FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

And ANY day now Hillary is going down for Benghazi....
For her email server! Yeah....THAT'S it!
And soon.....James Comey is going down!
And Robert Mueller!
For SPYING on Trump's campaign!
And Trump is a shoe-in for reelection in 2020.
Just wait and see!
Wait....he LOST????
He really WON!
He's gonna win in court and the votes are gonna be recounted and....and...and....
he'll be reinstated!

On, and on, and on.....
with the phony assed, disconnected from reality bullshit.

But you guys never seem to learn from these things.

Slow learners I guess.
So you condone ignoring criminal activity when it comes to Democrats......I guess you don't agree with sicing the FBI on Kamala Harris for saying voting machines can be hacked. But when it comes to Pillow Guy, you're leading the lynch mob.
Talk about hyperbole!! No protestor shot anyone. Most were peaceful. Just like CNN said of the Summer riots....most were peaceful. Apparently for you TDS types equal justice doesn't exist.
Most were peaceful. That’s why I said that a lot of the MAGAs have nothing to worry about.
But a lot of them do have a lot to worry about, like the ones who were so deranged they committed felonies.

Like these guys.
Most were peaceful. That’s why I said that a lot of the MAGAs have nothing to worry about.
But a lot of them do have a lot to worry about, like the ones who were so deranged they committed felonies.

Like these guys.
During the summer BLM/Antifa riots, plenty of police were assaulted by many 'protestors' yet today they walk free. Equal justice doesn't exist anymore apparently.
The DoJ isn’t in panic mode. They’re in charge of the situation. The ultra-MAGAs are the ones that should be worried.
Best laugh of the thread (even a legit laugh unlike Franco's fake laugh at a previous post of mine-ha!) Are we now going to be forced to add the expression "ultra-MAGA"s" LOLOL give it up labelers...you've run out of your wad of labels, get a life seriously! Geez...next up, labels to redefine and extra-define all words ending with the letter E. Keep up now folks, because it's going to get a lot more ridiculous as people who look to be offended at all things possible will continue to lead the charge to redefine all words possible!
During the summer BLM/Antifa riots, plenty of police were assaulted by many 'protestors' yet today they walk free. Equal justice doesn't exist anymore apparently.
Name the person who assaulted police and walks free.
Best laugh of the thread (even a legit laugh unlike Franco's fake laugh at a previous post of mine-ha!) Are we now going to be forced to add the expression "ultra-MAGA"s" LOLOL give it up labelers...you've run out of your wad of labels, get a life seriously! Geez...next up, labels to redefine and extra-define all words ending with the letter E. Keep up now folks, because it's going to get a lot more ridiculous as people who look to be offended at all things possible will continue to lead the charge to redefine all words possible!
Plenty of ultra-MAGAs are serving time. Plenty are pending trial. Plenty more will be indicted.

Meanwhile Republicans wail and moan but have no actual response.
Name the person who assaulted police and walks free.
Some were never pursued and some got a slap on the hand.

The Denver District Attorney’s Office and the Denver City Attorney’s Office provided The Denver Post with lists of protest-related prosecutions that, combined, totaled 389 cases. The cases involved incidents from May to September 2020.

A majority of those cases were dismissed in June 2020 when the City Attorney’s Office decided to drop charges against more than 300 people arrested solely for breaking curfew or failing to obey police orders.

When she announced the decision, City Attorney Kristin Bronson said she recognized the importance of peaceful protest and dismissed the charges to pursue a “non-punitive, restorative approach outside of the court system.”

Jesse Thomas was arrested May 29, 2020, while protesting for allegedly throwing a rock at a Denver Sheriff Department vehicle. Prosecutors with the Denver District Attorney’s Office charged him with misdemeanor criminal mischief but dropped the case in November, court records show.

Having the criminal case looming over his head stressed Thomas out, he said. He said prosecutors told him they were dropping the case for lack of evidence.

Also convictions for felonies resulted in only 10 days of home detention and 6 months in jail. Meanwhile Jan 6 protestors that only walked into the capitol are still in jail and the FBI is harassing people who they THINK were there. This is NOT equal justice.
Some were never pursued and some got a slap on the hand.
Still waiting for the name.

Your article is about people breaking curfew and a person who might have thrown a rock at a car but had no evidence to prosecute.
This is proof that Mike was about to expose the fact that Biden stole the election....in fact, he was going to present his evidence to the Supreme Court today....

......and Justice Thomas was going to re-install Trump as per Article VII of the Constitution......so Biden ordered the FBI to steal his phone which held all of the evidence...

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