FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

Same with the My Pillow Messiah guy.
I have no idea if Lindell is guilty of anything. Tina Peters showed up at his little lunatic conference bragging about committing felonies. I don’t know if Lindell is implicated.
speculation, your honor.

no crimes have been cited or named in this rambling verbal shitstorm.

If anything, Trump should be charged for squatting without paying rent in that vast space between MagicMike's ears. I heard Trump also vandalized the inside of Mike's cranium by spray painting pictures of dicks all over the inside of his skull. That would only be something like a $250 fine in most places, so I'm sure Trump could afford it. I mean, the guy is loaded. You'd think Trump would at least pay MagicMike rent for occupying that space between his ears, I don't know why he lets Trump stay there for free.
Questioning it is one thing.
Then seeing the PROOF over, and over, and over, that it was NOT stolen....but then continuing to deny that the proof is valid and real so that you can continue to cling to whacky conspiracy theories is the problem.

No, I take that back.

Insisting that your whacky conspiracy theories about stolen elections, corrupt, "leftist" judges, a corrupt "liberal" congressional investigation, and a "corrupt, leftist media" are just as valid as actual, FACTUAL reality.....

THAT is the problem!

Giving idiocy the same normalization and credence as rational thought is BAD for our country.
That's an opinion....not a law.
Democrats question every election they lose.....and nobody raids their homes or steals their cell phones because of it.
This is a lie.

The search was perfectly lawful pursuant to a warrant:

‘…an FBI spokesperson confirmed that “the FBI was at that location executing a search warrant authorized by a federal judge.”


Per a copy of the subpoena shared by Mr Lindell, the FBI is investigating him for any possible involvement in tampering with voting machines used in the 2020 presidential election. Mr Lindell has for the better part of two years been launching efforts to overturn the result of the election, which he baselessly believes was marred by voter fraud and illegitimately stolen from Mr Trump.

Despite his best efforts, Mr Lindell has not made any significant headway in proving his claims of fraud. He is now, however, another visible member of Mr Trump’s political circle to be implicated in a major federal investigation.’

"Tampering with voting machines", my ass. That's a good one. :laughing0301:
The DoJ isn’t in panic mode. They’re in charge of the situation. The ultra-MAGAs are the ones that should be worried.
Is that why they are taking cell phones away and telling the guy not to tell anyone?..... they are trying to intimidate anyone that may choose to join a Trump campaign.... but they forget a very important fact... we are Americans and we don't get intimidated by government thugs....
If anything, Trump should be charged for squatting without paying rent in that vast space between MagicMike's ears. I heard Trump also vandalized the inside of Mike's cranium by spray painting pictures of dicks all over the inside of his skull. That would only be something like a $250 fine in most places, so I'm sure Trump could afford it. I mean, the guy is loaded. You'd think Trump would at least pay MagicMike rent for occupying that space between his ears, I don't know why he lets Trump stay there for free.
Trump also lies about how much he is worth...Of course he and the family made hundreds of millions during his presidency, like 2 billion for the son in law. No worries. But Hunter smoked crack!!!!! 7 years ago....lol dupes...

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