FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

Yeah 'ultra' Make America Great Again people are such a threat and should be 'worried.' What kind of jack booted shit is that?
Not everyone needs to worry. Just the ultra-MAGAs that were so delusional they committed crimes because of their ultra-MAGA conspiracies.
In 2019 Kamala Harris questioned voting machines and said she witnessed hackers breaking into voting machines. The FBI didn't say anything.
It can be when you’re a deranged ultra-MAGA who thinks storming the Capitol and beating up cops is going to save the country.
Talk about hyperbole!! No protestor shot anyone. Most were peaceful. Just like CNN said of the Summer riots....most were peaceful. Apparently for you TDS types equal justice doesn't exist.
56 days of sheer terror.

Then a meltdown of Titanic proportions.

Serious fun!
And ANY day now Hillary is going down for Benghazi....
For her email server! Yeah....THAT'S it!
And soon.....James Comey is going down!
And Robert Mueller!
For SPYING on Trump's campaign!
And Trump is a shoe-in for reelection in 2020.
Just wait and see!
Wait....he LOST????
He really WON!
He's gonna win in court and the votes are gonna be recounted and....and...and....
he'll be reinstated!

On, and on, and on.....
with the phony assed, disconnected from reality bullshit.

But you guys never seem to learn from these things.

Slow learners I guess.

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