FBI Makes It Official: Hillary Is Under Investigation

Hossfly can be counted on to spam threads w/ his rw memes. You tying to out spam Vagisilante son?
What does it say?

Something vague and noncommittal. Not a "formal confirmation of Hillary Clinton" in a manner implied as criminal.

Once again I must dash your fantasy world on the rocks of reality.
View attachment 62811
Wow... what a vague and noncommittal letter. Which I already read when I responded earlier of course.
Ya, noncommittal. Outside of we are investigating Hillary.
Which, of course, it doesn't say anywhere in the letter.
Ok be specific, if they say they are investigating the circumstances around Hillary Clinton's private server, who besides Clinton could they be investigating?
Clinton used a private server, not just a private email address.

Thanks for listing 2 things that were not illegal. I bet you don't even know what a server is. What servers had Powell's and Rice's e-mails? Uh-oh......... were the PUBLIC?! :eek:

Old school? one would hope people get smarter with age. You're proof that's not always the case
No response. I'll take that as a concession. Crawl back to the I/P forum now. I heard some Muslims were running around in the sand earlier.
If they call her in for an interview, it's all over for the campaign.
Like when the Benghazi committee called her in for an interview
I know right? Her poll numbers went up when the rw'ers launched their witch hunt for the 7th- time.
Yeah but she needs to go on the attack. There are a lot of stupid people in this country and the rwnj's are very good at controlling them.

Sad isn't it. As many stupid people as there are the right control...they are dwarfed by numbers of morons the left controls.
Ebola's going to kill us all because Obama. Remember that you fucking rube moron?
If they call her in for an interview, it's all over for the campaign.
I'd like to see the FBI try it. There will be a barrage of attorneys reporting to the dept in a second!

They don't have to. If the FBI recommends indictment and Lynch balks, the facts of the case will be leaked to the press and public, guaranteed.
I saw that there is pressure on Lynch to step aside on the Clinton case.
Pressure on Attorney General Lynch to Step Aside in Clinton Email Probe
Citing donations, critics say Lynch shouldn’t decide on Clinton probeGreg Nash

By Julian Hattem - 02/08/16 07:50 PM EST

Critics of the Obama administration say Attorney General Loretta Lynch should be disqualified from overseeing the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server because of the more than $10,000 she has given to Democrats in recent years.

With Republicans already calling for a special prosecutor to monitor the probe, conservatives are pouncing on the past campaign contributions as evidence of bias.

“The latest assertion from her allies that Loretta Lynch is not ‘political’ is totally untrue,” said David Bossie, the president of conservative advocacy organization Citizens United in a statement to The Hill. “In fact, she’s been a regular financial contributor to Democrat candidates, including to her current boss, Barack Obama.”

Former colleagues of Lynch’s described her to The Hill as a hard-nosed lawyer who rarely discussed politics in her previous jobs.

According to data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, Lynch contributed a total of $10,700 to Democratic candidates between 2004 and 2008.

Of that money, $4,600 went to President Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. Another $1,000 went to the campaign of the late Rep. Owen Majors (D-N.Y.) and $2,100 went to his son Chris’s unsuccessful 2006 House campaign. Lynch also contributed $1,000 to the failed 2008 campaign of North Carolina investment banker Jim Neal and $2,000 to the fruitless 2008 campaign of Oregon politician Steve Novick.

The contributions are under scrutiny amid increasing calls from some Republicans for Lynch to appoint a special prosecutor to oversee the federal investigation into the security of classified information on the private email server Clinton used as secretary of State.

Citing donations, critics say Lynch shouldn’t decide on Clinton probe

It's true that she is a devout Democrat, but she did not give to the Clinton campaign. She gave to Obama's campaign but we aren't sure how Obama rule on this investigation. Will he put the kibosh on it, or let it go through? He has been silent about an endorsement which is surprising.
If they call her in for an interview, it's all over for the campaign.
Like when the Benghazi committee called her in for an interview
I know right? Her poll numbers went up when the rw'ers launched their witch hunt for the 7th- time.
Yeah but she needs to go on the attack. There are a lot of stupid people in this country and the rwnj's are very good at controlling them.

Sad isn't it. As many stupid people as there are the right control...they are dwarfed by numbers of morons the left controls.
Ebola's going to kill us all because Obama. Remember that you fucking rube moron?

Nope. And you're going to try and say the liberals don't have overwhelming support from the government handout crowd?
I just did a google search and the only two sources I see are rw hack sources- the times and pj media. Thanks but I'll wait for more reliable sourcing.
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Something vague and noncommittal. Not a "formal confirmation of Hillary Clinton" in a manner implied as criminal.

Once again I must dash your fantasy world on the rocks of reality.
View attachment 62811
Wow... what a vague and noncommittal letter. Which I already read when I responded earlier of course.
Ya, noncommittal. Outside of we are investigating Hillary.
Which, of course, it doesn't say anywhere in the letter.
Ok be specific, if they say they are investigating the circumstances around Hillary Clinton's private server, who besides Clinton could they be investigating?
They didn't say that either. Geez, I should charge money for this.
Clinton used a private server, not just a private email address.

Thanks for listing 2 things that were not illegal. I bet you don't even know what a server is. What servers had Powell's and Rice's e-mails? Uh-oh......... were they PUBLIC?! :eek:


The National Archives and Records Admin (https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2002-title36-vol3/pdf/CFR-2002-title36-vol3-sec1222-12.pdf) code of fed. regulations requires federal agencies to make and preserve records that duly document agency activity, so that they are readily available when needed.

It's in the code.

Documents of federal government business belong to the People, not Bill and Hillary.
I'd like to see the FBI try it. There will be a barrage of attorneys reporting to the dept in a second!

They don't have to. If the FBI recommends indictment and Lynch balks, the facts of the case will be leaked to the press and public, guaranteed.
I saw that there is pressure on Lynch to step aside on the Clinton case.
Pressure on Attorney General Lynch to Step Aside in Clinton Email Probe
reported by Fox AKA- GOP TV? How can you use them as a source when you applauded your candidate for not showing-up to the debate?

LET ALONE the fact that they are the communications arm of the GOP
That was a local station, not the cable network.
and that makes a diff how exactly?
The local station was not being ignored. The local station is not an arm of the GOP.
Hossfly can be counted on to spam threads w/ his rw memes. You tying to out spam Vagisilante son?
Remember, Dottie. "A picture is worth a thousand words" You understand them perfectly and I am saving bandwidth.
Like when the Benghazi committee called her in for an interview
I know right? Her poll numbers went up when the rw'ers launched their witch hunt for the 7th- time.
Yeah but she needs to go on the attack. There are a lot of stupid people in this country and the rwnj's are very good at controlling them.

Sad isn't it. As many stupid people as there are the right control...they are dwarfed by numbers of morons the left controls.
Ebola's going to kill us all because Obama. Remember that you fucking rube moron?

Nope. And you're going to try and say the liberals don't have overwhelming support from the government handout crowd?
Republican voting states have the highest rates of food stamps and welfare participation. And they take in more tax revenue than they give out. Do you want to try again?
If they call her in for an interview, it's all over for the campaign.
I'd like to see the FBI try it. There will be a barrage of attorneys reporting to the dept in a second!

They don't have to. If the FBI recommends indictment and Lynch balks, the facts of the case will be leaked to the press and public, guaranteed.
I saw that there is pressure on Lynch to step aside on the Clinton case.
Pressure on Attorney General Lynch to Step Aside in Clinton Email Probe
Citing donations, critics say Lynch shouldn’t decide on Clinton probeGreg Nash

By Julian Hattem - 02/08/16 07:50 PM EST

Critics of the Obama administration say Attorney General Loretta Lynch should be disqualified from overseeing the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server because of the more than $10,000 she has given to Democrats in recent years.

With Republicans already calling for a special prosecutor to monitor the probe, conservatives are pouncing on the past campaign contributions as evidence of bias.

“The latest assertion from her allies that Loretta Lynch is not ‘political’ is totally untrue,” said David Bossie, the president of conservative advocacy organization Citizens United in a statement to The Hill. “In fact, she’s been a regular financial contributor to Democrat candidates, including to her current boss, Barack Obama.”

Former colleagues of Lynch’s described her to The Hill as a hard-nosed lawyer who rarely discussed politics in her previous jobs.

According to data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, Lynch contributed a total of $10,700 to Democratic candidates between 2004 and 2008.

Of that money, $4,600 went to President Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. Another $1,000 went to the campaign of the late Rep. Owen Majors (D-N.Y.) and $2,100 went to his son Chris’s unsuccessful 2006 House campaign. Lynch also contributed $1,000 to the failed 2008 campaign of North Carolina investment banker Jim Neal and $2,000 to the fruitless 2008 campaign of Oregon politician Steve Novick.

The contributions are under scrutiny amid increasing calls from some Republicans for Lynch to appoint a special prosecutor to oversee the federal investigation into the security of classified information on the private email server Clinton used as secretary of State.

Citing donations, critics say Lynch shouldn’t decide on Clinton probe

It's true that she is a devout Democrat, but she did not give to the Clinton campaign. She gave to Obama's campaign but we aren't sure how Obama rule on this investigation. Will he put the kibosh on it, or let it go through? He has been silent about an endorsement which is surprising.
The Clintons and the Obamas have so much dirt on each other that it wouldn't surprise me if there were some fatal accidents or suicides. Chicago politics at work.
OP should look outside of his rw hack echo chamber sources 'lest he be made a fool again like in this thread

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