FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

You panic, I will pass. I have no problem with reasonable suspicion, leading to pertinent facts, leading to evidence somebody may have committed or be involved in a crime, and that being brought before a judge in good standing, to obtain a warrant to search for more evidence. It is how our system works, and how we want it to work, as nobody is above the law and has to deal with it and be accountable to us, through it. Let me guess. Civics was your favorite class to cut?
The FBI is not targeting liberals

If it were while giving conservatives a pass I dont think you would bf so indifferent
You panic, I will pass. I have no problem with reasonable suspicion, leading to pertinent facts, leading to evidence somebody may have committed or be involved in a crime, and that being brought before a judge in good standing, to obtain a warrant to search for more evidence. It is how our system works, and how we want it to work, as nobody is above the law and has to deal with it and be accountable to us, through it. Let me guess. Civics was your favorite class to cut?
This really is pretty simple:
  1. If you suspect something, investigate
  2. If you find something, prosecute
  3. If they're found guilty, nail 'em
  4. If someone helped them, including family, nail them too.
  5. If it's political, maybe nail 'em a bit more
Whether it's the orange cult or Hillary or Hunter or anyone else. Period. No exceptions. Party affiliation irrelevant.

How have we gotten to a point at which we can't even agree on THAT?
Dead women can climb? I did not know that.
The Walking Dead, DC style. Left her brain at home and walked right in, on the attack, tried to climb through the door, just smashed, while be told don't come in, and was put down. Very sad. Should have stayed home and thought things through, instead of allowing her emotions to be manipulated, so her brain no longer functioned. She was cute. I bet she was really surprised they would actually shoot her, for trying to break through to the inner chambers
Good thing he wasn't driving the riot then.
Maybe in fantasyland. In reality, we have his insurrectionists on video calling his tweets "orders". We have insurrectionists in court saying Trump invited and asked them to do it.
What possible crime are they investigating?
I understood from the mainstream outlets, most of the questions they were asking, related to the Colorado elections clerk and her voting machine felony accusations. I have not seen a public release from the Justice Department.
Self supporting entrepeneur, overcame personal problems and founded a business with products made in the US.....
the antithesis of a Dimmer lemming.
That's why they hate him.

He crawled out of the swamp that THEY will choose to live in FOREVER.

He found something POSITIVE to believe in, whereas the closest they have to faith involves believing that women have the right to kill unborn children.

He made many millions of dollars and employed thousands of people. All the dimer lemmings have ever done is shoot dope, shit in the street, steal whatever they can get their hands on and destroy property that belongs to others.

Who's the hero here?

The guy who has earned thousands of dollars from me, not only from the sale of the products I use personally, but from products I buy as gifts for friends and family and products I buy for the purpose of donating them to disabled Veterans.

And thanks for the reminder -- I need to get a few of those lovely warm bathrobes to gift to some deserving Vets. It'll start getting cooler soon.
I understood from the mainstream outlets, most of the questions they were asking, related to the Colorado elections clerk and her voting machine felony accusations. I have not seen a public release from the Justice Department.
That's per squealing Mike. Naturally, he deflected to others and squealed two names.
What crime is being investigated?

The answer of course is none.

Mr. Lindell is being investigated, not any criminal activity at all. The hope of the Liberal FBI is to find some violation they can change Lindell with in their Fishing Expedition.
The crime(s) are multiple but mostly center around Donald Trump's deaperate plot to stay in power even after getting trounced by Joe Biden in 2020.

You can see almost all of the evidence (except what has recently and what continues to come to light) by
So, what crime? You can't confiscate stuff and go fishing, there has to be a crime they are researching.

So, what is the crime in question?
Co-conspirator and one of the financers of Trump's Jan. 6th 2021 insurrection.
Same answer as last time a Trumptard circled me back to same stupid question.
You panic, I will pass. I have no problem with reasonable suspicion, leading to pertinent facts, leading to evidence somebody may have committed or be involved in a crime, and that being brought before a judge in good standing, to obtain a warrant to search for more evidence. It is how our system works, and how we want it to work, as nobody is above the law and has to deal with it and be accountable to us, through it. Let me guess. Civics was your favorite class to cut?
I said this shit would happen when the idiotic Patriot Act passed, assclown.

They can do this shit to a guy like Lindell, there's nothing stopping them from doing it to you...And just like with the Soviets, your innocence will be no protection.
The FBI is not targeting liberals

If it were while giving conservatives a pass I dont think you would bf so indifferent
The FBI targets people when they have evidence of a crime. Maybe your problem is that conservatives keep doing crimes.
Maybe in fantasyland. In reality, we have his insurrectionists on video calling his tweets "orders". We have insurrectionists in court saying Trump invited and asked them to do it.
And yet no one has produced communication from TRUMP! to them instructing or inviting them to riot and attack the capitol. On the contrary, we can produce video of him instructing people to demonstrate peacefully to make their point.

There are a lot of followers who think they hear a lot of things that are not necessarily there. Should we hold Quid Pro responsible for the first leftwing nut case (but I repeat myself) that flips out, starts killing people, then says he was instructed to do so by Quid Pro's screech attack on half the country?
He's telling the truth.

Either that, or his pillows are just too damn comfy and his towels are too damn soft and absorbent and REALLY BIG!
Right on cue one of Trump's asseaters has his cell phone seized & MAGA heads explode.

Maybe you should ask yourself WHAT Lindell did for the FBI to seize his phone instead of talking shit.
The FBI targets people when they have evidence of a crime. Maybe your problem is that conservatives keep doing crimes.
Maybe the problem is the liberal, alt-lefties are charging folks with made up crimes.
Right on cue one of Trump's asseaters has his cell phone seized & MAGA heads explode.

Maybe you should ask yourself WHAT Lindell did for the FBI to seize his phone instead of talking shit.
Exploding heads?

You're funny.

What's exploding is my wallet. I like to buy those warm bathrobes to donate to disabled Veterans. Cooler months are coming.
"Why do the Democrats fear the Pillow Guy?"
Well, first.... I can't speak for Democrats, but........but I would probably suggest they don't really "fear" Lindell.
Rather, if they have a similar sense of humor as me.....then they are far more bemused than fearful.
Hell, a whole LOT more bemused than fearful.

It's stuff like the following examples that make me grin:

  • Reported in January of this year:
" Conspiracy theorist and pillow maven Mike Lindell made one of his wildest claims yet.
“We already have all the pieces of the puzzle,” Lindell said on Real America’s Voice this week. “We have enough evidence to put everybody in prison for life, 300-and-some million people.”
The U.S. population is estimated at 330 million.
It’s not clear how much the “and some” in Lindell’s claim represents, but even at 300 million, that’s nearly everyone in the nation over the age of 5. All in prison."

Honestly, TRdumb, you don't see the humor in that?

Surely you can grin at that can't you?

  • And this: "All of his promised evidence has either not materialized or been quickly debunked, and Lindell backed out of a $5 million offer for anyone who could disprove his claims when several analysts stepped forward to collect."

  • And this: "MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said he believed former President Donald Trump would take the .... step of being reinstated as president on August 13. Speaking to Brannon Howse on the conservative WVW Broadcast Network on Sunday, Lindell said that by that date Trump's reinstatement would "be the talk of the world." "Donald Trump won," he claimed. "I mean, it's pretty simple, OK?"

Remember you-know-who's motto:
Only the best people!

America is great right now. It is the best time to be an American. Look at the entertainment our "only-the-best-people" offer us.

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