANTIFA and Jan 6th Insurrectionists are labeled domestic terrorist's groups and the country is in disarray. That they can enact some of these executive orders.

Executive Order 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

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