FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone


As soon as I finish laughing I will reply to this sorry sack of shit.

Ok, here goes.

Did uh, Mr. My Pillow Messiah Guy happen to mention with the crimes he is being investigated for relate to computer systems tied to Dominion voting machines?

Did he bother to mention in this (ahem!) "article" thingy the names:
Sidney Powell?
Rudy Guilliani?
Donald Trump?

You sure do love your Q shit.

Attacking the truth means nothing. But seeing you bow down and scrape in front of 5-deferment draft dodging, Russian Loving Fuck Wad I am in way surprised. You live for his lies.
That's right. He showed them off to photographers. This is old news, please try to keep up.

That one pic shows a criminal being stupid. Which is why his phone was confiscated by the F.B.I. Only an idiot shows the world his notes on his part of overthrowing a government.
Uh, no. A cult is people like you who suck up to Trump who's a criminal & a traitor.
Thanks for sharing your opinion. Unfortunately, no trophy for you today.

PS -- Really? Nobody takes you seriously. Anybody who takes Clipper seriously, PM me please. I'll keep count.
The FBI targets conservatives and ignores democrats
Seems like you have two problems.
1. You assume conservatives are innocent
2. You assume democrats are guilty

Reality is that conservatives might be more likely to commit crimes. Especially the MAGA types.
Attacking the truth means nothing. But seeing you bow down and scrape in front of 5-deferment draft dodging, Russian Loving Fuck Wad I am in way surprised. You live for his lies.

That one pic shows a criminal being stupid. Which is why his phone was confiscated by the F.B.I. Only an idiot shows the world his notes on his part of overthrowing a government.
I'm glad you trust me enough to share all those deep feelings with me.
We have free speech in this country dude. Its not a crime to say an election was stolen and to say it publicly. Maybe you need to study the US constitution because you clearly don't understand it. I've already emailed my reps and senators that they had better get on this.
Democrats are in power now. They and only they decide what can be said, what spoken words will ruin you and what is misinformation. Now, get in lock step.
Seems like you have two problems.
1. You assume conservatives are innocent
2. You assume democrats are guilty

Reality is that conservatives might be more likely to commit crimes. Especially the MAGA types.
Oh yeah and YOU assume the opposite. In reality Democrats have committed more crimes, they just don't get punished....See Hillary.
General Flynn lied to the FBI. That’s a real crime.
He was coerced and it has been proven.

Michael Flynn was charged with making false statements to FBI agents during a January 24, 2017 interview at his White House office regarding conversations Flynn had had in the preceding weeks with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Flynn initially asserted his innocence. Crucially, Flynn’s attorneys pressed the prosecutors from the Special Counsel’s Office to turn over the memorandum of interview or “302” prepared by the agents who questioned him regarding his communications with Kislyak. Throughout November 2017, SCO prosecutors repeatedly rebuffed those requests even as they ratcheted up the pressure on Flynn to plead guilty in exchange for a recommendation of no jail time. But Flynn continued to maintain his innocence, and his attorneys continued pressing for production of the 302 and other discovery—which the government continued to withhold.

It has been reported, credibly in my judgment, that the stalemate was brought to a head when the SCO leaked to certain reporters that a guilty plea from Flynn would ensure that Flynn’s son, who was under investigation as Flynn senior’s business partner (and also happened to be the father of Flynn senior’s four‐month‐old grandchild) would not be prosecuted. This is the sort of despicable tactic one associates with tyrants and dictators; but to our infinite discredit, it appears to have become a routine feature of American prosecutions as well.

it now appears the two FBI agents who conducted the interview with Flynn on which the subsequent false‐statements charge was predicated at first reported to their superiors that they did not think Flynn had been deceitful during the interview and that any inaccurate responses to their questions were the result of a memory lapse, not a deliberate attempt to deceive.

it appears possible that SCO prosecutors may have withheld highly favorable evidence while exerting intolerable pressure on Flynn to plead guilty to crimes prosecutors may well have known they would be unable to prove at trial.

Are you seriously going to defend this crap?
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Oh yeah and YOU assume the opposite. In reality Democrats have committed more crimes, they just don't get punished....See Hillary.
You provided an example of #2: assuming Democrats are guilty.
Seems like you have two problems.
1. You assume conservatives are innocent
2. You assume democrats are guilty

Reality is that conservatives might be more likely to commit crimes. Especially the MAGA types.
I assume there are plenty of guilty democrats that I’m sure the FBI are not interested in
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What crimes did they commit besides expressing their opinions and siding with Trump?
It just shows you how far we‘ve moved from being America. People are now being punished for their opinions.

My parents’ neighbors, who immigrated here from China more than 50 years ago, are beyond appalled. This was the type of thing they escaped when they left Communist China.
He lied. It was proven.

Flynn talked sanctions with the Russian ambassador.
Flynn told the FBI he didn't.

It's a lie. It was proven.
No it was coerced because they threatened his son. Read my post I provided with link.

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