FBI Official: The Clintons are a crime family.

According to a report four hours go, the Somali is identified as Abdul Artan, 18 years old.
It is known that Oscar Wilde's Picture of Dorian Grey links to Clinton insiders, while Podesta's e-mails may contain code words. The word Proctor links to the Red Orchestra's radio espionage:

For six weeks the Mattaikirchplatz cryptanalysts tried every known mathematical combination in order to unearth Makarov's encoding plan. But all in vain; they succeeded in reconstructing only one word: "Proctor." The problem therefore was not to find Proctor. Meanwhile, however, the Germans had learnt that the Russian Secret Service habitually took their key sentences from works of fiction; Proctor was therefore most likely to appear in a novel or play. But in which?

Captain Carl von Wedel, one of FU III's senior evaluation officers and the head of the desk "Contents Evaluation," set out for Brussels. His object was to discover what books the Makarov circuit had used. Wedel interrogated Rita Arnould, the only inmate of Rue des Atrebates who was willing to talk. Rita could remember seeing a number of books on Sophie Posnanska's desk, but Piepe had omitted to take the apparently harmless novels with him; Wedel searched the house in vain.

Rita continued to cudgel her brains for the titles of the vital books. Von Wedel was able to find some of the books she mentioned in Brussels; he read them throuogh at once, but none contained the name Proctor. Wedel's last hope was a novel published in 1910, Le Miracle du Professeur Wolmar by the French author Guy de Teramond. Wedel went to Paris and hunted through one second-hand bookshop after another. The book had never been on sale; it had been a free issue to readers of the Paris illustrated, Le Monde illustre.

Von Wedel was in luck; on 17 May 1942 he found a copy -- and there the cryptanalysts found their Proctor.' From now on Vauck's people could decipher Makarov's messages, but it was slow work. They did indeed possess the master book, but every one of its 286 pages had to be searched each time to establish the pages which fitted the 120 messages (this was the number which counter-espionage captured with Makarov's radio set). Message by message, the true extent of Soviet espionage unfolded itself before Vauck's eyes; there was information about military establishments, armaments statistics, secret diplomat reports and strengths of divisions.'
(Hoene, Codeword: Direktor, Ch. 3 Alert on the Hot Line)
Somalis began immigrating to the U.S. in the 1920s (sailors), and the 1979 census showed an unusually high number in Minneapolis.
Machetes at OSU, but take a look at the machete chron that links the UK with Manhattan:

www. for 13 Ap 2013 "Violent Crimes Spiking in Wealthy Manhattan Neighborhoods"

May 2013
The machete link to OSU is the Lee Rigby murder by Adebolajo, who was a member of Al-Muhajiroun, which links to Guantanamo and safe houses, polygamy (Mormon-like competition) if one reads the texts:

Al-Muhajiroun - Wikipedia
'....frequently conducted marriage ceremonies for followers who were no9t registered with the British government....'

Al-Qaeda Safe House
al-Qaeda safe house - Wikipedia

'....130 Guantanamo prisoners....'

OSU smells like Obama-Clinton Isis linking to Bataclan at Low Gap, North Carolina.
We will bring up the post in this thread that links to the OSU machetes. Meanwhile, we have located bee-keeping publications linking Gorbachev (the bee-keeper) to Indianapolis, Indiana. What is really bizarre is to notice West Minnesota Street, Drexel Gardens, and the National Guard all located in the 'hood for the Somali Coffee Shop:

Somali House of Coffee
We will bring up the post in this thread that links to the OSU machetes. Meanwhile, we have located bee-keeping publications linking Gorbachev (the bee-keeper) to Indianapolis, Indiana. What is really bizarre is to notice West Minnesota Street, Drexel Gardens, and the National Guard all located in the 'hood for the Somali Coffee Shop:

Somali House of Coffee
The OSU Somali boy expresses his genuflection distress. Precious. They do it in Colorado, too:

The Fort Morgan link we are still hunting for. In meantime, we wonder if the OSU boys were influenced by the Cargill affair:

www. for Aug 2016 "Cargill: Tried to Resolve Issues Before Firing Colorado Muslims"
The Fort Morgan link is a McDougal link, and Cargill is the largest producer of poultry in Thailand. This meshes with Clinton Whitewater, Mena, and Clinton Foundation-Morocco phosphate and Moroccan islamo-terrorist Abaaoud for Bataclan. In other words, food control.

Argyle Patent
'....Agnes (Nancy) McDougall married David Reid, son of William Reid and Sarah Whorry. Harriet Reid married Donald Reid of Fort Morgan, Colorado.'
We will take note of the potential for proxy drug-running, the Chinese link to the Clinton mafia is more a heroin link than cocaine and meth, which latter two were introduced first into Bedford Township, Michigan. The Chinese links to Clinton mafia DNA are at Sacramento, California and Columbus, Ohio, noticing the two reports at www. Global Drug Interdictions for both Islamabad and for Saudi Arabia on the day before the OSU attack.
No, Clinton mafia Joshua Reynolds employee DNA is the same familial DNA linked to a Nike employee, be sure of it. Importantly, we will be linking the stadium where Jesse Owens performed, to a Soviet radio espionage cell that was located not far from the stadium. We have examined the Nike installation at Beaverton, Oregon, and its campus comes complete with designer's offices that look out over landscaping with small lakes, idyllic walkways, arched bridges, etc.

Yahoo News Black Friday Zombie Apocaylpse
Black Friday Shoppers Trashed This Nike Store Like a ‘Zombie Apocalypse’

Jesse Owens, Buckeye Bullet
Jesse Owens - Wikipedia

Jesse Owens's Sport Shoe Origins: The Hatred and Bitterness Behind Two of the World's Most Popular Brands
Currently, the distance from the Somali House of Coffee to the Gorbachev-Russian-American bee-keeping address in Indianapolis is not known. Here is the entry from the original Russian:

'No. 2498. Uchitel'iu Mikh. Driatinu -- adres Valter Paudera: severnaia Amerika, 859 Massachusetts Ave., Indianapolis, Ind..'
(Voprosy i otvety pchelovodnaia zhizn, No. 5 [1914])

The book would be Walter Pouder, The Busy Bees and How to Manage, 1900, Charles C. Miller Memorial Apicultural Library.

We will, of course, link this chron to the Drexel-Langsroth-Bouvier bee-keeping chron.
We add to the file,
Nike Sweatshops
Nike sweatshops - Wikipedia

In the Coward, McCann and Geoghahan publishers book, Codeword: Direktor, Hamilton Fish is mentioned:

Hamilton Fish III
Hamilton Fish III - Wikipedia

For Somali prayer protests at Cargill in Fort Morgan which is the McDougal link, Cargill's interests in Thai poultry we link the chron to Thai opium, recalling the close link to Bataclan between Low Gap, North Carolina and Mount Airy, where the siamese twins once lived::

'Royal Thai Opium Monopoly
Although opium was clearly a colonial vice,the independent Kingdom of Siam was an apt initiator. After legalizing opium in 1851, Siam (today Thailand), developed one of the most successful monopolies in Southeast Asia. The large Chinese population in Bangkok provided a ready market, and opium became a mainstay of royal finances. By 1905, the royal government was earning 20 percent of its taxes by selling 95 tons of opium through Bangkok's 900 opium dens. As opium became integrated in the country's economy, the government found it increasingly difficult to disengage from the traffic.'
(McCoy, The Politics of Heroin, Ch. 3 Opium for the Natives)
Post #291 shows the McCann link to Clay County, Missouri. This is a Mormon link:

Clay County, Missouri
Clay County, Missouri - Wikipedia

Before posting the Fish excerpt, the immigration link is for polygamy. That is why we first posted the opium link for 1905:
We will post the full questionnaires later:

'Personal Data Included on Ship's Manifests

Chart 1. Manifest Form adopted March 3, 1893 Secretary of Treasury. For the Commissioner of Immigration.
Column 17 Ever in prison of Almshouse, supported by charity, if yes state which.

Column 18Whether a polygamist

Chart 2 Manifest Form adopted March 3 1903 (Immigration Service Form 1500B, Secretary of Treasury

Column 17 Ever in prison or almshouse or institution for care and treatment of the Insane, or supported by charity?

Column 18 Whether a polygamist.'
(Balgamis and Karpat, Turkish Migration to the United States)

'In 1930 Hamilton Fish, the American congressman and chairman of a committee investigating communist activities, had managed to lay hands on 3,000 coded telegrams from the Soviet Trading Corporation "Amtorg" in New York. He handed them over to the U.S. Navy's code and signal section which, after vain efforts to decipher them, reported: "The cipher used by the Amtorg is the most complicated and possesses the greatest secrecy within their [the Navy cryptanalysts] knowledge." Fish then called in the War Department, but eventually he gave up: "Not one expert -- and they had them from six months to a year -- succeeded in decoding a single word of those cablegrams." '
(Hoehne, Codeword: Direktor: The Story of the Red Orchestra)
'On 14 July 1942, a fortnight before Piepe's coup in Brussels, Vauck had deciphered Moscow's old message of 10 Oct 1941 ordering Kent to visit three of the leaders of Rote Kapelle in Berlin. This message was even more explicit than that captured by Piepe; it gave all three addresses and the cover-names of the inmates: "19 Altenburger Allee, Neu-Westend, third floor right -- Choro; 28a Fredericiastrasse, Charlottenburg, second floor left -- Wolf; 18 Kaiserallee, Friedenau, fourth floor left -- Bauer." '
(Hoehne, op cit)
Note the Mormon War in Clay County, Missouri, 1836, the following year, physician Abraham Enyart establishes the post-office at Alanthus Grove in Gentry County which is the Catherine (Kefauver) Richardson link.
There are conflicting date for the Alanthus Grove post-office:

Alanthus Grove, Missouri
Alanthus Grove, Missouri - Wikipedia

From another source yet to be cited: Alanthus, Missouri, Abraham Enyart, physician, established a post office in 1837. The town was established in 1858.
23 Nov 2016 Brittanee Drexel's Mom Starts Foundation

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