FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

Motherfucker was photographed carrying a document to the POTUS arguing for using martial law to end Democracy. He's living his fantasy right now; after years of efforts he finally gets to be a target.
Sounds like free speech, to me. Where's the crime?
In other words you ain't got nothing.

Never..........Ever..........Make Such A Clearly, Demonstrably Incorrect Statment ( Meaning You Are A Liar).

1. A Guide to All the Times Mike Lindell and QAnon Promised Trump Would Definitely Be Back in the White House

2. The MyPillow guy has now named an exact date for Trump’s return to the White House

3. MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell's bold prediction: 'Donald Trump will be back in office in August'

4. Mike Lindell stands by prediction Donald Trump will be back in White House in August

5. Trump 'Will Be Back In Office': MyPillow CEO

Clearly Mike Pillowguy did announce, on more than on occasion the Traitor would somehow as if by magic be returned to the White House and each time he was wrong.
So what?
Yeah, I say so, anyone with money get an umbrella insurance policy that protects
them from personal loss in excess of the usual homeowners-auto coverage.
Could be a learning moment for you to protect your personal assets in the future.
It doesn’t seem likely to me. First, we’d have to know what the coverage is. Second, we’d have to know specifically what it covers.

This link says umbrella policies won’t cover intentionally defamatory statements:
  • You intentionally make a false comment or statement that defames someone else

I could see insurers covering the cost of defending yourself from these allegations, but if you’re guilty, I have a hard time accepting an insurer paying out money to cover your bad choices.
Perhaps not now, but what about when those you might disagree with are calling the shots, and they decide you're a potential danger and need to be investigated?
I disagreed with bush, sometimes with Obama, most of the time with Trump, and several times from the beginning of Joe's administration. Never affected. Never sought or attacked. I simply do not run in those circle and pretty much fly under the radar. The loudmouthed assholes bring it on themselves, the squeaky wheels getting the grease as the saying goes. If I was wealthy, I am certain I could find something else to do, than be a mass market pain in the ass. These assholes cannot.
Ah, your take sounds logical White, don’t break the law and you don’t have anything to worry about, right? It’s not always about that though, is it? Analogy: think of a garbage collector who works hard collecting garbage, yet often scrapes up a few unintentionally discarded items daily like for instance a diamond ring. This is what is happening with our political SIDES full of sideshows, we see a lot of garbage that needs to be omitted for the betterment of all citizens, but we don’t really agree on what the valuables are, not even close nowadays. The political subsets on the edges have separated farther away from the middle of the pendulum, with the “middle” voters encompassing WAY too many individuals with different mindsets to make some collective statement about what it means to be in the middle or what it means to be an independent.

The long-term (big picture) is more important compared to short-term maneuverings (almost a side circus fully flamed by our fine collection of biased LSM) and of little value comparatively speaking. Sure, each battle will perhaps eventually lead to temporarily winning the war for one side or the other, but as you likely know when it comes to politics there really are never any true winners, not for very long anyway.

I still count on “good” to override “evil” in this continued game of tug of war over during these politically volatile times. “Good” and “bad” constructs are of course subjective, and therein lies the bottom line of the problem. I try to boil it down to this
determinant: if something supports life and true growth I support it, but if the measure leads to death, destruction, chaos I do not. I will continue to support the expression of oppositional views which is directly supported the US Constitution, and I will also continue to support the freedom to absolutely contrast every oppositional viewpoint that another person might state. Now that’s big picture thinking and fortunately many voters “in the middle” including self-labeled independents support this stance.
Nice bit of writing, but not applying to me. And, for the record, the middle is still where the country resides, not the extremes, be it extreme right or extreme left, those two being simply too destructive of what we have in this country and against our ingrained senses, upbringing, the constitution the country was founded on, the laws of the land, all the systems in place to limit the ability or effectiveness of destructive moves on a national basis. I am out in the hinterland, where the normal people live. We have normal Republican as well as Democrats, but the extremes choose some other place to call home, and the criminals get policed up, sooner or later. It is really unlikely at this stage of the game, I will ever be among those that incur police attention and action. Too conservative in nature, I guess.
With police state overreach like this, your innocence is not any protection, you fucking fool.
You panic, I will pass. I have no problem with reasonable suspicion, leading to pertinent facts, leading to evidence somebody may have committed or be involved in a crime, and that being brought before a judge in good standing, to obtain a warrant to search for more evidence. It is how our system works, and how we want it to work, as nobody is above the law and has to deal with it and be accountable to us, through it. Let me guess. Civics was your favorite class to cut?
You panic, I will pass. I have no problem with reasonable suspicion, leading to pertinent facts, leading to evidence somebody may have committed or be involved in a crime, and that being brought before a judge in good standing, to obtain a warrant to search for more evidence. It is how our system works, and how we want it to work, as nobody is above the law and has to deal with it and be accountable to us, through it. Let me guess. Civics was your favorite class to cut?
What possible crime are they investigating?

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