FBI Official: The Clintons are a crime family.

The Alex Jones report we will be comparing with Soviet radio espionage is "UK Passes the Most Extreme Surveillance Law in the History of Western Democracy"
Sonia was the Rote Kapelle (Red Orchestra) agent in question in Pincher's excerpt. She links to Roger Hollis who in turn links to Hollis's brother for Joshua Reynolds DNA at Balliol College. Vince Foster's apparent tape-recording mentioned in Conason and Lyons, may have actually recorded the living voice of Joshua Reynolds DNA.

''Responsibility for detecting her illegal transmissions had passes to G.C.H.Q. and I have been assured that if they had been detected they would have been the subject of discussions by the Counter Clandestine Committee which had representatives from MI5 and MI6. A plan of action for the location of the transmitter would have been formulated, but since no action was taken it must be assumed either that her transmissions were never detected or that G.C.H.Q. was told to ignore them. It has been suggested that MI5 might have done that because Sonia had been turned and was serving as a double agent, but I can find no supporting evidence of that whatever and neither could MI5 officers who were later to investigate Hollis and his possible connection with Sonia. This, of course, does not rule out the possibility that G.C.H.Q. was told to ignore Sonia's transmissions for another, more sinister purpose.'
(Pincher C, Too Secret Too Long)
Alex Jones report states: "....a law that allowed the GCHQ to collect bulk data on its citizens....'

From the American side, we saw the Wikitree page for a surname removed, which previously meant that the "bulk" of a surname could be quickly scanned for marital, demographic, and timeline information.
The tape was apparently made by Nichols. The irony is that by calling the tape worthless, Conason and Lyons give it a value:

'Nobody who knew the painfully reserved Foster well ever gave any credence to his supposed liaison with Hillary. Certainly his widow, Lisa didn't believe it....Nichols had a theory of his own about Foster's death. He told Case he had heard it from Michael Isikoff of the Washington Post, who called to ask him whether it was true that two White House officials were trying to muzzle Nichols about a tape recording he had made in 1990 of Rosw Law Firm employees gossiping about Foster and Hillary. Even Nichols knew the tape wasd worthless.

"Whoever you talked to at the Rose Law Firm,"Case asked, "did they name Vince Foster and Hillary?""Yeah, the did,"Nichols said. "Named troopers that took them over there. But again, if [Larry] Patterson and those guys [in the Clinton's former security detail] don't talk, then it don't mean nothing....Isikoff, bless his heart, I was almost rude to him. I don't mean to be. But today, I just don't need that shit. What Isikoff was telling me was that he knows for a fact from a senior White House official that they're trying to cool me. Now who else are they calling and cooling off? And if so, why?

A few days later Nichols was feeling a bit more sanguine. He claimed to have pieced together the inside story from conversations with Isikoff and Jerry Seper, an investigative reporter for the Washington Times. According to Nichols, Fost4er had taken his life due to a mistaken belief that the Washington Times was about to pulbish a story about his alleged affair with Hillary Clinton. In truth, the Moonie newspaper had no such story in the works.''
(Conason and Lyons, op cit)
Fort Marcy Park links more strongly to the Washington Post than the Washington Times.
Michael Isikoff's Syosset High School links to Harriman's railroad about thirty miles from Brittanee Drexel's Chili High School, Rochester, New York. See post #119.

Brittanee Drexel's Mom: 20 Nov 2016, 93, 729 (17 Nov, 93,091)

Suspect: 20 Nov 2016, 41, 254 (17 Nov, 40, 682)

Kayla Berg's Mom: 20 Nov 2016, 36,196 (17 Nov, 36,196)

Hi Walter: 20 Nov 2016, 271,680 (17 Nov, 270,271)
An unusual CIA link is in this report:

Hillary's Secrets
The first thing we notice is that Paul Klebnikov and Parks find a common link: they were both shot nine times, and Klebnikov worked for Forbes. Klebnikov's book, Godfather of the Kremlin began to disappear within the last decade, and now it seems to be totally unavailable. We examined the original Russian version, and have some excerpts.
For the current legalization of child rape in Turkey, Gueln is at Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania.

Gulen Movement / AKP

Brittanee Drexel, supposedly raped, shot, and fed to alligators, links to Hillary Clinton's brothers via hazelnuts:

Hzelnut Caper
As in the Hazelnut Caper, These Folks Don't Listen
'....A Turkish newspaper published a photo of them stopping on their way,with the headline "Hillary's Interesting Brothers in Istanbul" and the mocking caption, "Hazelnut Tycoons."....The only people I feel sorry for are the poor hazelnut farmers in Georgia, who have a nice little business going and deserve a better partner. '

This will link to the Turkish community on Long Island, not far from Hempstead, and today's report on Yahoo about Feds and woodstoves:

'Over fifteen years later, in the 1960s, Yuva still had no paved roads, no indoor plumbing, and no electricity. Wood stoves heated the homes, and the sun determined the length of the workday. Hazelnuts and corn were bringing fewer profits at the market, but there was no form of economic relief for these farmers, who "....secretly deserted the village to find work in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, and Zongduldak."
Contemporary migrants feel compelled to leave Yuva by the economic hardships of hazelnut growing, but the fact that others from their villages already have migrated and prospered would pressure them to do so in any case.'
(Turkish Migration to the United States, op cit)
Rodham brothers were at Batumi. It may have been for more than hazelnuts and oil:

The page seems unable to be transcribed:

www. for "International Assistance for Anti-Plague Facilities in the Soviet Union to Prevent Proliferation of Biological Weapons"
'....and outfit an epidemiological module at Batumi....'

This links to the Fordham family, Fordham University, and Harriman railroad fortunes beginning at Hempstead, New York. We have already examined this book:

Pollitzer R, Plague and Plague Control in the Soviet Union, Fordham University, 1966.

Up the coast from Batumi is Sukhumi, which was a Russian primate research facility. Basayev, involved in the Moscow theater hostage crisis, was also supposedly involved in the theft of materials at Sukhum. Garga links in time to Basayev at the battle of Garga and the Rose Law Firm chron. Garga is north of Sukhumi.

Battle of Garga
For the introduction of potential pathogens, the Clinton family has at least two potential dangers:

1.) Anthrax-prone Clinton Foundation-Morocco phosphate (Berber anthrax strain differs from the Ames strain)

2.) Rodham-Batumi hazelnuts
The Great Hazelnut/Salmonella Caper
Post-Gagra, reprisals included beheadings, gouging out of the eyes, and burying alive ("Dali, take care of the kids!"). The Soviet-era research facility at Sukhumi was raided and materials stolen.
To link the chron for 25 Ap 2009 which is the Hillary Clinton-Brittanee Drexel link, the hard drive went missing:

23 Aug 2016 Foster's Humiliation
BOMBSHELL! Massive News About FBI Clinton MURDER Investigation
'....In 2009, an external hard drive from President Clinton's White House which contained private documents went missing....Hillary angrily disagreed with a legal objection Foster raised at the meeting....'
When following the hazelnut trajectory, we find that Frangelico hazelnut liquer changed hands in 2010. The founder was a cattle herder and one in the family links to the Juno-Chiron cycle (unwed mother, etc. for 25 Ap 2009):

William Grant
William Grant (businessman) - Wikipedia
'....herding family cattle....she fell pregnant to the stable boy....'
Princess Diana's car accident links to the father for Balnagown Estate, the reader cannot click on it at the wikipage:

Mohamed Al-Fayed
Mohamed Al-Fayed - Wikipedia
'....Balnagown estate....in 2008....Scota, sister of Egyptian Pharaoh Tutanhkamen....fled her family and landed in Scotland....25 Oct 2009....'

We will next link Ashley Hall Plantation, South Carolina to its statue of Diana and to Balnagown estate. We have already mentioned the statue of Joshua Reynolds outside the Victoria and Albert Museum, and inside the museum is the Egyptian fiaence that links to the Egyptian trade beads found in pit-caches in Wales.

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