FBI Official: The Clintons are a crime family.

A further Chinese link would be the fact that the London Royal Society was the first to receive a translation of the I-Ching from the Chinese. This work was done by a Portugese translator.
"Cicada Ear-Ring" would be the media stir, gossip and rumors caused by Madeleine McCann's disappearance.

Oprah Winfrey supposedly interviewed the McCanns on 4 May 2009. Hillary Clinton had just returned from Lebanon. According to a Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty report on 6 May 2009 "EU-Prague Summit" states: '....On the basis of the Madrid Principles....OSCE ministerial meeting in Madrid, Nov 2007. Those principles have never been made public, but they are believed to encompass some, but not all, of the so-called Basic Principles made public by the Minsk Group in the early summer of 2006....Timing No Coincidence. Sarkisian and Aliyev met in Switzerland in late January and were scheduled to meet again on 7 Aug on the sidelines of the Prague EU summit. On 4-5 May, the foreign ministers of both countries met in Washington with Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, to discuss the conflict resolution process.'

What is the date for the U.S. having walked out of one OSCE meeting when it was chaired by Spain?
The non-law within law prepetuates such things as Bush-Obama-Clinton ISIS as well as church-and-state-sponsored terror. As previously mentioned, we wish to tease out the pathologies of the Adjudicator as well.

'////what remains today -- both in historical terms andand at the level of theory and philosophy -- seems to be reduced once again to the alternative of either boldly embracing the anxiety produced by the lack of lack or else anticipating the impossible possibility of an absolute beyond of the law's terrorizing ubiquity -- a beyond that, precisely because it does not entail an effective interruption, may very well leave intact the regime of terror except to point up its obscene underside, its groundless foundation, or its rootedness in pure nonlaw....an excessive dimension of the real as too-much that at the same time exposes the fragility and precariousness of the law qua nonlaw.'
(Bosteels, Badiou and Politics)
Crucifixion of News in the Making

Smuggled Arab son Obama wants to leave the past behind for Cuba. We have already shown the beehive connection to both Clinton mafia and to the Bouvier-Drexel-Langsroth line. Further probing the pathologies of law that has granted impunity to mafias such as the Clinton, Oliver Wendell Holmes:

' '' The history of law is the embryology of a most important set of ideas." The embryo stands in Holmes as a figure of internal difference, as continuous change of form. This sense is striking when Holmes writes that he is "interested to trace the transformation [of law] throughout its whole extent" and that this study "affords an instructive example of the mode in which law has grown (without a break [italics]), from barbarism to civilization." '
(Lefebvre A, The Image of Law: Deleuze, Bergson, Spinoza, Ch. 5 The Time of Law: Evolution in Holmes and Bergson)
Whitewater Clinton mafia at Marion County, Arkansas, on the north-south axis links the two Chinese connections in Missouri, one for Catherine Kefauver at Alanthus Grove, the other for Agnes Smedley in Sullivan County.
Smedley links to Margaret Sanger and thus back to New York City and New England for Catherine Ware Dennett:

Agnes Smedley
Agnes Smedley - Wikipedia
Chapman Pincher links Roger Hollis to Agnes Smedley (Too Secret Too Long), and Hollis is the Joshua Reynolds link to the Clinton mafia. It is possible that living Joshua Reynolds DNA could be speaking on the Vince Foster tape.
The idea of news-making is to reveal hidden connections to the Clinton mafia. For example, how many knew that the Mormons connect to Clay County, Missouri, two counties over from Agnes Smedley's birthplace, and that this also links to the Turkish prosecutor's statement in an earlier post in this thread?

We will be excerpting from Hoene because it is a major-media McCann connection:

Hoene H, (1971) Codeword: Direktor: The Story of the Red Orchestra, New York: Coward, McCann and Geoghehan
Leopold Trepper was the director of the Red Orchestra.

Leopold Trepper
'...."My name, Trepper, shows no trace of my origins." '

It is known that Trepper came from Nowy Targ:

Nowy Targ
Nowy Targ - Wikipedia

We will trace back via Edward William Titus b. 25 Jul 1870 in Podgorze, Poland.

Podgorze, Poland
Podgórze, Podlaskie Voivodeship - Wikipedia

We link the Titus line to the Enyart line, because Abraham Enyart, physician, established the post-office at Alanthus, Missouri:

Abraham Enyart, physician, b. 1891 Madison County, Kentucky d. 1874 Macon County, Missouri. Father was David Enyart, husband of Rachel Titus.

William Titus, Nassau County, Long Island, New York

Marie (Titus) Gillmor b. 3 Aug 1895, Rochester, New York

Elizabeth (Titus) Townsend, Hempstead, New York
Wikitree for Enyart does not show the Brinegar connection, which is the McCann connection:

Enyart Family Newsletter #4
'....Silas Enyart in Right of his wife Catherine, the late wife of Thos. Brinegar....'

Wikitree McCann: '....Beverley A. (McCann) Brinegar 1930s-2010s....'
A discrepancy arises for the father and the identity of Abraham Enyart.
Beverley A. (McCann) Brinegar was the daughter of Willie Calvin McCann b. 27 Sept 1918, White City, Kansas; d. 19 Oct 1996, Mesa Arizona, and Nola Lena (Lena) McCann formerly Bullock, b. 8 Jan 1921 Everton, Missouri; d. 12 May 2012 Montpelier, Ohio. Nola Lena was the daughter of James Albert Bullock. b. 21 Nov 1891, Clay County, Missouri.

The Mesa, Arizona link is the McClanathan link to Michigan for Bedford Township and for Lathrup Village. Clay County, Missouri, is the Turkish prosecutor's link to Mormons and Scientology via Gulen, previously mentioned in the thread.
McDougal-Clinton Whitewater idea originated in 1978-9 for attract tourists from Chicago, Detroit, etc. It is not known if Titus surname is on the Beekman Patent, though the Salem, Massachusetts link is mentioned because the refugees from Salem settled at Awendaw, South Carolina where Shannon McConaughey;'s body was found.

Mary (Titus) Ketcham b. 1650 Salem, Massachusetts

'Some writers have insisted that Agnes Smedley was not an active espionage agent, but is has recently been established that she certainly was....Among Americans who instantly appealed to Sonia was an extraordinary woman journalist and revolutionary called Agnes Smedley who was to have a profound effect on her life. There are letters to Miss Smedley from Sonia recording the warmth of their friendship. Sonia remembers the date of their first meeting a 7 November because it was the thirteenth anniversary of the Russian Revolution. Miss Smedley, who had been briefly married, had arrived ib Shanghai in May 1929 having previously attended the Sixth World Congress of the Comintern in Moscow.
Among other occasional visitors to the Smedley 'salon' was a young English journalist and tobacco company employee called Roger Henry Hollis, then in his late twenties. While confirming much later in his life that he had known Agnes, he claimed to be unable to recall how he had come to meet her. It could have been through membership of some Shanghai club, such as the Press Club or American Club....Hollis's connection with her is important, not only because of the kind of people he was likely to meet in her company, but because Miss Smedley was 'a very dynamic person and influenced a number of young men.' According to Miss Smedley's biographers, she normally disliked Englishmen because of her involvement in the Indian nationalist movement and her continuing harassment in Shangjai by the Municipal Police, who were mainly British. So to have a welcome visitor to her house Hollis was somewhat special. He was special in another way too because, although the idea would have been ridiculed at the time, he was to become the chief of Britain's most secret and, at one time, most prestigious Security Service, MI5. He was also to become deeply suspect of being a long-serving Soviet agent who had been recruited in China.'
(Pincher, Too Secret Too Long)
Hollis, Waugh and the Hypocrites

There is a possible link to the Red Orchestra that has been overlooked, the term "proctor" found for decryption of messages. This word links Roger Hollis, who knew the Missouri girl Smedley, and Evelyn Waugh. It also links Coward, McCann and Geoghahan for publishing the Red Orchestra book.

Evelyn Waugh
Evelyn Waugh - Wikipedia
'....The Hypocrites....'

Balliol is the Joshua Reynolds link to the Clinton mafia:

'Roger Hollis was educated at Clifton College, Bristol, a public school with a good reputation, though not to be compared with Eton, to which his brother, Christopher had won his way. In 1924 Roger entered Worcester College, Oxford, a university with which his father and elder brothers had happy and fruitful associations. His father had been a distinguished member of Keble; his brother Michael had been a scholar of Trinity Ciollege; while Christopher enjoyed and distinguished himself at Balliol.College
His closest friend in later life, Sir Dick White,who was a brief contemporary at Oxford, said that Hollis had a reputation there of wasting his time on 'wine, women and golf,' a view reiterated by another contemporary, Sir Harold Acton. Sir Harold described him to me as 'rather hearty and young for his age. I think he became a member of our boisterously bohemian Hypocrites Club, which was eventually closed down by the proctors. He was a drinking friend of Evelyn Waugh....Sir Harold Acton also noted that Roger was 'overshadowed at Oxford by his brother, Christopher'. '
(Pincher, Too Secret Too Long)

Hollis's brother Christopher, we will compare with Bill Clinton and Vince Foster, they both being from the same town, Hope, Arkansas. Christopher's father became the Bishop of Madras, thus linking the Chinese Tree of Heaven, Ailanthus for suicide and abortion. The professional abortionist DNA linking to the Clinton mafia is the Swiss-German DNA that links Joshua Reynolds and the Rector line at Bedford Township, Michigan, also the Rector link to MI6 at Oliver Springs, mentioned previously (second trimester abortion, Advances in Planned Parenthood, 1980).
Paradoxically, as for the physician Abraham Enyart at Alanthus Grove, Missouri, there was an Ailanthus grove precisely at the location in Bedford Township, Michigan that links the Clinton mafia, et al.
One victim of the Ohio State shooting is apparently in stable condition at OSU Medical Center.

Irene Agatha Morehart formerly McCann, b. 2 Jan 1916 Columbus, Ohio; d. 6 Ap 1994 Mt. Carmel Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio
For the McCann publishing on Leopold Trepper, born in Nowy Targ, the Nowy Targ Cistercian link is found in the Trappists of Kentucky. More strict than even the Benedictines (Clinton-Rodham hazelnut liquer), the Cistercian movement took place the the abbey La Grande Trappe in Normandy in 1664, and thus the monks were called Trappists.

Cistercians were known for their technological innovation and for transforming wilderness and malaria-ridden marshy land into farmland.

There is indeed a bee-keeping link to the Clinton mafia as well as to the Drexel-Langsroth-Bouvier line. For those interested, we begin the trajectory with the Russian bee-keeper K.A. Gorbachev, shown in reference #23:

David Publishing

This same Gorbachev will be found among the archives of a now-extinct publishing location that was in Indianapolis, Indiana.
For readers tracking abortion links to the Clinton mafia, we point to A.S. Hubaker, "Dilation and Extraction for Late Second Trimester Abortion," Advances in Planned Parenthood (1981) 15: 119.

Mesa, Arizona for Willie Calvin McCann, links to Hubaker-McClanathan-Rector DNA at Mesa, Arizona and at Temperance, Michigan. Hubaker DNA is the Swiss link to Chapman Pincher's "Paul Ruegg," as well as to the Hubaker-Rector line in Michigan. Ruegg was an alias that the Noulens used. This Ruegg trajectory is in line with the "Lucy Ring" of Rote Kapelle in Switzerland linking to Alexander Rado..
Roger Hollis worked for the tobacco company in China. We think that the abortion tree grove both in Missouri and in Michigan is a noteworthy Hollis-Kefauver connection:

Catherine Kefauver b. 7 Mar 1822; d. 29 Mar 1904 at Alanthus, Missouri. She married William Henry Richardson 2 Nov 1842 in Roanoke, Virginia. Catherine (Kefauver) Richardson smoked a clay pipe; after eating dinner, she would retire to the window seat to enjoy her pipe. She was known for her ability as a weaver. Said to have done beautiful work on her loom.

We next investigate the "proctor" codeword for the Red Orchestra.

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