FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

I'm a mixed bag, pro-gun (permitted carrier who still trains, to maintain proficiency), pro-law and order, pro-constitutional, fiscal conservative, while I do not feel abused by my taxes, (but of course my higher taxation is mostly behind me), so that set me apart from the modern knee-jerk conservatives. I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that character counts and in leadership it is the most important trait. I do not favor abortion in general and certainly not as a chosen birth control, but know the government should not be calling the shot with one size fits all. I am a Christian, but not attending organized religion, as raised on the inside most of my life, but coming to the knowledge that Christianity is based in the truth, but the message gets screwed up by the organizations, what they do, put up with and the money. I always have favored and practiced self-reliance. I despise extremists on any and all extremes, and have utterly no respect for anybody at any level inside or outside of government, that would destroy this constitutional republic for their own short term personal gains against constitutional and legal norms. So, you can pick my leanings for yourself, but be weary of judging, lest ye be judged.
I can see how you considered my observation about being on the 'wrong side" as a judgment. I will apply your advice about judging to my opinions/observations but sure, these are all judgements I guess. Like when a person admits the plain facts of being biased...we are ALL biased due to our geographical locations, family conditions growing up, and adult choices/circumstances that we make...every single day. I will stick to the part that the left side is way ahead currently with their Big Brother posturing...no thanks to that noise. I'll move to Mexico later on to retire if things continue to be led by leftist demands. To a lovely lake area in the internal area of Mexico, average daily temperature year-round 70 plus, low rents on lovely and safe properties (not a given in Mexico as most know) and very nice for US, Canadian and UK migrants:) When things "get bad" there are always personal solutions to improve those conditions, and I won't be expecting the federal govt to take care of anyone in true need as the money continues to be printed without paying off the debts. A real shame.
You are the dupe... everyone here can see that....
Except 99% of the world that don't believe Murdoch, the orange con man, or internet GOP whatever conspiracy nut jobs....poor America....
He did.... in a video... but you won't see that video on CNN or MSNBC or any other anti freedom news feed.....
freedom to lie like Russians?
The DoJ isn’t in panic mode. They’re in charge of the situation. The ultra-MAGAs are the ones that should be worried.
Yeah 'ultra' Make America Great Again people are such a threat and should be 'worried.' What kind of jack booted shit is that?
I can see how you considered my observation about being on the 'wrong side" as a judgment. I will apply your advice about judging to my opinions/observations but sure, these are all judgements I guess. Like when a person admits the plain facts of being biased...we are ALL biased due to our geographical locations, family conditions growing up, and adult choices/circumstances that we make...every single day. I will stick to the part that the left side is way ahead currently with their Big Brother posturing...no thanks to that noise. I'll move to Mexico later on to retire if things continue to be led by leftist demands. To a lovely lake area in the internal area of Mexico, average daily temperature year-round 70 plus, low rents on lovely and safe properties (not a given in Mexico as most know) and very nice for US, Canadian and UK migrants:) When things "get bad" there are always personal solutions to improve those conditions, and I won't be expecting the federal govt to take care of anyone in true need as the money continues to be printed without paying off the debts. A real shame.
I'm staying here, as this is where I chose to live. Well written post, though.

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