FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

No. The FBI is investigating crimes.

Tina Peters lied and schemed to give copies of sensitive and confidential data to a bunch of fringe crazies. She harmed election security by publishing passwords to voting equipment.

She is supposed to be a non-partisan election official. She's not supposed to be an ultra-MAGA lunatic. There's no way the people of her county could have confidence she was overseeing a fair election.
Oh I see, anyone who disagrees with the election results is a 'fringe crazy' and must be locked up. Just because she wanted to look into the election results and believes in Making America Great Again doesn't make her a 'lunatic.' You brainwashed lefties are loons. :cuckoo:
OH wow…the irony.
Not really. You say the FBI is biased because didn’t didn’t prosecute a Clinton. They say the FBI is biased because they raided Mar a Lago.

But wait. We know you guys are biased. You’re bias would lead you to believe that Clinton is guilty and Trump is innocent.
Seems like you have two problems.
1. You assume conservatives are innocent
2. You assume democrats are guilty

Reality is that conservatives might be more likely to commit crimes. Especially the MAGA types.
so it's wrong to do one, then you turn around and do the other.

Republicans already tried that in 2016. It failed.
1) Not with Hunter. And not with Joe.

2) In 2016, we did not know how the FBI fabricated the entire Russia hoax to spy on Trump, and the extent to which they favored Hillary.

3) The Democrat Party will fall like a House of Cards if the Republicans take the House. That is why the Dems are in a panic, and throwing everything against the wall in the hopes something sticks.
Oh I see, anyone who disagrees with the election results is a 'fringe crazy' and must be locked up. Just because she wanted to look into the election results and believes in Making America Great Again doesn't make her a 'lunatic.' You brainwashed lefties are loons. :cuckoo:
She doesn’t get to break the law in order to “look into” the election.

She’s a lunatic because she believed the very crazy things being said about Dominion. That crazy belief is what got her into trouble like so many other ultra-MAGA types.

When will you guys realize that you’re craziness is hurting people?
Not really. You say the FBI is biased because didn’t didn’t prosecute a Clinton. They say the FBI is biased because they raided Mar a Lago.

But wait. We know you guys are biased. You’re bias would lead you to believe that Clinton is guilty and Trump is innocent.
I say they’re biased because they fabricated the “insurance plan,” as named by one of their agents, to get rid of Trump if he won the election.
I say they’re biased because they fabricated the “insurance plan,” as named by one of their agents, to get rid of Trump if he won the election.
The analogy with an insurance plan was that they didn’t think Trump was actually working with the Russians but they needed to check it out just in case it was true.

You need to get the story straight.
She doesn’t get to break the law in order to “look into” the election.

She’s a lunatic because she believed the very crazy things being said about Dominion. That crazy belief is what got her into trouble like so many other ultra-MAGA types.

When will you guys realize that you’re craziness is hurting people?
Did you read the link? She hasn't been charged. Yes, one gets called a 'lunatic' for asking questions about the 2020 election.......by leftie lunatics. When will YOU realize that your leftie policies, fake investigations, and hatred of Trump are hurting people? Not to mention the clusterfuck you put in the oval office in 2020.
1) Not with Hunter. And not with Joe.

2) In 2016, we did not know how the FBI fabricated the entire Russia hoax to spy on Trump, and the extent to which they favored Hillary.

3) The Democrat Party will fall like a House of Cards if the Republicans take the House. That is why the Dems are in a panic, and throwing everything against the wall in the hopes something sticks.
Sorry, not 2016, but 2020. A senate committee released a report on Hunter just before the election. Trump happily gave them tons of financial data without giving two shits about his personal privacy while at the same time blocking the House from accessing his financial data. Complete hypocrisy. It was a gross abuse of government power to try to swing an election.

It has to do with his involvement with Tina Peters. She was a fringe ultra-MAGA county clerk who was all in on the election fraud bullshit. She went so far as to provide access to the voting machines so that other fringe ultra-MAGA types could analyze it and find the fraud which never happened.

She showed up at an event with Lindell proudly talking about her actions.

Problem is that management of the voting hardware is strictly controlled and everything she did with these people was highly illegal. She was indicted in Colorado and is set for trial in March next year.
I love how the concept of Making America Great Again has become like filthy language. Those who cannot tolerate MAGA must want to Keep America Shitty Forever.

Go and live in your Shitopia. Live eyebrow deep in the shit you love so much. You don't belong in the real America.

I'll stay here in my little MAGA town where life is clean, quiet and safe.
This is most likely to do with the witch-hunt led by the Democrats and Deep State regarding January 6th.
This is a lie.

The search was perfectly lawful pursuant to a warrant:

‘…an FBI spokesperson confirmed that “the FBI was at that location executing a search warrant authorized by a federal judge.”


Per a copy of the subpoena shared by Mr Lindell, the FBI is investigating him for any possible involvement in tampering with voting machines used in the 2020 presidential election. Mr Lindell has for the better part of two years been launching efforts to overturn the result of the election, which he baselessly believes was marred by voter fraud and illegitimately stolen from Mr Trump.

Despite his best efforts, Mr Lindell has not made any significant headway in proving his claims of fraud. He is now, however, another visible member of Mr Trump’s political circle to be implicated in a major federal investigation.’

She doesn’t get to break the law in order to “look into” the election.

She’s a lunatic because she believed the very crazy things being said about Dominion. That crazy belief is what got her into trouble like so many other ultra-MAGA types.

When will you guys realize that you’re craziness is hurting people?
It's not hurting us.

And we don't care about you.

That's the funny thing about the way y'all write, as if everybody gives a shit about your opinion.
Did you read the link? She hasn't been charged. Yes, one gets called a 'lunatic' for asking questions about the 2020 election.......by leftie lunatics. When will YOU realize that your leftie policies, fake investigations, and hatred of Trump and your POTUS are hurting people?
She is a lunatic because she did a lot more than ask questions. She committed crimes because she believed a bunch of nonsense about Dominion.

Yes, she’s charged with a long list of felonies and misdemeanors at the state level.
“Federal prosecutors have been conducting a parallel investigation alongside local prosecutors in Colorado who have charged Peters with several offenses, including attempting to influence a public servant, criminal impersonation and official misconduct. The Republican was elected in 2018 to oversee elections in Colorado’s Mesa County. A deputy clerk, Belinda Knisley, was also charged in the case, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two years of probation

The insane conspiracies are getting people who truly believe them to commit serious felonies. Then you whine and bitch about being persecuted. Wake up and smell the roses you lunatics. Stop being so stupid.
The analogy with an insurance plan was that they didn’t think Trump was actually working with the Russians but they needed to check it out just in case it was true.

You need to get the story straight.
That wasn’t it. It was an insurance plan to get rid of Trump in case he won. They made up the entire Russian conspiracy hoax.

Shame on them, and shame on anyone still making excuses for what they did.
Your “coercion” was about taking a plea deal. It has nothing to do with his actual lie which was clear as day.
He took a plea deal because the threatened his son. He also took back the plea deal after he got a decent lawyer. Nothing in that incident was 'clear as day.'
so it's wrong to do one, then you turn around and do the other.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed this but the conservative part of the country has become dominated by some really fringe kooks. Lindell is one of them. It’s also coincident with people who get so sucked into these conspiracies that they wind up committing crimes in an attempt to uncover or correct them.

The conspiracy theories really are getting people hurt.
Questioning it is one thing.
Then seeing the PROOF over, and over, and over, that it was NOT stolen....but then continuing to deny that the proof is valid and real so that you can continue to cling to whacky conspiracy theories is the problem.

No, I take that back.

Insisting that your whacky conspiracy theories about stolen elections, corrupt, "leftist" judges, a corrupt "liberal" congressional investigation, and a "corrupt, leftist media" are just as valid as actual, FACTUAL reality.....

THAT is the problem!

Giving idiocy the same normalization and credence as rational thought is BAD for our country.

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