FBI Official: The Clintons are a crime family.

When reading the inscription on the fiaence sceptre of Amenhotep II at Victoria and Albert museum, it is noteworthy that Bull family DNA links to Ashley Hall Plantation and the statue of Diana.

V&A Amenhotep II Faience Sceptre, 1425 B.C.
(Click on image to enlarge. Scroll down to marks and inscriptions)
Sceptre | | V&A Search the Collections
Prediction, 2016-99

TPP will be boycotted, and the Chinese trail through Baja will be seriously compromised. As both material production and quality return to the American rhizome, mafias such as the Clinton will be more pressed in applying their traditional modus operandae.

'And the smack wasn't even being produced in Columbia, as one might expect. It was being cooked in Michoacan, Mexico, where the folks of the little town called Aguadilla proudly boasted that they would become renown worldwide as the "Medellin of Heroin." And what about Mexico? On 12 Dec 2000, a Mexican newspaper reported that fifteen people, all believed to have been Mexican police agents, had been found murdered in Sinaloa and Baja, California. The bold one-day massacre had allegedly been carried out by stop-at-nothing drug traffickers.

And remember, this is our back-door neighbor, not some distant South American country. Can you imagine fifteen American cops being whacked in one well-coordinated attack in Texas or Arizona? If you can't you'd better start.'
(Morgan, Reaper's Line: Life and Death on the U.S.-Mexican Border [2006] p.499)
22 Nov 2016 New York Times, Michael D. Shear, Trump Drops Threat of New Hillary Clinton Investigation
But the pope and abortion report links to a church-and-state pardoning machine. Thus, suggested viewing is Conan, where Arnold listens to James on the steps of Snake Temple.

The machine is aligning movement of the population between states, and it will also monitor migrations to the Cannabis states, so the marketing software in the Vince Foster case makes this current scenario less than a tranquilizing cartoon afforded by plants. Food control and pardoning go hand in hand, as we have just shown with Clinton Foundation-Morocco phosphate and Rodham-Georgia hazelnuts.

Bill Clinton and Tony Rodham Do the Mississippi

Bill Clinton Pardon Controversy
Bill Clinton pardon controversy - Wikipedia
'Woods quoted the words of the late Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson on the dangers of prosecutorial abuse, previously cited by Justice Scalia in his dissent in Morrison v Olson. "Therein is the most dangerous power of the prosecutor; that he will pick people that he thinks he should get, rather than cases that need to be prosecuted. With the law books filled with a great assortment of crimes, a prosecutor stands a fair chance of finding at least a technical violation of some act on the part of almost anyone. In such a case, it is not a question of discovering the commission of a crime and then looking for the man who has committed it, it is a question of picking a man and then searching the law books, or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him." '
(Conason and Lyons, op cit)
In the previous post, we see how the Adjudicator contradicts himself and exposes the non-law within law, to which we will return for an in-depth exegesis.

Also of note is the genealogical link to Wikitree's recent book-burning fascism that Lyons himself seems to have the desire to compensate for:

'Campaigning in the New York primary, former California governor Jerry Brown frequently denounced the sleazy appearance of Hillary Clinton's law practice. In response, the Clinton campaign commissioned an accounting of Whitewater overseen by a Denver attorney and Clinton friend named James Lyons (no relation to the author). Hillary also asked Webster Hubbell and Vince Foster, her two closest associates at the Rose Law Firm, to help explain her work for Madison.
(Conason and Lyons op cit)
The concept of relativity now becomes linked to the concept of "discovery" from the same case:

'Given that all federal judges are all either Republicans or Democrats, and that the Clintons were in no way parties to the Tucker case, the OIC's brief revealed its own political agenda as much as that of Judge Woods. But the Eighth Circuit didn't see it that way. On March 11, 1996, the appeals court summarily granted both of Starr's requests. In Morrison v Olson the Supreme Court had ruled that to be prosecuted by an independent counsel, a case had to be "demonstrably related" to the factual circumstances led to the counsel's appointment. Writing for the Eighth Circuit, however, Pasco Bowman's opinion ruled that "the term 'related' is undefined and without parameters." So Tucker's business dealings didn't have to be factually connected to Whitewater or the Clintons to make the governor vulnerable to prosecution by Starr. A procedural connection was sufficient: The OIC had come upon the evidence against Tucker
through David Hale. In effect, Bowman said, Starr could prosecute any citizen he chose to prosecute.'
(Conason and Lyons op cit)
We will delve further into these remarkable pages of Conason and Lyons, for its goes to the heart of the modus of the depp Clinton mafia.

'Judge Woods remarked to the Los Angeles Times that "I have the distinction of being the only judge in Anglo-American history, as far as I can determine, who was removed from a case on the basis of newspaper accounts, magazine articles, and television transcripts....Two years later, after a reporter from Salon magazine showed Judge Woods a sheaf of Parker Dozhier's handwritten notes revealing the Arkansas Project's covert effort to to discredit him, during the summer of 1995, the elderly jurist released a handwritten statement: "I have now been shown documents indicating that....closed-door meetings were held during the summer of 1995 at the Dozhier Bait Shop in Hot Springs.'
(Conason and Lyons)
These alleged meeting involved, among others, Mr. David Hale (the government's chief witness in the Whitewater investigation), Mr. Parker Dozhier....and other persons with ties to Mr. Richard Mellon Scaife (who is among other things, a financial backer of the American Spectator).'
(C & L, op cit)
Alex Jones has just reported that Clinton litigation is still on the table, and Jeff Sessions is supposedly involved. It will be up to the Attorney General, according to Jones's report.
The Clinton mafia has operated by proxy for years. That is why we are focusing on the psychology of the adaption to absurdity, in the law machine, and elsewhere. For example, the concept of "stiffing workers" by default, is also linked to drug trafficking, which affords the money to buy guns as well as places the addict on skid row. When the 'hood begins to deteriorate, the real estate value decreases, until such time as it will then be purchased at foreclosure prices by Clinton mafia proxies.The Clinton Foundation as a slush fund is also intimately linked to power. This is the pivot of the schizoid split intimate to the Clinton mafia, whereby the proxy enters into the picture confounding the time-space argument for "no relation" to the elite and their crimes, which is a Freudian crib mobile designed to distract the duped prisoners as a tranquilizing pacifier with which to buy more time: "Give me twenty hours and I'll give you twenty grand.".
Yes, it is news, news in the making, because news can be defined as the becoming-space of time as well as the becoming-time of space. Clinton mafia has thrown away their rear-view mirror, which was a mistake, due to the damage it has done retroactively and by proxy. The intimate relationship capitalism has to the schizophrenic process is the same relationship deep inside the Clinton mafia. Thus, it can and should, be taken from behind, engendering some quite bizarre offspring.
We notice the gossip law for Portugal, and the eye-color discrepancy of Madeleine. In comparison, Brittanee Drexel coordinates thus far are:

1.) Eye color/eye problems

2.) Travelled to the seashore/coast.

There is no doubt that inside the Clinton mafia, there are individuals who admire Oscar Wilde. For the predator-pedophile's mascot, that would be The Picture of Dorian Gray.

Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
Disappearance of Madeleine McCann - Wikipedia
The memorial at Rothley links to Xenia, Ohio for the Underground Railroad. This is the link to Southern Planters inter-racial breeding which was a reaction to the Stono Re4bellion. This links Bull Family DNA, which is listed on the Beekman Patent. We have already shown a potential link between Tyson and the Jersey Giant for Yolande Beekman, SOE.
We are encountering problems in transmission of posts due to US message board prompts

Yolande Beekman was executed at Dachau, though we are yet to link the date for Peresecki:

Yahoo News Holocaust Jacket
Holocaust jacket found at tag sale leads to a life story

Madeleine McCann's hometown links to the Great Central Railway at Rothley and the name Wilberforce. This is the link to Brittanee Drexel's hometown, Rochester, New York and the AME church (that was bombed) at 40 Favor Street:

Wilberforce University, founded by African Methodist Episcopal church (AME) the first college to be owned and operated by African Americans. A center for a professional black elite, Xenia, Ohio is three miles away, and was a stop on the Underground Railroad. Some people from this area of abolitionist sentiment were shocked when wealthy Southern planters arrived at the resort (Tawawa, after a Shawnee name) with their entourages of enslaved or free African-American mistresses and mixed-race "natural" (illegitimate) children.
www. "6 are Killed in Bombing Attacks Apparently Aimed at One Family
Note the the federal building is at 30 Church Street and the AME church is at 40 Favor Street in Rochester.

For the Madeleine McCann case, the Oldfield "out-the-window" theory we link to another railroad, that at Midlothian, Illinois, because here is both a "child-out-the-window" concept and a railroad link.

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