FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

She is a lunatic because she did a lot more than ask questions. She committed crimes because she believed a bunch of nonsense about Dominion.

Yes, she’s charged with a long list of felonies and misdemeanors at the state level.
“Federal prosecutors have been conducting a parallel investigation alongside local prosecutors in Colorado who have charged Peters with several offenses, including attempting to influence a public servant, criminal impersonation and official misconduct. The Republican was elected in 2018 to oversee elections in Colorado’s Mesa County. A deputy clerk, Belinda Knisley, was also charged in the case, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two years of probation

The insane conspiracies are getting people who truly believe them to commit serious felonies. Then you whine and bitch about being persecuted. Wake up and smell the roses you lunatics. Stop being so stupid.
Sad, she gets prosecuted for doing her job.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed this but the conservative part of the country has become dominated by some really fringe kooks. Lindell is one of them. It’s also coincident with people who get so sucked into these conspiracies that they wind up committing crimes in an attempt to uncover or correct them.

The conspiracy theories really are getting people hurt.
You are wrong, but this is a place where it's okay for you to be wrong.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed this but the conservative part of the country has become dominated by some really fringe kooks. Lindell is one of them. It’s also coincident with people who get so sucked into these conspiracies that they wind up committing crimes in an attempt to uncover or correct them.

The conspiracy theories really are getting people hurt.
You call questioning an election a conspiracy? Hell Democrats have been doing that ever since 2016. They even created a false Dossier and illegally claimed it was verified to a FISA court. Where are all the indictments?
He took a plea deal because the threatened his son. He also took back the plea deal after he got a decent lawyer. Nothing in that incident was 'clear as day.'
The plea deal is irrelevant.

He lied to the FBI with or without a plea deal.

His decent lawyers were the ones who got him the plea deal and who were going to prevent him from ever going to prison.

Sydney Powell was his replacement lawyer who would have definitely got him thrown in jail if sue weren’t rescued by political corruption at the DoJ and then later a pardon. Powell is not a good lawyer. She’s a lunatic who will be lucky to be able to practice law by the end of this.
You call questioning an election a conspiracy? Hell Democrats have been doing that ever since 2016. They even created a false Dossier and illegally claimed it was verified to a FISA court. Where are all the indictments?
Stop with the euphemisms. There was a lot more than “questioning the election”. Conservatives came up with some batshit crazy conspiracies about dominion machines.
Who's going to jail now retard so I can write it down... I think you have said about 10 people are going to jail and not one time were you right....
No, that's a fantasy you just made up, because you are an excitable little cultist.

So you don't even know who was in the video you just posted. But yeah, sure, you watched it;-)
No, that's a fantasy you just made up, because you are an excitable little cultist.

So you don't even know who was in the video you just posted. But yeah, sure, you watched it;-)
So you think the pillow guy is going to jail???? or Navarro?....
That wasn’t it. It was an insurance plan to get rid of Trump in case he won. They made up the entire Russian conspiracy hoax.

Shame on them, and shame on anyone still making excuses for what they did.
That’s a lie. It’s the same lie conservative media has been telling for years so that’s why you believe it. Look at the entire quote from Strzok in context, not just the three or four words conservative media tells you to look at.

Numerous people in Trump’s campaign had very sketchy contact with a Russians who were helping their campaign. It was a very real investigation that needed to happen.
That’s a lie. It’s the same lie conservative media has been telling for years so that’s why you believe it. Look at the entire quote from Strzok in context, not just the three or four words conservative media tells you to look at.

Numerous people in Trump’s campaign had very sketchy contact with a Russians who were helping their campaign. It was a very real investigation that needed to happen.
Bullcrap... every word is bull.....
Navarro. Currently under indictment for 2 criminal charges. Will likely also be indicted for obstruction of an official proceeding and criminal conspiracy.
LMAO.... indictment for what?.... contempt of congress? you don't go to jail for that dumbass... it gets hashed out.... plus as soon as the GOP takes congress all this bullshit goes away....
Questioning it is one thing.
Then seeing the PROOF over, and over, and over, that it was NOT stolen....but then continuing to deny that the proof is valid and real so that you can continue to cling to whacky conspiracy theories is the problem.

No, I take that back.

Insisting that your whacky conspiracy theories about stolen elections, corrupt, "leftist" judges, a corrupt "liberal" congressional investigation, and a "corrupt, leftist media" are just as valid as actual, FACTUAL reality.....

THAT is the problem!

Giving idiocy the same normalization and credence as rational thought is BAD for our country.
56 days.
You're right that a lot of my response contains a generic assessment; that being said I find a few elements of my content to include your words about self-labeled independents and the differences between a left-leaning independent and a right-leaning independent.

As far as recent stats, here's what Gallup wrote in January 2021: (Gallup writers have an obvious bias with a pro-Biden stance and anti-Trump message, but I use their data specially because of this factor and since you're more of a left-leaning independent. Gallup writer writes, "Overall in 2021, an average of 29% of Americans identified as Democrats, 27% as Republicans and 42% as independents. Roughly equal proportions of independents leaned to the Democratic Party (17%) and to the Republican Party (16%)."

With respect to that last percentage comparison that indicates a 1 percent advantage of Democrats over Republicans with the fight for the "leaners", this seems either outdated (yes, since January) or politically biased. I will refrain to say which one I think is more likely from reading their various articles about current politics, Biden, and Trump...but you know my answer ;)

As mentioned above, I read you as a left-leaning independent. Is that accurate? I sometimes have agreed with your posts but as of late, not so much. I am right-leaning so there are natural reasons to have split-decisions between left and right leaning voters, but I will politely say that you are on the wrong side of things unless you support further expansion of Big Government...maybe you do but I've missed the thread?
I'm a mixed bag, pro-gun (permitted carrier who still trains, to maintain proficiency), pro-law and order, pro-constitutional, fiscal conservative, while I do not feel abused by my taxes, (but of course my higher taxation is mostly behind me), so that set me apart from the modern knee-jerk conservatives. I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that character counts and in leadership it is the most important trait. I do not favor abortion in general and certainly not as a chosen birth control, but know the government should not be calling the shot with one size fits all. I am a Christian, but not attending organized religion, as raised on the inside most of my life, but coming to the knowledge that Christianity is based in the truth, but the message gets screwed up by the organizations, what they do, put up with and the money. I always have favored and practiced self-reliance. I despise extremists on any and all extremes, and have utterly no respect for anybody at any level inside or outside of government, that would destroy this constitutional republic for their own short term personal gains against constitutional and legal norms. So, you can pick my leanings for yourself, but be weary of judging, lest ye be judged.
Stop with the euphemisms. There was a lot more than “questioning the election”. Conservatives came up with some batshit crazy conspiracies about dominion machines.

Government Admits Dominion Voting Machines Vulnerable to Hacking in 16 States​

Dominion voting machines have the potential to be breached, according to an advisory from the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

These, of course, are the machines that caused controversy in the 2020 election.

The Dominion machines are now shown to have nine vulnerabilities, according to the Friday advisory.


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